Shavuos at the BESHT: Shavuos Night Lectures
As each year on the first night of Shavuos, lectures on a variety of topics will be held at the BESHT Center in Crown Heights.
As each year on the first night of Shavuos, lectures on a variety of topics will be held at the BESHT Center in Crown Heights.
Alternate Side Parking (street cleaning) regulations will be suspended Monday June 6, 2022 for Shavuot. Meters will remain in effect.
I heard the following story at a farbrengen on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, and I thought people would enjoy it and the message it projects.
Consumers reported losing over $1 billion to fraud involving cryptocurrencies from January 2021 through March 2022, according to a new analysis from the Federal Trade Commission.
In This weeks Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman explains the uniqueness of a human being over an angel, and the reason that the Torah was given to one over the other.
The Rebbe requested, as a Bakosha Nafshis, that Jewish children, the guarantors for Torah, gather together on the Shabbos before Mattan Torah. Join the childrens’ Achdus gatherings b’ezras Hashem this Shabbos, 5 Sivan.
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Rivka Shubov OBM, a long time Crown Heights resident who had great mesiras nefesh for yiddishkeit in Communist Russia. She passed away on Thursday night, the 4th of Sivan, 5782.
On the same day the alleged Buffalo shooter pleaded not guilty to gunning down ten people inside a supermarket last month, the New York assembly answered by passing sweeping new gun legislation.
On Wednesday evening, 24 Iyar, parents and bochurim from throughout New York gathered in the Oholei Torah Mechina Zal at 417 Troy Avenue to partake in the Shone Halachos Annual Competition and Prize Distribution Ceremony, a project of the Igud Menahalei Yeshivos, run by the principals of the Yeshivos with Rabbi Hershel Lustig at their head.
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present this weeks unique photo of the Rebbe.