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Picture of a Day

The Bonnie Deitsch Prayer Cart was spotted outside the Subway station located at the corner of Nostrand Ave and Eastern Parkway this afternoon, providing a perfect location to put on Tefillin or pick up a L’Chaim pamphlet.

Weekly Story: “Do Everything You Can To Bring Moshiach”

Thirty-one years ago, on the eve of chof-ches Nissan, when the Rebbe returned from the Ohel he said an epic sicha declaring that being that his actions did not succeed in bringing Moshiach, he is giving it over to each one of us to do whatever we can to bring Moshiach in a revealed manner. With this in mind I decided to post from my book A Day To Recall, A Day To Remember, a synopsis of the sicha of Chof Ches Nissan, 5751.