BESHT: Yud Shvat
This Shabbos At The BESHT: Rabbi Michoel Seligson will be speaking about the day of Yud Shvat.
This Shabbos At The BESHT: Rabbi Michoel Seligson will be speaking about the day of Yud Shvat.
Anash of Paris came together this week for a Yud Shvat Farbrengen at the Beth Chabad of Flandre with Rav Elchanan Marasow and Rav Azimov.
Being that this Shabbos, the 13th of Shevat is the 80th yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Shterna Sara, I am posting about her life and petira.
If a friend asks for a favor, you do it, no questions asked. Right? Time to rethink that policy. In this new con, a scammer poses as a friend asking for a simple favor. The email is so convincing that BBB staff almost fell for it.
In this weeks var Torah, Rabbi Katzman delves into the difference between the generations of two Chabad Rebbe’s, and how each were just what the people needed at the time.
A lottery ticket from the January 13th drawing of the Take 5 raffle worth $40,723.50 was purchased at Lucky Stop & Shop, located at 549 New York Ave in Crown Heights.
As Young Shluchim around the world eagerly countdown the days until the Boys Session of the Tzeirei Hashluchim Winter Camp in Lake Worth, Florida, the Shluchim Office announces the head staff leading this year’s incredible program.
In honor of Parshas Beshalach, an amazing Maamar from Rebbe Shlomo Zalman Of Kapust has been published on the inyan of Kriyas Yam Suf.
At the 18th international Kinus Hatmimim on Wednesday night, Vaad Hatmimim announced a new global initiative in all Yeshivos in preparation for Yud Alef Nissan – 120 Years.
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Zushe Posner OBM, a Shliach and renowned Mashpia who lived in Eretz Yisroel. He passed away on Friday, the 12th of Shvat, 5782.
The frigid temperatures that have set New Yorkers teeth chattering is going to continue into the week end, with temps set to single digits with sub zero wind chill.