Video of the Day

Seeing a Triathalon athlete run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours is incredible, but watching a tie-wearing, tzizis flying, masked Chabad Rabbi joining him is simply mind-boggling. Rabbi Avraham Friedman and Thomas Dobbs are running the second set of 4 miles for the Goggins Challenge which will help sponsor Chabad of Coral Spring’s food drive.

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Weekly Story: Yud Aleph Nissan

As this Wednesday is 120 years since the Rebbe ‘s neshoma descended into this world, Jews will commemorate and celebrate the day, with the intent of bringing the Rebbe’s fervent desire to fruition: to elevate the world and bring about the ultimate redemption with Moshiach tzidkeinu. With that in mind, I chose not to write a miracle story; as the recognition of the Rebbe’s greatness is not the objective, and no one needs any convincing. Instead I chose to mention some stories, as I heard from mashpiim farbreng, to bring to our attention the deep love and concern the Rebbe has for each Tomim and member of his community, and for every Jew.

Your Wife Bought a New Dress – Did You Notice?

In his weekly letter, Rabbi Zalmen Wishedski discusses the four sons, and how we may without noticing it, we may actually be the son that is eino yode’a lish’ol, and are simply not realizing the that we have to ask a question.