IAEA: Iran in Violation of All Restrictions of Nuclear Deal
Iran has continued to increase its stockpiles of enriched uranium and remains in violation of its deal with world powers, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Friday.
Iran has continued to increase its stockpiles of enriched uranium and remains in violation of its deal with world powers, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Friday.
As noted in last week’s story, I will note some practical points of enabling our students and children, that they accept the Torah not only b’simcha, but also b’pnimiyous, it should become their drive.
As the volunteers of Crown Heights Hatzalah prepared for Shavuos, they received a very special thank you gift package in appreciation of their work on behalf of the community.
The Vaad Hatmimim and JEM are proud to announce the names of Bochurim that passed week 2 of Hanachos program. The Maniach for this week has chosen the top two Hanachos written by Shiur Berel Silberberg of Mesivta Lubavitch Chicago in Yiddish and Yechiel Zirkind of Mesivta Lubavitch Coral Springs written in English.
When Bnos Chomesh Academy, Chabad Girls Academy, the Gan Academy, and Ocean Parkway ULY, were approached with the possibility of getting together for a joint fundraising campaign (beginning this Monday), they weren’t totally sold on the idea. Read how it came together.
After an extended closure of the main Chabad Shul in Paris, the Beth Chaya Mushka building re-opened under tight guidelines from the government. Social distancing, masks and paths for entry and exit can be seen in an effort to follow the prescribed guidelines, while allowing the shul to see use again.
You will recognize the painting immediately from your childhood. It may be larger than you remember, but the street art on the corner of Albany Ave and Eastern Parkway will remind you of the blue cover books and unique drawings from the Machaniyim series.
The Gedaliah Society has published an updaet for the crown Heights Jewish community. They advise of no new cases, and encourage everyone, including the elderly, to leave their home to take care of their physical and mental needs.
On the final night of the yemei hamiluim, California head shliach Rabbi Shlomo Cunin led an inspirational farbrengen on zoom for the bochurim of Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh Mesivta.
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present a weekly photo of the Rebbe as he says Al Hagafen after distributing Kos Shel Brachah.