Crown Heights Yeshivos Join For Online School
The schools of Crown Heights have joined together to provide online schooling for all the children of the community. The online classes will roll out at CHYeshiva.com, allowing everyone to join.
The schools of Crown Heights have joined together to provide online schooling for all the children of the community. The online classes will roll out at CHYeshiva.com, allowing everyone to join.
A federal judge in Washington, DC, issued an injunction on Friday blocking a Trump administration rule change that would have forced some 700,000 Americans off of food stamps.
In light of the crisis we find ourselves in due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), many schools are faced with closure for an unknown period of time. The Nigri International Online School, a project of the Shluchim Office, has stepped in with an interactive online platform for schools to use in the interim.
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, author and Chasidic historian shares interesting facts, many revealed for the first time. The purpose of his program is to inspire all but especially the youth. Watch another installment here on CrownHeights.info.
France is imposing a shutdown of all restaurants, cafes, theaters and nonessential shops, and encouraging its citizens to stay home as much as possible, in an attempt to stop the rapid spread of the new coronavirus.
Nestled between a barbershop and taxi storefront, a Jewish owned dry cleaners comes back to life. PLG Cleaners located on New York Ave near Midwood Street, was recently purchased by Betzalel Scheinfeld, A Crown Heightser with a vision and a plan.
President Donald Trump has tested negative for the new coronavirus, according to the president’s personal physician.
Due to the current situation with many Yeshivos and schools having to close their doors and teaching being done remotely, Gemara Academy is working to offer it’s platform and content free of charge.