Orthodox Man Attacked And Beaten In Manhattan Hate Crime
A 28-year-old man spewed anti-Semitic hate as he allegedly attacked an Orthodox Jewish man on the Upper East Side. The victim was taken to the hospital, and the attacker arrested.
A 28-year-old man spewed anti-Semitic hate as he allegedly attacked an Orthodox Jewish man on the Upper East Side. The victim was taken to the hospital, and the attacker arrested.
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Just in time for the second anniversary of Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s release from ‘a place called prison’, a new children’s comic book detailing the entire episode, has been released.
Watch Live at 7:15pm: The 40th Annual South Florida Chassidic Chanukah features a full concert with the highly popular Jewish superstar Mordechai Shapiro. The night’s highlight is the lighting of Florida’s largest Menorah led by Cantor Yossy Lebovics and joined by community leaders and dignitaries.
The Pre-Chanukah candle lighting in the Ukrainian Parliament took place with the participation of over 200 people, including over 80 Parliament members. Notable attendies included senior government officials, consulates, Israeli ambassador to Kiev ,Israeli businessman and the head Jewish community.
“Why is there no menorah in Chadwick Lake Park next to the tree?” The question from a five year old that lit up an entire town.
Nosson Schusterman is a loved bus driver in Crown Heights, and an adored father. He is also a Crown Heights Shomrim volunteer. Watch as he speaks about what makes Crown Heights Shomrim special.
In the freilichen spirit of Chanukah, each Beis Rivkah teacher received a special gift of Chanukah gelt. The school also dispensed gelt to each student, with each student receiving $1.
On a blustery first night of Chanukah in 1975, more than 1,000 Jews crowded into San Francisco’s Union Square to witness the first giant public menorah-lighting in modern history. Here is the story and history.
The eight day Jewish festival of Chanukah commenced in Canberra with festive community events – the highlights being the 6th annual ceremony in Canberra Parliament’s Reception Room as well as a community fair including the lighting of the National Menorah at Chabad ACT’s HQ. This year’s theme was “Bringing World Peace”.
Courtesy of the Agudas Chabad Library and librarian Rabbi Berel Levin, we bring you these two vintage audio clips, In Yiddish totaling over one-and-a-half hours of a farbrengen in the Chabad shul in Meah Shearim on Yud-Tes Kislev, 5715/1954.
The tragic events in Jersey City more than a week ago were heavy on the minds and hearts as a crowd gathered to witness the lighting of the largest menorah in New Jersey on the first day of the Hanukkah Festival of Lights celebration at State Park on Perrineville Road, corner of Prospect Plains Road, in Monroe.
Mushkie Roness writes a heartful and emotional piece on her memories of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Roness OBM a true eishes chayil.
Unable to learn Torah last night, the bochurim and Anash in 770 turned to other mind sharpening skills than Gemorah. A chess tournament, the annual Nittel Nacht pastime, became the nights center of attention.
Shocking video has emerged of a bus driving over a child as he attempts to catch the bus Wednesday morning. The child was reportedly not injured in the incident.
Just when they thought it couldn’t get any bigger, Chabad of Georgetown in Brooklyn, experienced their largest children’s Chanukah party yet. Hundreds of children poured into Aviator event and sports center; the venue of the party organized by Shliach Rabbi Avrohom Holtzberg.
A 50-year-old man was critically wounded in a stabbing in Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon. Police are currently investigating the circumstances behind the stabbing, but it is believed to be criminal in nature.