Weekly JLI Video: The Inadequate Candidate
JLI presents its unique one-minute video featuring a powerful and relevant message. This week’s video is titled: The Inadequate Candidate.
JLI presents its unique one-minute video featuring a powerful and relevant message. This week’s video is titled: The Inadequate Candidate.
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The Hyams family is sitting Shiva after the passing of their dear father R’ Gershon Fishel ben Mordechai Gedalya Hyams OBM until Friday morning. The family will be sitting shiva in London and in Crown Heights. In London Shiva will […]
On Wednesday April 18th, a spectacular parenting event for women will be taking place right here in Crown Heights. This is a not-to-be missed even featuring two world renowned presenters.
During the Shloshim of Menachem Mendel Bruchstat OBM, friends and classmates came up with the idea of purchasing and dedicating a Mitzvah Tank in his memory. On Yud Alef Nissan, the day of The Rebbe’s birthday, it came to fruition.
A thief was captures on surveillance video making off with a large package, valued at over $200, from a home on President Street in Crown Heights.