Five Shabbatons Invigorate Young Shluchim
In the past three months, over 120 young Shluchim participated in five different regional Shabbatons across the country that ware organized by My Shliach.
In the past three months, over 120 young Shluchim participated in five different regional Shabbatons across the country that ware organized by My Shliach.
This weekly fast moving — yet inspiring — 1-minute video on the weekly Parsha is created by Yitzchok Schmuckler, a Bochur from Montreal. This week’s video for Parshas Bo is titled: Is it worth the gold?
It sounds like the start of a good joke, but it isn’t. It’s the one line that best describes my insightful realization on a recent family trip to Europe and Africa.
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Reb Mendel Morosow OBM, an elder member of Anash and resident of Crown Heights. He was 101 years old. Levaya Times Addded.
Under a steady snowfall, hundreds gathered in front of 770 – the Lubavitch word headquarters – to take part in the Levaya of young Shlucha Chana Kesselman OBM, who passed away yesterday at the age of seven years old.
Muslims have been taking care of Kolkata’s historic Beth El Synagogue for much of its 161 years. It’s a story of co-existence and co-operation that locals say captures India’s spirit, especially at a time when religious tensions grip many parts of the globe.
Passing a school bus while its dropping off passengers is both dangerous and illegal, since it puts the lives of children at great risk. Yesterday evening in Boro Park a motorist was confronted after he did just that.
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rivkah Neubort OBM, director of the Crown Heights Womens Chevra Kadisha. She was 74 years old.