Video: What Is Real Unity?
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz, director of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, delivers his insights on this week’s Parsha – Naso. This week Rabbi Minkowicz answers the question: what is real unity?
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz, director of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, delivers his insights on this week’s Parsha – Naso. This week Rabbi Minkowicz answers the question: what is real unity?
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Following the recent beautification and upgrades to the doors and trim of upstairs 770, new tables and benches arrived by shipping container from Israel and have replaced the 40 year old tables in the ‘small zal’.
300 parents and guests filled the Bal Harbour Shul ballroom for the CHAP (Chabad in Florida’s Afterschool Program for Jewish children in Public School) Annual end-of year Dinner. CHAP is a project of Chabad of Highland Lakes, FL, under the leadership of Rabbi Moishe and Mrs. Layah Kievman.
A CrownHeights.info reader observed a nasty anti-Semitic slur in the form of a publicly visible wi-fi hotspot while searching for an internet connection in the heart of Jewish Crown Heights.
The annual gathering of Shluchim to the western region of the United States took place on Shabbos Mevorchim Sivan, Parshas Bechukosai, on the stunning seven-acre campus of Chabad of Arkansas.
At the beginning of his seventh decade of life, singer and composer Aharon Sitbon is releasing his first album as a Shomer Torah and Mitzvos.
Top Jewish music stars, including Benny Friedman and Lipa Schmeltzer, who will perform at the upcoming ‘Kulturefest’ in Manhattan’s Central Park, were featured on the PIX 11 TV channel, where they gave a preview of their upcoming performance.
Yossi Morad was skydiving in Florida earlier this month and tried to avoid a swamp full of alligators. He ended up surrounded by a room full of rabbis.
One of the best kept secrets for the perfect Memorial Day getaway adventure was unveiled at the Memorial Day weekend Carnival on the Long Beach, NY, boardwalk. Rabbi Eli and Beila Goodman, directors of Chabad of the Beaches, produced the Summer Carnival, a gala entertainment and educational event with fun and free admission for the entire family.
The 8th grade of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva-Crown St. recorded the classic camp song “A Russian Boy’s Hopeless Plight,” about a boy stuck in Communist Russia, who, when given the opportunity to send a letter to the Rebbe, instead of asking for rescue from his harsh life, asks for his Davening to come more naturally.
Renowned author and lecturer Rabbi Manis Friedman explains why the big bang theory makes no sense.