In Mariupol, Ukraine: Faces on the Frontlines

The southeastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol has been on edge for more than a year now, with the thud of Grad rockets falling in the distance a part of daily life.

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70 Years Later: Jewish Life Thrives in Germany

Rabbi Yitzchak Mendel Wagner, Shliach to Krefeld, Germany, has learned for over a decade on the phone and through Skype with Rabbi Hershel Finmann, Shliach in Detroit, Michigan. A few months ago, Rabbi Finmann, who moderates his own radio talk show, The Jewish Hour, came up with the idea to host a lecture on the topic “Jews in Germany 70 Years after the Shoah.”

At Brunch, PTA Discusses Expansion of Efforts

To further the show of support that the PTA received at the recent Annual Oholei Torah Dinner, a PTA brunch was organized in the main ballroom of Oholei Torah this past Sunday afternoon, June 7th, 20 Sivan.  Many mothers joined the event, in an effort to become more involved, contribute ideas, and consider how they too can be a part of this vibrant organization.

Students Collect $1,500 in Pennies for Nepal

Have you ever heard of a war where everyone wins?  Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy (LYA) at 1148 Converse Street in Longmeadow, MA was recently involved in a battle between the grades to benefit all.  This event is called Penny Wars.  LYA students, toddlers through eighth grade, raised almost $1500.00 in pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters in seven days.  Proceeds were donated to Chabad of Nepal to benefit the earthquake victims.