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Cold Press Juicer, 5.4″ Extra Large Feed Chute

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Letter & Spirit: Why Learn Chassidus?

In this week’s edition of Letter and Spirit, we present a letter of the Rebbe in which he responds to the question – Why Learn Chassidus? The letter was written through the Rebbe’s trusted secretary Rabbi Nissan Mindel, and was made available by his son-in-law Rabbi Sholom Ber Shapiro.

Sefira Music Video: Chabatzkapella!

Beri Weber, a rising star in the world of Jewish music, has just released this instrument-free hit single for the final days of Sefira, titled: Chabatzkapella! The song is a modern twist on the Niggun Talmidei HaTzemach Tzedek, popularly known today as the “Chabadsker Niggun,” with an accompanying video of Beri “behaving like a Lubavitcher.”