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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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The Sun Never Sets on Chabad’s Empire

Thirty-three miles into the Arctic Circle, in the village of Kotzebue, Alaska, where more than 70 percent of the people are Eskimo, the local elementary school had guests one day: two Chabad shluchim (emissaries) from Anchorage, some 550 miles away.

by Jonathan Mark - Jewish Week

Mayanot Birthright to Host Staff Seminar

Next week, just after the Kinus Hashluchim, Taglit-Birthright Israel: Mayanot, a division of Jerusalem’s Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies, will be hosting its first ever Staff Engagement Seminar. The seminar, due to incorporate an array of speakers and topics, will take place at Empire Shtiebel on Monday, November 4th.

Photographer Captures Brief Gesture of Kindness

Samantha Katz, a blogger who used to live in Crown Heights, writes about a fleeting moment of kindness she witnessed between a Hasidc Jewish beggar and an African-American man while visiting her old neighborhood late last Friday afternoon. The moment was so subtle you could have missed it, but the blogger captured a photo of the kind gesture – and tells the story that goes along with it.