Video: “But Where Is God?”
Elliot Lasky had just returned from a concert tour with the Rolling Stones when some questions about his faith led him to the front steps of 770. His encounter with the Rebbe would change his life forever.
Elliot Lasky had just returned from a concert tour with the Rolling Stones when some questions about his faith led him to the front steps of 770. His encounter with the Rebbe would change his life forever.
Lubavitch Day Camp of Monsey, NY wrapped up another amazing summer of learning and fun.
A Crown Heights sofer is using technology to demystify the often complex world of mezuzas and their applicable halachos with a newly released free smartphone app that offers detailed instructions on where mezuzas are required, how to install them properly and can identify potential problems in the letters of a mezuza.
Israeli border police arrested a 45-year-old kosher supervisor at Ben-Gurion airport earlier this week, on suspicion of child abuse offenses committed in the south of the country. The suspect, whose name is under gag order, fled Israel in 2001 and has lived in Crown Heights ever since.
A devoted Chosid blows Shofar for the shopkeepers and patrons of a Kingston Ave. establishment. Can you identify which store it is?
Have you ever met a person, whose life is a shambles, musing over how it all got that way? “Where have I gone wrong,” is a mantra familiar to every psychiatrist, psychologist, clergyman or plain good friend, who is kind enough to lend an ear.
After successes JEM had in other cities (such as LA, Miami and Montreal), G-d willing, this Tuesday, August 20, the My Encounter with the Rebbe project will be hosting an ‘open-mic day’ in Crown Heights; a studio will be set up where people can come in throughout the day to share, in short form, their priceless memories with the Rebbe.
CrownHeights.info and Lubavitch Archives present a photo of the Rebbe at a farbrengen in the mid 1980s.