Photo Gallery: Educators’ Conclave Concludes

Nearly two hundred Chabad women educators form across the US and Canada last evening concluded their annual Chinuch – Education conference organized by the Merkos Chinuch office. A similar men’s conference took three weeks earlier. The annual events are meant to refocus and re-energize Chabad educators for the next school year.

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Seething Hatred and Vitriol against Shomrim by NY Post Columnist

Michael Lesher, a Jewish attorney from Passaic New Jersey, took to the pages of the New York Post to publish a column of unabashed hate and seething venom against Brooklyn’s Shomrim patrols. In his column he refers many times to Shomrim as “unskilled and ill-equipped” and “vigilantes”, asking if ‘anyone’ thinks the Shomrim’s “do the city a better service?”

Jewish Spirituality Alive and Well on Jersey Shore

Jewish opportunities, such as donning the prayer boxes known as tefillin, abound at Atlantic City’s annual summer festival hosted by Chabad-Lubavitch at the Shore.

For tourists and residents alike, Chabad-Lubavitch at the Shore provides a much-needed spiritual respite from the sand and sun in and around Atlantic City. For the past 25 years, the Rapoport family has served beach-goers with traditional Sabbath and holiday programming, as well as services specific to the South Jersey vacation hotspot.

The Man Behind the Anti-Shariah Movement

New York Times

David Yerushalmi Esq. of Crown Heights, Brooklyn.

Tennessee’s latest woes include high unemployment, continuing foreclosures and a battle over collective-bargaining rights for teachers. But when a Republican representative took the Statehouse floor during a recent hearing, he warned of a new threat to his constituents’ way of life: Islamic law.

In Landmark Deal, Chabad Men to Enlist in IDF

Israel Hayom

Leaders of the Chabad-Lubavitch ultra-Orthodox movement have brokered an agreement with the Israel Defense Forces to draft male members for full military service. The agreement is to be signed soon, both sides report. The move marks the first time an entire Orthodox Hasidic movement will commit itself to sending its members to the Israeli military.

Pakistan’s Lawyer Urges Judge to Drop Mumbai Lawsuit

NY Post

Shimon Rosenberg – father of Rivka Holzberg a”h at the Nariman House in Mumbai, India.

The New York lawsuit against Pakistan’s powerful intelligence agency could have “disastrous” consequences and fuel instability in a nation vital to America’s fight against al-Qaeda terrorists, an attorney argues.