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New Research Reveals Health Benefits of Coffee

Men who drink a lot of coffee might feel a bit jittery or high-strung, but those side effects may come with a hidden benefit: prostate health. According to a new study, drinking six or more cups of coffee per day can lower a man’s risk of fatal prostate cancer by up to 60%.

The Blessing Within – Quantifying Our True Worth

by Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov, Jax, Fl.

Rabbi DovBer of Lubavitch, would listen to the weekly Torah reading read by his father, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. One year, his father was out of town for a Shabbos when the Admonition was read. After hearing the Admonition read by the substitute reader, the child was so emotionally upset that even a month later he had not fully recovered. The child was later asked, “Why were you not disturbed this way when the Admonition was read in past years?” The child replied, “When father reads, no curses are heard.”

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The Veitzner Rav, R’ Tzvi Hersh Meisels, was a skilled Shofar blower, who somehow managed to smuggle a Shofar into Auschwitz with him.

Video: Parade Preparations Reach Fever Pitch!

From Oholei Torah’s marching band, to Lubavitcher Yeshiva’s float, From NCFJE’s headquarters to 770, hundreds of volunteers have been putting in thousands of hours in preparation for the upcoming Lag BaOmer Parade this Sunday.