Prepare for Pesach in Levana’s Kitchen
Ever wish you knew how to make that non-Pesach tasting food? Feel like you are running out of dishes to make with onions and potatoes? Have no fear, Levana is here!
Ever wish you knew how to make that non-Pesach tasting food? Feel like you are running out of dishes to make with onions and potatoes? Have no fear, Levana is here!
Kicking off Chabad of Great Neck’s ‘smile on seniors’ youth initiative, this past Friday a group of kids and young adults came to distribute matzah and Passover spirit with the young at heart citizens at the Atria home for seniors. The group sang Passover songs, accompanied by an ensemble of piano, violin and harmonica. Later the kids distributed matzah to their hosts.
Home prices are popping in Brooklyn, with average prices up 7 percent over the last year, new market data show. The average home price in the borough jumped to $569,799 in the first three months of 2011, up from $532,061 during the same period of 2010.
Albany, NY – Just as the weather’s finally warming up, the state has received more money from the federal government to help low-income residents pay their heat bills.
On 14 and 15 Nisan, 11 women will tell the story of the Exodus from Egypt in great detail.
Oholei Torah Students worked hard to prepare hundreds of boxes of Shmurah Matzoh for this year’s Mitzvah Tank Parade.
Remember the old joke about the world’s shortest haggadah? The text reads in its entirety: “They tried to kill us. We survived. Let’s eat.”
Robin Garbose, the Jewish director who earned headlines for her female-only screenings, is at it again, scheduling showings of her latest film in 11 American cities over the upcoming Passover holiday.
In the Hasidic enclave of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, there are many things that women can’t or just don’t do: Be counted as one of the 10 people needed to make up a minyan, or prayer quorum. Walk around in pants. But vote?
Here are some important safety tips to ensure you have a happy Pesach!
“We become aware of the void as we fill it” (Antonio Porchia).
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –A skillful fiddler caused a large crowd of pedestrians to clap their hands and lift their feet as he played lively tunes in the center of the town’s square. Unable to hear the music, a deaf passerby stopped to observe the strange spectacle. As he watched the people bounce and swirl, he wondered to himself: “What has gotten into these people, why in the world do they act this strange?”
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Photographer Shmuli Tuvel, who drove a Mitzvah Tank in this year’s parade, didn’t leave his camera at home; his unique set of pictures show the inside looking out!
Melbourne, Australia [CHI] — Thursday night, the 109th birthday of the Rebbe, saw a beautiful Farbrengen take place in Ohel Chana Seminary in Melbourne, which is unique in that the seminary remains open for the entire month of Nissan.
In honor of the Rebbe’s birthday – Yud Alef Nissan,two Lubavitcher Bochurim, Moshe Gruenberg and Sruly Clapman, who were sent to Kasher the Westin resort on the island of Aruba, went touring the island in order to hunt for Jews.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, was born Friday, April 18, 1902 (11 Nissan 5662) in the Ukrainian town of Nikolayev. In honor of this special day the Avner Institute would like to present a highly influential encounter from April 1981 with Aharon Levy, who worked in the Consulate General of Israel in New York City.