Announcing New Shluchim to Connecticut! and the Shluchim Office would like to join with all other shluchim in wishing a hearty Mazal Tov to Rabbi Enan, Gitty Francis and their two children, who have BH newly joined the ranks of the Rebbe’s Shluchim. Brought down by Rabbi Shea Hecht, they will be taking on the position of Principal at the Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy of Orange CT

A special thank you to Rabbi Shea Hecht and Ari Caroline.

The new Shluchim can be reached at

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No Sale! – Parshas Behar-Bechukosai

By Rabbi Yossi Gordon, Director of Chabad on Campus

Sholom Aleichem. Imagine a priceless thing that no one wants. If it’s priceless, why doesn’t everyone want it? If no one wants it, why is it priceless? Please read on:

When the Previous Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn (1880-1950), left Soviet Russia after miraculously being freed from a death sentence, he was asked for his reaction to his recent experiences. He answered:

“If you wanted to give me a million dollars to go through it again, I would refuse. But if you wanted to give me a million dollars to erase one moment of the suffering I just went through, I would refuse that too.”

One seldom encounters a person who stands up for what is right even when life itself hangs in the balance. People who are harassed by powerful governments and hold steadfast to truth and their belief in G-d’s mercy are indeed heroic. You might think that I am describing a case that happened under some villainous totalitarian regime. Sadly, I am referring to events that occur in these hallowed (Yes, I really mean hallowed, as in sacred) United States of America.

Learn CPR and First Aid

We are offering the community a crash course on CPR and First Aid that will teach quick-action, life-saving skills and techniques. The course will cover the proper steps for administering emergency CPR, what to do for choking victims of all ages and the basics of first aid for many common emergencies. The program will also provide a question-and-answer session. The goal is to equip as many people as possible with the knowledge and skills to do what must be done when every second counts.


Op-Ed: Children of Believers

by Getzy Markowitz – Jewish Thought in Simple Words

Spending Lag Beomer day with my nephew this week sent me down memory lane to the days when thousands of children marched down the famous Lag Beomer parade route at Lubavitch World Headquarters.

I cannot purport to remember the Rebbe’s address to the legions of men, women, and children, who came from across the metropolitan area to join in the show of Jewish unity. I wont profess to recall every detail of the events that took place only a couple of times in my youth, as the parades were only held when Lag Beomer was on a Sunday. However, I can look back on one time that I actually marched with my kindergarten class by the grand podium from which the Rebbe viewed the procession.