A Police Officer with Nothing Better to do at 2:50am?

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Take a look at the license plate in the picture above, do you see anything wrong with it? Police Officer Vargas did. The officer was posted on Kingston Avenue and Carroll Street during the midnight shift when he issued a ticket to a parked car for an “improperly displayed license plate” at 2:50am.

Crown Heights has lately seen a massive influx of police officers in the neighborhood who are seen ‘walking the beat’ and keeping us safe. One of the side effects of this is the increased ticketing of vehicles, something which we have come to accept as a price for our protection.

More in the Extended Article.

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Rabbis visit Guam’s Jewish community

Pacific Daily News

Visiting rabbis: Rabbi Shmulie Hecht, left, and Rabbi Dave Loksen at the Pacific Islands Club Resort garden on July 31. (Vuong Duong/For Pacific Daily News)

The Guam Jewish community is receiving a visit from two rabbis.

Rabbi David Loksen and Rabbi Shmulie Hecht, of the Brooklyn, New York-based Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Community Enrichment Program, are currently volunteers with Chabad Hawaii, which sponsored their visit to the island.

Info to be Menachem Avel Mrs. Chana Leah Duato

Mrs. Chana Leah Duato will be sitting Shiva for the passing of her dear mother, Leiba bas Avraham Asher haCohain, until Sunday morning at 9 am.

She is sitting at 888 Montgomery Street, Apt. A9 between the hours of 10:00am and 2:00pm then 5:00pm to 9:00pm.

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

Political Yarmulkes

Yesterday we ran an article from the Daily News featuring a Lubavitcher Chef, today the news ran another blurb featuring another Lubavitchers company called Vanity Kippah, owned by Shmuly Tennenhause, on one of its political blogs.

We don’t usually link to sites trying to sell things, but this one finds that among those willing to shell out $16 for a yarmulke, John McCain is leading Barack Obama.

Chabad Mourns the Passing of Bruce Adler OBM

“All of us at Chabad are saddened by the passing of Bruce Adler last week,” said Rabbi Anchelle Perl.

“Even as he is being remembered as the scion of the Yiddish theatre family who went on to have much success on the Broadway stage, he will always have a special place in our hearts,” added Rabbi Perl “for his extraordinary efforts to help further Jewish education and Yiddishkeit with his annual appearances on the Chabad Telethon’s both in New York and California.”

More in the Extended Article.

Photo Gallery: Good Morning Machane Mamosh!

9:00am; lineup at Machane Mamosh, head counselor Shmuly Turk starts the day off with the twelve pesukim, some exercise and a game of ‘shmuly says’. Following that is breakfast with a D’var Torah from Rabbi Katzen and brocho acharona, then on to Davening and an exciting and fun filled day for the campers!

More pictures and a video in the Extended Article!