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3 Tammuz Special: Former Chief Rabbi: The Rebbe Was the Teacher and Leader for All Jews

By Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu/

The Rebbe greets Rabbi Eliyahu when he arrives at what was to be their last meeting, in 1992 (Photo: Chaim Baruch Halberstam/Jewish Educational Media)

In honor of Gimmel Tammuz updated site with fascinating new accounts and correspondence of the Rebbe with Presidents of the United States, Physicians, Rabbis, Philanthropists and Jewish Leaders. Click here to read the fascinating accounts and correspondence.

When you sat in the Rebbe’s presence, it was as if there was no one and nothing else in this world. He had a humble abode, a simple chair, a simple office. The entire day and night he studied Torah and was active in communal service, I do not know when he ate and slept…

The Weekly Sedra – Chukas – Mortal Minds Don’t Always Think Alike. . .

Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

One evening during World War II, Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman, Kenneth McKellar of Tennessee, found himself fretting over the administration’s request of some $2 billion towards unspecified scientific research.

He proceeded to call the Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson, demanding answers: “Do you really expect me to sanction this enormous appropriation without any idea as to where it is going?”

After a long pause Stimson hesitantly asked, “Can you keep a secret?” McKellar assured him that he could, Stimson then whispered, “We are about to split the atom.”

McKellar erupted. “Are you crazy? This is a war; we have men out there; we need guns, planes, ammunition! And you There guys are fiddling around with atoms! Only months later did McKellar, along with the rest of the world, discover the true nature of this elusive program.

Campers Learn Jewish Tradition

Michael Miller – PJ Star

Bridegroom Joshua Eckhart, 10, of Washington parties hard after his mock wedding to bride Samantha Savage, 9, of Peoria during a Jewish day camp Thursday at Peoria Academy. Campers learned what traditions are involved in Jewish wedding and reception.

PEORIA, IL — The groom was 10, the bride was 9 and the rabbi wore shorts.

A few dozen young people took part Thursday in a mock Jewish wedding at Camp Gan Izzy, a Jewish day camp run by Lubavitch Chabad of Peoria at Peoria Academy.

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Chukas

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion Hashem (G-d) sets down the statute of the Red Heifer (the Parah Adumah). The Red Heifer is a young cow that is sacrificed and whose ashes are used for the ritual purification of people who came into contact with a corpse.

2. The Rebbe now discusses the different types of Mitzvos (commandments):

There are three different types of Mitzvos (with regards to how we understand them):

The first type are Chukim/Statutes.

Photo Gallery: The Quiet Before the ‘Storm’

LAURELTON, Queens [CHI] — The thousands of guests that have arrived in Crown Heights for Gimmel Tamuz are taking advantage of the “quiet before the storm” and are visiting the Ohel before Sunday when there are fewer people than the masses that will be arriving on Sunday.

More pictures in the Extended Article! (Photos By: Meir Elfasi –

Brooklyn Heights & Park Slope Salutes the Rebbe

BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Yesterday, Wednesday July 3rd, close to 200 members of the Chabad Houses in the Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights areas gathered in the Brooklyn Borough Hall for an event marking 14 years since Gimmel Tamuz, which falls out this Sunday.

The keynote address was delivered by Rabbi Yosef Telushkin who enthralled the audience with his talk on “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”

More pictures in the Extended Article!