Grodno Synagogue to Undergo Restoration

GRODNO, Belarus [FJC] — In the Belarus city of Grodno, work has commenced on the restoration of the Great Choral Synagogue, which an historic building whose significance goes much beyond that since it, of course, is also a spiritual center for Jews of this region.

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Hallandale Beach Mikvaos Project Moving Quickly

by Reuven Arazi

HALLANDALE BEACH, FL [CHI] — The three Mikvaos Mei Menachem under construction in Hallandale Beach are being built at a rapid pace, and should be completed , G-d willing, in time for the Jewish New Year 5769.With hydraulic lifts for the physically challenged,the Mikvaos will cater to hundreds of people, including individuals who could not perform this Mitzvah before due to the lack of a facility that fully includes the physically challenged community. Both the Women’s Mikvah and the Men’s Mikvah will have the hydraulic lifts and all the necessary features to service a large segment of individuals with special needs.

The Weekly Sedra – Korach – Kabalah Of The Human Entity

Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi once received a silver snuffbox as gift. But the Rebbe did not want to put it to its intended use, and remarked: “There is one part of the body which is not constantly seeking gratification – the nose. Should I train it, too, to be a pleasure-seeker?”

Instead, Rabbi Schneur Zalman found a more lofty use for the gift: he detached the snuffbox’s cover and used it as a mirror to help him center the teffilin on his head.

This incident was once related to Rabbi Schneur Zalman’s grandson, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch. As the one telling the anecdote described how Rabbi Schneur Zalman “broke off” the cover of the snuffbox, Rabbi Menachem Mendel remarked: “No, no, my grandfather never broke anyone or thing. He merely removed the hinge-pin which connected the upper part to the lower.”