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Aleph’s New Home To Help Jewish Inmates Build New Lives

by Rebecca Rosenthal

PITTSBURGH, PA — Pennsylvania, home of the U.S.’s second highest number of federal prisons, right after Texas, sees more than seven out of ten inmates return to prison after release. High rates of re-incarceration are overcrowding prisons, tying up the courts and pushing government officials to find a way to break the street-crime-jail cycle.

S. Petersburg Hosts Mass Bat & Bar Mitzva

S. PETERSBURG, Russia – The Great Choral Synagogue in Russia’s northern capital hosted a major ceremony to mark the coming of age of a group of children, who, from now onwards, will be recognized as adults within the Jewish community. About 50 participants underwent this passing of rights – a Bar Mitzva for the boys and a Bat Mitzva for the girls.

The banquet that followed signified the end of a year-long program designed to prepare these youngsters to fully lead a Jewish life. Children from various institutions participated in this educational initiative, including all local Jewish schools and the ‘Adain Lo’ Family Center. Jewish girls and boys, aged 12 and 13, who are not enrolled there also take part in the course.

Yoga and Meditation? Is It Kosher?

What’s Judaism’s perspective on Yoga and Meditation? Why is Yoga and Mediation so attractive to so many people all around the world? The following is a beautiful letter of the Rebbe that was written to Dr. Yehuda Landes O.B.M a Professor from Palo Alto California, on the subject of Yoga and Meditation. It’s an excerpt from the new Book on the Rebbe “The Rebbe Inspiring a Generation” to see more on the book visit

Preface to the Letter

A familiar feature of the contemporary spiritual scene is meditation. Many people enjoy practicing meditation because it is supposed to bring considerable benefits to one’s physical and mental health. During the 1960s and 1970s meditation began to spread all over the US and become a part of our culture. One of the most famous teachers of meditation at the time was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who taught a discipline which he called TM, Transcendental Meditation. Several Jewish leaders were concerned that his methods were tainted by Hinduism, which is considered to be a form of Avodah Zarah, idol worship. A fellow from Palo- Alto California, Dr. Landes, asked the Rebbe if it was appropriate to use these methods. In a letter dated 16th of Adar 5738 (1978) the Rebbe responded to Dr. Landes concerning the practice of meditation, and in a memo appended to the letter the Rebbe outlined his view on the matter. The Rebbe’s view articulated in the memo was that, after culling the suitable elements from the improper, the benefits should be utilized.

Video of the Day – New Shavuos Video

The Mitzvah ATM is about to dispense the Torah in honor of the holiday of Shavuot. Though, It wants trustworthy guarantors. This is a new video from and your complete shavuot resource.

Also in Hebrew in the Extended Article!

To Be Counted Is To Count

Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

On Friday night, the holy Baal Shem Tov would spend hours devoted to the evening prayers. His followers would finish praying in the usual manner and wait around for their Rebbe to finish.

It happened that one of the participants felt hungry. It would still be several hours before the Baal Shem Tov finished his prayers. No one would miss him if he went home, ate and came back before the Rebbe finished. Someone noticed the man sneaking out and decided to do the same. Soon, the Baal Shem Tov was left alone to his prayers.

When the group returned, with what they believed to be plenty of time left, they found, to their chagrin, the Baal Shem Tov sitting and waiting for them. He explained to them that a person’s head is only as high as the rest of his body. He, the Baal Shem Tov was like a head to the community. He could only stay “up there” if he had the support of the rest of the community.

Sunday – 71st Precinct Family Day Picnic

This Sunday, June 1st, 2008, the whole community is invited to the 71st Precinct family day picnic. They will start the day off with the traditional family day parade from Empire Blvd and McKeever Pl at 11:30am going to Hamilton-Metz Park (Lefferts Park), where the picnic will be held. There will be activities for the children, ride, Horseback riding, marching bands and more. FREE Kosher food and beverages.

UPDATE: had learned that Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly will be attending the picnic!

Full flyer in Extended Article!