Our Coverage Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengens around Crown Heights

CrownHeights.info has become the one website readers can count on for all, up to the minute news and events in Crown Heights. This is made possible by the work of our dedicated staff along with the assistance you, our readers give us, by sending in your emails with information about events and incidents.

Our photographer was hard at work over the past two days covering all the Yud Tes Kislev Farbrenges in Crown Heights, in the extended article is a list of all the Farbrengens we managed to get to, for your viewing pleasure.

Full list of links in the Extended Article!

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This Weeks Crown Heights Newspaper

As we have reported last week about the new weekly newspaper that was published by the Crown Heights Community Council and made it available for download, we are pleased to make this weeks addition of the paper also available.

Click here to download the newspaper in PDF format.

Reb Yoel Kahan Farbrenges in 1414

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Reb Yoel Kahan farbrenged with Bochurim in the dining room of 1414 President St. There was a large crowd of Bochurim and Anash, who farbrenged well into the night. Scattered in the crowd were Chassidim from Boro Park and Williamsburg.

More pictures in the Extended Article! (20 pictures)

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Vayeishev

The Rebbe says:

1. In this week’s Torah portion the Torah tells us that Yoseph Hatzadik (Joseph the righteous one) was a man who was “Yefas To’ar V’Yefas Mar’eh – handsome of form and handsome of appearance” and he would curl his hair . The Torah continues and tells us that this caused the wife of his master Potiphar to cast her eyes upon him and want to lie with him , and this eventually landed him in jail . However, even while he was in jail Hashem was with him and he was successful in whatever he did .

In short, there are two parts to this story; 1) Yoseph Hatzadik was “Yefas To’ar V’Yefas Mar’eh – handsome of form and handsome of appearance”, and 2) the issue of Potiphar’s wife.

770 Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – A Large Farbrengen took place in 770 with many members of Anash and Bochurim in attendance, the Mara Deasra Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba spoke, following the crowd broke up in groups and Farbrenged into the wee hours of the morning.

The Weekly shiur by Rabbi YY Jacobson Online

Wednesday night following the live weekly shiur, Rabbi Jacobson continued to farbrang in honor of yud tes kisleiv. The farbrangen was viewed by over 2000 viewers live. In light of the many requests of our viewers and listeners, you can view last nights farbrangen here.

More Video in the Extended Article!

Beis Shmuel Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Opening the Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen in Beis Shmuel Chabad was a special Hascholas Safer Torah which members of the Shul took part in filling in the first letters of a new torah that will soon be dedicated to the Shul.

Rabbi Moshe New, Shliach to Montreal Canada, Farbrengen with the crowd.

More pictures in the Extended Article! (51 pictures)

Barrington Changes Law to Allow Chanukkah Celebration at Town Hall

East Bay RI

Rabbi Moshe Laufer will be leading a “grand family Hanukkah celebration” on Barrington Town Hall property.

BARRINGTON, RI — What is being called by its sponsors a “grand family Hanukkah celebration” will take place on Sunday, Dec. 9, in front of Town Hall from 3:30 to 5 p.m. “This is the first time in history in Barrington that this is going to be taking place,” said Rabbi Moshe Laufer, director of the Chabad of Barrington, which is coordinating the event. “There has been a lot of strong interest from the Jewish community at large about this,” he said.