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Gut Yom Tov! Gut Yom Tov!


Leshana Tovah Belimud HaChasidus ve Darchei HaChasidus, Tikosaivu VeTichosaimu!

Tonight, Yud Tes Kislev “The Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism.” marks 208 years since the release of the Alter Rebbe, R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi founder of Chasidus Chabad in the year 5559 (1798). In honor of this auspicious day, which is referred to by Chasidim as the “Holiday of Holidays”, Farbrengens are being held around the world!

In the Extended Article you can view today’s Hayom Yom and the Minhagim of the day!

Newark Mayor Cory Booker Says Chabad Asserts Mission of Jewish People

Rebecca Rosenthal –

Mayor Cory Booker, center, with Rabbi Moshe Herson far right, greeting guests.

NEWARK, NJ — In this season of political endorsements, none was more surprised than the 700 people attending Rabbinical College of America 50th anniversary dinner last month when Newark Mayor Cory Booker endorsed not only the mission of the 51-year-old school, but also the mission of Chabad-Lubavitch and Judaism itself.

First Chasidic Rabbi commissioned into the Maryland Defense Force

Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum being sworn in as Chaplain Captain to the Maryland Defense Force, Chaplain LTC Charles Nalls officating. Photo courtesy of Maryland Defense Force.

GAITHERSBURG, MD [CHI] — Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum became the first Chasidic Rabbi to be commissioned into the Maryland Defense Force last night in a ceremony that took place at Chabad of Upper Montgomery County in Gaithersburg.

Chasidic Artist Keeps it Lyrical and Spiritual

Sara Trappler-Spielman –

Michoel Muchnik, a Lubavitch Chasid and artist, adds some color to one of his paintings.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn — Michoel Muchnik’s new gallery in the ground floor of his Brooklyn, N.Y., home resembles the interior of one of the Jerusalem stone houses from one of his many colorful landscape paintings. While the walls are at first close together, you descend a few stone steps and around a circular shape carved into the floor before entering the main gallery. Its rooms are small and intimate; the paintings compete for your attention.

Please Say Tehillim for…

Please take a moment and say a Kapitel Tehillim for a Refuah Shlaima.

Dina Divosia Sarah bas Divorah, She had an operation and can not breath on her own yet.

Binyomin Rephael Menachem Mendel ben Tova Chana, He is having a surgery to try and restore his eye sight.