Alarm Scares off Burglar

The Back Broken Window

Crown Heights, Brooklyn – In a brazen attempt to burglarize a Crown Heights home in broad daylight, an unknown number of perpetrators broke into the home on Eastern Parkway and Albany Avenue.

They broke a window leading into a laundry room in the back of the home, and 20 seconds later the alarm went off, apparently chasing them away.

The incident took place sometime around 3:00 in the afternoon when the alarm sounded and one of the residents came home to see the house slightly disturbed and immediately called 911 and Shomrim, who arrived on scene within moments and secured the house until police showed up.

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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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VIdeo of the Day – Excerpt fom Challenge, Now on DVD

Challenge is an inspiring selection of public talks and private meetings with the Rebbe, in which he edifies growth, responsibility and love. In all matters of life, the Rebbe teaches, one must never cease to strive ever higher.

The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, spearheaded a Jewish revolution in the 20th century. The Rebbe’s message was as old as the Torah itself, yet his approach was as rousing as dawn. He urged each person, in personal and in communal life, to never be satisfied with yesterday’s achievements or today’s successes, but to soar to even greater heights.

This DVD is now available on the web

Available in Hebrew in the Extended Article!

Programming Campus Rabbis Put a Jewish Face on Facebook

Deborah Elovic –

You don’t need to travel to Tibet, take up meditation or contemplate a sunset for a spiritual experience. Just log on to, join your local Chabad-Lubavitch group and add some nifty Jewish applications to your profile; soon, you will be surfing in a fascinating land of Jewish thought, pondering the meaning of life all while attending to your Jewish social schedule.


By Jamie Schram – New York Post

CHI Ed: The most hated city employees give reason to hate even more

New York, NY — Four NYPD traffic agents were busted yesterday after they were caught writing bogus summonses in Manhattan, police said.

Davey Griffin, 30, Raheem King, 26, Julian Fisher, 24, and Gregory Baird, 56, were slapped with a slew of charges, including forgery, official misconduct, falsifying business records and offering a false instrument, police said.

Picture of the Day! Yeshivas Kayitz Tzeirai Hashluchim!

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Kfar Chabad, Israel – Bochurim from the Yeshivas Kayitz – Tzeirai HaShluchim, under the directorship of Rabbi Chaim Kaplan, pose for a group picture in front of 770 in Kfar Chabad.

Photo by: Israel Bardugo

Saratoga Chabad says ‘Shalom’ in Congress Park

By Vanessa Weber for The Saratogian

Saratoga Springs, NY — Despite the small boy on his shoulders, the young girl in his arms and two other small chil­dren Hutching his shirt, Rabbi Abba Rubin of the downtown Saratoga Springs Chabad Lubavitch Synagogue managed to pause and chat with vendors, musicians and those who came to Congress Park for the fourth- annual Shalom Festival Sunday,

More in the Extended Article!

Prayer Gathering On Thruway Concerns Officials


Slaotsburg, NY — Every summer there’s an interesting sight on the New York State Thruway: dozens of men gathering to pray on public property in Sloatsburg.

Which leads some to wonder, Is there more than meets the eye? And why are state officials concerned?