Mayor Bloomberg Declares Heat Emergency

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New York, NY — Mayor Michael Bloomberg has declared a heat emergency for New York City, due to a dangerous heat wave that’s expected across the tri-state area on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Dangerous levels of heat and humidity are forecasted to affect the region, it might reach the highest observed during the past several years.

The executive order was signed in anticipation of the 90-degree days that are predicted through Thursday.

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Bat Mitzvah Overnight Camp Inspires Future Jewish Women

Troy, NY — For three weeks this summer, a unique summer overnight camp took place in Troy, NY. Bat Mitzvah Camp is an overnight camp for Jewish girls ages 9-15 located at the Beth Tephilah Synagogue and Russel Sage College campuses. Founded by Nechama Laber, the camp is an expansion of the successful Bat Mitzvah Club and Bat Mitzvah Day Camp in Troy. “The lessons, activities and trips inspire a unique sense of Jewish unity and pride amongst the campers and counselors,” Laber says. “At BMC, our differences disappear and Jewish girls from all backgrounds become one.” As well as the many local girls who joined this year’s program were girls from New Jersey, Massachusetts, Canada, Florida, and Brooklyn.

This year’s camp theme was ‘Journey to Freedom“. Each day, campers explored another aspect of the Jewish people’s journey to freedom from Egypt to Israel, and how we can apply those lessons to our own journey through life. ”I like BMC because it makes you realize that everything in life is a lesson.“ Remarks Nechamie Stempel, age 11. ”I learned to explore my inner beauty and what it really means to be a good Jew.”