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Jews For J On New Mission In NYC

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Those evangelical Christians of Jewish heritage are back in town setting out to convert Jews. The Jews for J are fanning out around New York during the month of July at the end of a five-year program to visit every city in North America with more than 25,000 Jews living in it. New York is the finale.

CBS 2 caught up with one group recently in the Diamond District; two women and one man moving among the Jewish owned businesses there trying to attract coverts. It’s not an easy sell.

“Who do you think J is?” they ask? Most people don’t even look up. Those who do, seem less than thrilled.

New Shluchim To Canada

Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Gansburg will IYH be moving on Shlichus to Toronto, Canada, where they will be establishing a new Chabad House on Avenue Road.

The Gansburgs were appointed by Ontario’s Head Shliach Rabbi Z. A. Grossbaum.

Hatzlacha Rabba!

The Gansburgs’ can be reached via e-mail at

Cornerstone for New Synagogue in Ukraine

Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ukraine -– The cornerstone has been laid for the foundation of the future Synagogue and Community Center at a festive ceremony in Dneprodzerzhinsk.

The synagogue and Community Center building will be completed in one year and will constitute an exact copy of the famous Synagogue 770 in New York, the headquarters of the World Lubavitcher Movement. The Synagogue will be called Beit Baruch in honor of Boris Bogoliubov, the father of the main donor of this project and Chairman of the Jewish Community of Dnepropetrovsk Gennady Bogoliubov. The Community Center will be called “Beit Reuven” in memory of Rabbi Reuven Kaminetsky, the father of Chief Rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk and its region Shmuel Kaminetsky.

Boruch Daya Hoemes – Mrs Sarah Gopin OBM

With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Mrs. Sarah Gopin of Kfar Chabad, mother of Yibadlu Lechaim Tovim: Raizel Zilbershtrom (Jerusalem), R’ Zalman Gopin (Kfar Chabad) R’ Yosef Gopin (Conecticut), Fradel Bukiet (California), Gavriel Gopin (Crown Heights), Taibke Spalter (New Jersey) and Hinda Gerlitzki (Tel Aviv)

The family is sitting Shiva in Kfar Chabad

Gavriel Gopin and Rabbi Lipa Schapiro (a brother of the Nifteres) are sitting Shiva in Crown Heights at 444 Crown St. – Shachris 9:00am, Mincha 8:00pm and Maariv – Bizmana.

Hamokom Yenachem eschem Besoch Shaar Avaylay Tzion VeYerushalayim.

To Be a Body

By Yanki Tauber –

If you’re a single-celled creature, you basically need to do everything on your own

To be a body is for each part to do things for the others. For example: every cell in our body requires oxygen, but it is the mouth and lungs that inhale it and process it. Similarly, every part of the body needs or wants to eat, drink, think, talk, sing, walk, dance, toss a ball, plant a garden and watch a sunset. Certain tissues, organs and limbs assume the task and do it for everyone else.