Crown Heights Auxiliary Police Honored

Crown Heights Chronicle

Auxiliary Police Officer E. Klein, a Crown Heights resident, was honored as “Auxiliary Police Officer of the Year” for Patrol Borough Brooklyn South Wednesday night.

He is seen in the accompanying thubnail photo flanked by Auxiliary Police Officers Mendel Biston (L) and Rafael Lefkowitz (R), two other Chassidic auxiliaries and also members of the Crown Heights community, who were awarded certificates of recognition at the ceremony.

“There are currently about 60 Auxiliary Police Officers in the 71st Precinct, and numerous Precincts throughout Brooklyn South, so Mr. Klein’s selection was a significant honor.”

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Soul II Soul’s Massive Success

This past Motzoei Shabbos at 8:15 in the “George Wingate High School’s” auditorium gatherd a massive crowd which over filled the halls capacity of 1000 people by a long shot yet still people were seen standing in the corners sitting on the steps dubbling up in chairs, for the great event performed by Avraham Fried, backed by the Neshoma Orchestra which was conducted by Steve Bill.

This event was made by the Chasdei Zahavi Foundation for its third year running, all proceds of the concert went to this organization that helps nurturing children with special needs and funding for education.