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Looking To Do Something For Vov Tishrei?

Founded in 1972 in response to the Rebbe’s call to establish institutions honoring his 70th birthday, Machon Chana became the first women’s Baalas-Tshuva Yeshiva in America. It has stood the test of time, providing authentic Jewish education to countless women across generations. 

Kovetz Limud and Mishnayis For Vov Tishrei

On Vov Tishrei we mark the Yom Hillulah of Rebbetzin Chana. The Rebbe encouraged us to learn from her ways for she was a true paradigm of an “Eizer K’negdo.” This publication includes stories from the Rebbetzin’s life, as well as a full selection of chapters of Mishnayos that begin with the letters of her name.