Shliach Coordinates with Security and Media

Ahead of a visit by the Prime Ministers of India and Israel to the Nariman House – one of the sites of the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai – Shliach Rabbi Yisroel Kozlovsky is pictures coordinating with local security forces and briefing the media. Accompanying them on their visit will be Moishe Holtzberg, who is currently traveling to India to meet the delegation.

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A Compact Study Routine

Louis Pearlman was mid-air to South Africa with his business partner, Mendel Goldman, when the latter pulled out a dog-eared copy of Dvar Malchus. Pearlman was intrigued—and disappointed. While the weekly publication of neatly divided Torah portions is compact and thorough, it’s also in Hebrew, a language inaccessible to many potential scholars. At the time there was no equivalent in other languages. Pearlman declared that if their business deal went through, he would sponsor an English version. The deal tanked but Chayenu was born.