Student Killed in Honduras Crash Remembered for a Life of Volunteering
Daniella Moffson spent her winter vacation from college like she spent much of her time: by reaching out and helping others.
Daniella Moffson spent her winter vacation from college like she spent much of her time: by reaching out and helping others.
Rabbi Benny Hershcovich, Shliach in Cabo S. Lucas, Mexico, delivers his brief and hilarious thought on this week’s Parasha, Bo. This week Rabbi Benny answers the question: If the rabbis who sanctified the new Jewish Lunar month anyways knew the exact moment when the moon would be reborn, then why did the Torah also require the testimony of 2 witnesses who’d seen the new moon in order to seal the deal? Couldn’t their intellectual scientific mastery be enough?
This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Shlomie Kagan will lead a discussion on the topic – Did everyone leave golus mitzrayim?
In response to the current situation with anti-Semitism in France, where some Jewish leaders have suggested that Jews not wear yarmulkes in public out of fear for their safety, Rabbi Mikhael Cohen, head of Chabad for French-speakers in New York City, created the ‘Kipah Challenge,’ in which Jews and non-Jews alike take photos of themselves publically wearing a Kipah in defiance of terror.
In honor of Yud Shevat and in the spirit of Hakhel, JNet and Chabad.org have launched a worldwide learning campaign, uniting Jews around the world in the study of a sicha of the Rebbe.
Crownheights.info and Lubavitch Archives present a unique photo of the Rebbe giving Tzedakah as he walks into 770 for Shachris
With sadness we inform you of the passing of Rebbetzin Golda Schwei OBM, a longtime resident of Montreal who inspired many women over the years. She passed away on Thursday, 4 Shevat 5776. She was 78 years old.
Yesterday evening the NY Post published a heartwarming story that spread through social media like wildfire: a nurse at a California nursing home received a Powerball ticket from her boss – Frum businessman and philanthropist Shlomo Rechnitz – and won the largest jackpot in lottery history. Unfortunately, the story turned out to be a hoax.