Crown Heights Softball League Teams Announced

The Crown Heights Softball League has released the team rosters for the upcoming 2012 season, which begins tomorrow, Thursday at the St. Johns Baseball field. Five teams: the Tribe, the Mad Hatters, the Kloppers, the Hebrew Hammers and the Red Heifers will face off all summer long, in good spirits and sportsmanship, vying for the 2012 championship title.

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Following “Miraculous” Recovery, Boy Uses Music to Inspire Others

All of 13, Yisroel Amar of Florida has released his debut album.

As the son of Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries, Yisroel Amar has grown up always on the lookout for ways to reach and inspire ever more people. All of 13, he’s seized upon the gift of an angelic voice as his preferred medium for channeling Jewish teachings and uplifting audiences in his corner of South Florida and beyond.

Republicans Propose Food Stamp Cuts to Trim Deficit

Republicans controlling the House are eying big cuts to food stamps as they piece together legislation to trim $261 billion from the federal budget over the next decade, hoping to forestall major Pentagon cutbacks.

Blog: Pesach in Mumbai

by Esti Karniel

Photo: Shturem

Busy roads, choking air and thousands of people wandering the streets, tired after a tedious day at work. Children and homeless toddlers are scattered between sidewalks and begging mothers. Sunset brings with it the advent of Pesach, the Holiday of Freedom. I arrive at Bombay’s elegant Trident hotel in the heart of the prevailing stench outside. Youtube Video Garners Media Attention

A still from the video: the last teens jump up to the platform as the oncoming train can be seen pulling up to the station.

Last December’s Youtube Channel uploaded a shocking video of African-American teenagers jumping into the Kingston Ave. subway tracks and “playing chicken” with the train. The video has just gone viral and is being reported on by local, national and even international TV stations.

Scientists Confirm: Tracht Gut Vet Zein Gut


Be happy – it seems to be good for your heart.

Scientists have long known that Type A personalities and people who are chronically angry, anxious or depressed have a higher risk of heart attacks. Now a Harvard review of the flip side of that psychology concludes that being upbeat and optimistic just may help protect against heart disease.