Daily Archives: January 20, 2012
Hundreds Mark Alter Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit in Hadiach
Hundreds of Jews from all over the world converged on Hadiatch, Ukraine to be close to the Alter Rebbe’s resting place on the day of his passing. All throughout the night and day, groups came, prayed and farbrenged at the grave-site in the old Jewish cemetery on the outskirts of the small village.

Shop Helps Orthodox Girls Balance Modesty and Style
One day last October, Chaya Chanin, an Orthodox Jewish woman, sent her two children to the zoo with a babysitter and transformed her three-bedroom apartment in Crown Heights into a high-end boutique.
Head Shliach Farbrengs for Alter Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit
Head Shliach to Florida Rabbi Avraham Korf farbrenged for the students of Yeshiva Torah Ohr in North Miami Beach, in honor of 24 Teves.

Rebbetzin Chana’s Memoirs: The Five Day Week
In this 15th installment of the series, Rebbetzin Chana describes how the Soviet Union’s (failed) attempt at creating a five day week caused a Jew to inadvertently violate the Shabbos.

PSA: Shloshim Gathering for Shayna Borevitz, OBM
This Motzei Shabbos, a gathering will be held marking the Shloshim for Shayna Borevitz, of blessed memory. The event will take place at Bnos Menachem, 739 East New York Ave. at 8:00 PM. For women and girls only.

Shabbos at the Besht: Accept or Challenge?
This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Chaim Miller will give a lecture on the topic, Accept or Challenge: How should we respond to life’s problems.
After last month's unbelievable tale of Hashgocha Protis, where a group of Askanim preventing the autopsy of a Jewish hiker who lost his way on Mt. Rainier and succumbed to hypothermia RL, Rabbi Zalman Heber, Shliach in Tacoma, WA, has been working together with the Seattle Jewish Federation in drafting new legislation that would prevent a medical examiner from performing an autopsy if it is against the family's religiously held beliefs, unless there is a compelling public interest or foul play involved.
Video: Shliach Testifies to Allow Autopsy Exemptions
After last month’s unbelievable tale of Hashgocha Protis, where a group of Askanim preventing the autopsy of a Jewish hiker who lost his way on Mt. Rainier and succumbed to hypothermia RL, Rabbi Zalman Heber, Shliach in Tacoma, WA, has been working together with the Seattle Jewish Federation in drafting new legislation that would prevent a medical examiner from performing an autopsy if it is against the family’s religiously held beliefs, unless there is a compelling public interest or foul play involved.
Crownheights.info and the Avner Institute present this unique photo of the Rebbe giving tzedakah to a child in the front of 770.
Weekly Unique Photo of the Rebbe!
Crownheights.info and the Avner Institute present this unique photo of the Rebbe giving tzedakah to a child in the front of 770.
Info to Be Menachem Avel the Klein Family
Reb Moshe and Reb Yankel Klein are sitting Shiva after the passing of their mother, Pesha Leah, OBM, at 1582 Carroll St. [between Troy and Schenectady Ave.]

Chabad House Symbol Vandalized
Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky of the Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe is hoping that whoever vandalized a menorah on public display will recognize the seriousness of their actions.
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Garfinkel, of Blessed memory. Rabbi Garfinkel was a student at the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Otwock, Poland, before World War Two. He survived the war, and immigrated to America where he settled in New York. He was a beloved teacher at the Lubvitcher Yershiva on Bedford and Dean St., and later at the one on Ocean Parkway.
The Levaya will take place Motzei Shabbos, 8:00 PM at the Shomrei Hadas funeral home; from there will be flown to Eretz Yisroel for burial.
Boruch Dayan Ha’emes: R’ Avrohom Yitzchok Garfinkel
With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Avrohom Yitzchok Garfinkel, of Blessed memory. Rabbi Garfinkel was a student at the Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Otwock, Poland, before World War Two. He survived the war, and immigrated to America where he settled in New York. He was a beloved teacher at the Lubvitcher Yershiva on Bedford and Dean St., and later at the one on Ocean Parkway.
The Levaya will take place Motzei Shabbos, 8:00 PM at the Shomrei Hadas funeral home; from there will be flown to Eretz Yisroel for burial.

Washington Snowed-in by Worst Storm in Years
With an unusual amount of snow – early reports indicated that it could be the worst such storm in 30 years – falling in parts of Washington, Jewish centers have canceled events and classes in the hope that all will improve in time for the upcoming Sabbath. But residents have taken the hassle in stride: Some in Olympia, by far the hardest-hit area, were out playing in the snow Wednesday and Thursday with their families.