Rudy Giuliani Leads New National Poll for 2012
A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation national poll shows the former New York City mayor atop the slow-forming Republican primary field.
A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation national poll shows the former New York City mayor atop the slow-forming Republican primary field.
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She was not in the public eye. Yet, the Lubavitcher Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka’s inspiration is widespread—a result of her quiet ways and nuances of influence.
After opening a mikvah last February, Chabad in Canberra is working at a steady clip, building a strong infrastructure for Canberra’s 2,000 Jewish residents. Last Wednesday, Rabbi Dan and Naomi Avital, directors of Chabad in Canberra secured a disused childcare center just a stone’s throw away from the new mikvah.
The Baal Shem Tov was accustomed to draw out his prayers on Friday evenings. His disciples, who typically finished before him, would wait for their Rebbe to conclude, so as to join him in the Shabbos meal.
It happened, on a given Friday, that one of the participants felt rather hungry. He thought to himself: “There is still plenty of time before the Baal Shem Tov will complete his prayers; I ought to go and eat something. In all likelihood, I will be back before he’s done. Besides, there are plenty of others around; I shall certainly not be missed.”