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SC Parents Cheer Rabbi’s Own Educational Accomplishment

Rabbi Meir Muller, who recently received a Ph.D. in early childhood education, teaches children at the Columbia Jewish Day School about the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

Until just last week, going off to school has had a dual meaning for Rabbi Meir Muller. He’s been the principal of the Columbia Jewish Day School for the past 18 years. But in the midst of his day-to-day responsibilities, he also pursued an education of his own, turning to the nearby University of South Carolina to take advanced courses in early childhood education. He received his doctorate in the subject on Dec. 13.

Video: Sanitation Workers at Local Depot Dish on the Blizzard took a walk down to our local sanitation depot which services our neighborhood, and we were [not] surprised to see over 10 plow trucks just sitting around, and just a few workers milling about. We struck up a conversation with one worker who told us he walked from Millbasin to work today!

Video: Greenfeld Slams Mayor for Plowing Bike Lanes

In an interview to Yeshiva World News Councilman David Greenfeld stood on the corner of Ocean Parkway and Parkville Avenue, showing an oil truck not being able to deliver heating oil, and FDNY ambulances stuck in parking lot traffic.

Videos: Rabbi Menachem Zev Greenglass

“Mordechai Lightstone filmed Rabbi Menachem Zev Greenglass, known affectionately as Reb Volf, the mashpia in Tomchei Temimim in Montreal. The first video is of Reb Volf relating a vart said by the Tosher Rebbe about the Rebbe.

Boruch Dayan Hoemes – Rabbi Menachem Zev Greenglass OBM

With sadness we inform you of the passing of the Mashpiah Rabbi Menachem Zev Greenglass, of Montreal Canada. Rabbi Greenglass was one of the most prominent Mashpiim of our time, and merited to have influenced generations of Temimim and Chassidim. He survived the holocaust and was counted among the 9 Shluchim of the Previous Rebbe that were sent to Canada, and later established Tomchei Temimim.