Unique Pictures of the Frierdiker Rebbe!
CrownHeights.info and the Avner institute would like to present three beautiful Photos of the Previous Rebbe in Honor of Yud Shvat. To learn more about the Rebbe Visit: www.Portraitofaleader.org
CrownHeights.info and the Avner institute would like to present three beautiful Photos of the Previous Rebbe in Honor of Yud Shvat. To learn more about the Rebbe Visit: www.Portraitofaleader.org
My brother, Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld, a”h, was born in Brooklyn on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan and passed away on Yud-Daled Shevat, 5768.
Blessed with a keen mind and zitzfleisch (attention span) he excelled in Gemara but also appreciated history and literature.
BROOKLYN, NY — In a stunning display of intolerance, Sixth Avenue in Park Slope was littered with strips of papers reading “KILL JEWS” in capital letters from Fourth to Ninth streets on Wednesday.
Nearly two dozen of the strips were picked up by Karen Guilbert, who had just finished walking her daughter to school.
ISRAEL [CHI] — Yesterday Jews from all walks of life, Chassidic, religious and non-religious gathered to celebrate the milestone of 42,000 Britot Milah that the organization Brit Yosef Yitzchak has performed worldwide.
Chabads’ Twitter account, @chabad and @lubavitch have been nominated for Shorty Awards. Called the ”The Academy Awards of Twitter,” the Shorty Awards recognize people who use twitter to disseminate “short, real-time content.” @Chabad and @Lubavitch’s innovative use of Twitter is now in the runing as an education and nonprofit organization. Receiving this award, presented at an official ceremony in New York City, and the positive media attention that accompany it, would serve as a very great Kiddush Shem Lubavitch – honoring the amazing accomplishments of the Rebbe’s Shluchim.
Names like Rambutans and Pepino Melons aren’t names of fruits you would hear as often as you would an Apple or Orange but on Tu Bishvat we search for a ‘new’ fruit so that we can make a ‘shehecheyanu’ blessing on it in honor of the day, celebrating the birthday of the trees.
This week, United Lubavitcher Yeshiva’s 2nd graders went on a hands on trip to the prospect park in order to have a hands on experience of the parsha of this week.
Shluchim! Only three days left to order!
Beautifully designed with YOUR community in mind, the Pesach magazine is guaranteed to enthrall your kids and teach them about the Yom Tov in a fun, exciting way.
Women from around the world took part in the seminar held in honor of Yud Shvat in the women section in 770. Lecturers included Rabbi Paltiel, Rabbi Bluming, Mrs Spritzer, Rebbetzin Slonim and Mrs Zirkind.
There will be a Ahavas Chesed Blood Drive Sunday, January 31st, the 16th of Shevat, 2:00pm untill 9:00pm. It is sponsored in memory of Yossi Tewel OBM, founder and lifeblood of Ahavas Chesed. The center is located at 271 Kingston Ave, between Lincoln Place and St Johns Place.