Judge Considers Prejudice in Rubashkin Indictment

By Lynda Waddington for the Iowa Independent

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA — Defense attorneys painted an unappealing picture of anti-Semitism for U.S. District Court Judge Linda Reade Monday during a hearing to determine if charges against a former Agriprocessors executive should be dropped, or the case moved to a different court or heard separately from others indicted in the aftermath of a massive 2008 immigration raid.

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Anti-Semitic Incitement, Poor Economy Have Kherson’s Jews Worried

By Zalman Nelson for Lubavitch.com

Rabbi Yossef Wolff, Chief Rabbi of Kherson, Ukraine

KHERSON, Ukraine — City council member Sergey Kirichenko’s bid to replace Kherson’s Jewish mayor has turned into a wild anti-Semitic incitement campaign, blaming Jews for the country’s economic downturn and accusing them of plotting genocide.

According to Kherson’s Chief Rabbi and Chabad director, Yosef Wolff, the incitement has been building over the last few months and represents the latest development in a five year political war against Mayor Vladimir Vasilevitch Saldah.

Chilling Mumbai Terror Attack Tapes Released

By Dean Nelson for the UK Telegraph

An Indian soldier takes cover as the Taj Mahal hotel burns during gun battle between the military and militants inside the hotel in Mumbai Photo

NEW DELHI, India — The tapes, which were broadcast on an Indian television news channel, relay a conversation between one of the controllers in Pakistan and a female Jewish hostage in which he reassured her despite having already decided to have her killed.

A caller from Pakistan called Wasi spoke to Nurma Shvarzblat Rabinovich, 50, and asked her to call the Israeli consulate in Mumbai to set up negotiations with a senior diplomat.

Shliach Banned from Main Vilna Shul

Stock Photo

The following is very biased, one sided article, attacking a Chabad Shliach. It has been translated from the Israeli daily Maariv newspaper by Ezra Reichman for VIN News.

VILNIUS, Lithuania — The Jewish community in Vilna refuses to allow the local Chabad rabbi to enter the main shul, even though the rabbi has to say Kaddish and has no other minyan where he can say it.

Torah Dedication Perpetuates Life of Childless Holocaust Survivor

By Tamar Runyan

Assisted by a ritual scribe, an Israeli police officer fills in one of the last letters of a Torah scroll dedicated in memory of a Holocaust survivor who passed away without children.

KATZRIN, Israel — Holocaust survivors from Holland and Israel, many with tears in their eyes, joined residents in the Golan Heights city of Katzrin to dedicate a Torah scroll in memory of a fellow survivor who, because of the horrors inflicted on her in a Nazi concentration camp, died childless.

MTA Planning to Cut Weekend Subway Service

By Pete Donohue for the NY Daily News

People wait for a train on a crowded platform in Times Square subway station.

NEW YORK, NY — The MTA will cut weekend subway service even if it gets a state bailout, officials said Monday.

And, for the first time in six years, the number of weekday riders dropped 2% in January, suggesting job losses have begun to thin the throngs of straphangers riding the rails.

Alternate Side Parking Rules Suspended Wednesday

Alternate side parking (street cleaning) regulations will be suspended on Wednesday, February 25 for holiday observances. All other regulations, including parking meters, remain in effect.

Click here for the 2009 Alternate Side Parking Regulations Suspension Calendar

Arrival of Lubavitchers a Noteworthy Event for Area

Rabbi Yosef Lipsker at the new Chabad Center, formerly Congregation Shomrei Habrith, 2310 Hampden Blvd.

The issue: Congregation Shomrei Habrith synagogue has become the Chabad Center of Berks County.

Our opinion: The change opens a new chapter in Jewish life in our area.

READING, PA — Something familiar has disappeared from the religious landscape – but not completely.

Once in a Rare Sun: Birkat Hachamah

By Miriam Davids for Lubavitch.com

BROOKYN, NY — The waxing and waning of the moon is regularly celebrated in Jewish life. The Jewish calendar is based on the lunar cycle, familiar to Jewish children even as preschoolers who learn to welcome the new moon with regular Rosh Chodesh celebrations. In a popular depiction by Jewish painters, a minyan of men stand outside the shtetl shul and bless the new moon under a dark sky.

Head Shliach Inaugurated as New Chief Rabbi of Holland

By Kobi Nahshoni for Y Net News

HOLLAND — Twenty-two years after Holland’s last chief rabbi Eliezer Berlinger passed away, the country’s Jewish public is finally getting a new spiritual leader. Representatives of Holland’s Jewish communities assembled last week and picked Rabbi Binyamin Jacobs to serve as the chief rabbi of 11 of the 12 provinces in the country.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Darchai Menachem Trip to Sotheby’s NY

By Levi Aronov and Levi Gourarie

NEW YORK, NY [CHI] — Last Wednesday, February 18, our class went to Manhattan to see ancient Seforim from all around the world. Jack Lunzer has been acquiring Jewish manuscripts for a long time, and now Sotheby’s is auctioning the collection off. The collection consists of Gemaras, Chumashim, Sidurim, Tehillim, old newspapers, Shulchan Aruch, Benchers, invitations, Haggadahs, Megillos and other assorted Seforim.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Attention Shluchos! Roundtable Discussion Coming Up This Wednesday!

Don’t miss the second installment of “Personal Productivity for the 24/7 Shlucha” by Mrs. Rivka Caroline, Key Biscayne, Florida , this Wednesday, February 25th.

A sampling of areas to be discussed are:

Taking Care of #1, Learn the Skill of Breaking Tasks Down to Smaller Parts, Prime Time System Revisited, By Passing Decision Making, Magic Numbers-less is more, more or less, E-mailing Tips, Child Friendly Systems, Innovative Car Time, 8 Must Do’s- 4x a Week.

L Train Goes Fully Computerized Today

Pete Donohue for the NY Daily News

NEW YORK, NY — Robo train is finally pulling into the station next week [today].

Starting Tuesday [today], L line trains will be fully controlled by a computerized signal system, officials said Friday.

5,360 Inmates in Federal Prisons in the U.S. Request Kosher Meals

By Raffi Rosenzweig for Kosher Today

According to data provided by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP), a record 5,360 inmates in federal prisons are receiving kosher meals in all of the FBOP’s 114 facilities across the United States. Of those, 3,268 identify themselves as Jewish. While there have been several challenges to kosher by some state prison officials, the FBOP guides itself by a number of court decisions that mandate the kosher food.