Photo Feature: Sukkot Round the World
Children at the Brenenson Orphanage in Ukraine, with the lulav and etrog in the Sukka

In most of the world, Sukkot comes just as the leaves are turning and early autumn chills prompt us to pull our sweaters out of winter storage. It’s still usually pleasant enough to enjoy sitting around the table in the Sukkah. Not so in Siberia or Alaska, where outside temperatures are well below the freezing mark.

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Doctors At KCH Learn About Sukkos

Tens of doctors from the Kings County Hospital in Crown Heights listened to a lecture on the essence of the Sukkos holiday delivered by the Rabbi of the hospital, R. Avrohom Lieder, who also arranged for a Sukkah to be built for the Jewish doctors and staff members, where he gave them the opportunity to say the blessing on the Arba Minim on every day of Chol Hamoed.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Full Fledged Sukkos Activities in Manhattan

The Chabad House of Midtown Manhattan, headed by Rabbi Yehoshua Metzger was bustling with round-the-clock activities in the central Sukkah in Bryant Park. Public holiday meals were served in the Sukkah and on Chol Hamoed lots of business people arrived to have their meals there and to ‘bentch’ on the ‘Arba Minim’.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Sukkot: A Message of Togetherness

Pictures by John D. Simmons Charlotte Observer
Children at the Charlotte Jewish Day School celebrated the Jewish fall harvest holiday Sukkot, which ends Friday. They took a wagon ride, pulled by two giant Belgian horses named Jarvis and Janet, from the school at Shalom Park over to the Lansdowne neighborhood to go to one sukkah.

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Simchas Bais Hashuaiva in Montreal Canada

Hundreds of Jews from all walks of life took part in the traditional Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Trudeau Park, arranged by Rabbi Mendel Raskin of Cote St. Luc, Montreal. The event featured Chassidic singer Avraham Fried who told the crowd that although he was asked to sing his most recent songs, he didn’t have the appropriate music. Fried also said that he ought to improve his command of French and then sang ‘Bein Kach Uvein Kach’ which includes words in several languages.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Simchat Torah turns sour for assault victim

Australian Jewish News

An ultra-Orthodox man spent Simchat Torah night in a Melbourne hospital after being physically and verbally assaulted in an allegedly antisemitic attack.

Menachem Vorchheimer was walking to Yeshivah shul with two of his children at around 6.30pm last Saturday when he claims he was confronted by a group of young men in a minibus shouting antisemitic slogans, including “F**king Jews” and “Go the Nazis”, and motioning at him as if they were firing machine guns.

When the bus stopped at the lights at the corner of Balaclava Road and Hotham Street, Vorchheimer, 33, approached the driver to inquire about the group.

New Shluchim To Brazil

Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Bukiet of Crown Heights have recently moved to Salvador da Bahia, Brazil where they have opened a Chabad House for Israeli tourists.

The Bukiets were appointed by Rabbi Dovid Weitman, Shliach S. Paulo, Brazil.


The new Shluchim can be reached via e-mail at

A new way to spread ancient message

Home Town Life

Livonia, MI – It’s a new Dodge pick-up with an ancient message — and those on the road this week in Southfield, the Bloomfields, Livonia and most points between have probably seen it.

But most passing motorists probably don’t understand the message, which reads: “Happy Sukkot.” They probably don’t know what to make of the roofed shelter which sits in the truck bed or the symbols of a lemon-like fruit and willow branch which are painted on its side.

That’s the point, says the truck’s driver who wishes to raise understanding of the Jewish holiday and its meaning.

Translation of 100-year-old-Chasidic Text Published

Spiritual seekers are delighted with Overcoming Folly as it is reintroduced in a new and improved format recently published by Kehot Publication Society. Revised to suit the modern reader, this 100-year-old Chasidic text presents the human struggle to overcome materialism–the drive to live a spiritual life.

Surviving a tragic history

Bradenton Herald

Sarasota, FL – A Torah scroll that survived the hatred and devastation of the Holocaust has made its way to Sarasota to become an inspiration to local Jewish children.

Saturday, it will be celebrated with a dedication by Chabad of Sarasota and the Sarasota-Manatee Jewish Federation.

“It links the past to the future. It represents the survival of the Jewish people,” Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz said. “We are victorious because we can take that same Torah they tried to eradicate more than 60 years ago and the little children can benefit from it today.”

Maimonides’ parent seeks Makeover for school

Jewish Review
MAIMONIDES JEWISH DAY SCHOOL and Alelph Bet Preschool offer small classes and a Jewish environment for students from preschool through middle school. New Maimonides parent Heidi Holmes is looking for methods from mundane to miraculous to make the school’s physical environment as beautiful as its Jewish environment.

Whether through slow and steady fund-raising or by “winning the lottery” of getting an Extreme Makeover, Heidi Holmes is on a mission to help Chabad of Oregon rebuild their Jewish day school and to help people understand that the school is an open, welcoming place to experience Jewish traditions.

Sukkot festival is a family affair

Miami Herald

Doral, FL – Worshipers joined Rabbi Avrohom Brashevitzky and his family at the Chabad Jewish Center of Doral last week to celebrate the first day of the weeklong festival of Sukkot.

Brashevitzky hopes that celebrating Sukkot, the festival of booths, will help build solidarity among Doral’s growing Jewish community.

Brashevitzky, 35, his wife, Zeldie, and their five children aged 6 months to 9 years, started the festivities with 35 guests on the Friday evening that started the festival.

60,000 at Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Kfar Chabad

A crowd of nearly 60,000 people showed up in Kfar Chabad for the Simchas Beis Hashoeva, featuring top Chassidic singers, Yaacov Shwekey, Lippe Shmeltzer, Shlomo Cohen and Yossi Berger who were accompanied by the orchestra of Amiran Dvir. “We expected a crowd half the size but in fact we had 60,000”, said Rabbi Schneur Fleishman producer of the event.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Jewish and Muslim Communities Cooperate to Pass US’s First Kosher-Halal Law

Mordechai Shinefield –
Governer Tim Kaine signs the halal-kosher law, surrounded with communal leaders.

Northern Virginia – Over eleven million Americans will buy kosher food this year, according to LUBICOM, a marketing and consulting group for kosher interests. Up from six million in 1990, the trend represents an explosion of kashrut consciousness across the United States. Of this figure, one million Jews and three million Muslims consume kosher for religious reasons, while the rest do so believing that they are getting higher quality products. But despite the widespread prevalence of kosher food, confusion abounds as to what exactly makes something kosher.

Shul of Bal Harbor reaches out to Jews across Miami!

During this past week of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, The Shul of Bal Harbor sent out 2 Sukkah Mobiles to go reach out to Jews all around Miami and help them perform the Mitzvah of shaking the Lulav & Esrog as well as the Mitzvah of sitting in the Sukkah. Throughout the week, The Sukkah Mobiles visited Mount Sinai Hospital, Lincoln Road mall, South Beach, Bay Harbor, Bal Harbor, The Bal Harbor Shoppe’s, Surfside, Sunny Isles, Coral Gables , DownTown Miami. A Total of over 350 Lulav Shakes took place between our 2 Sukkah Mobiles, as well as many Layshev Basukka’s, over 100 Friday light kits were distributed and many commitments to our ‘Million Mitzvah’ Campaign were made. It was B”H a great Success.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Council approves synagogue’s request for symbolic boundary

Sign On San Diego
A wire resembling fishing line marks the boundary, or eruv,
for an Orthodox Jewish community in San Diego’s College Area

After accusations and denials of anti-Semitism were thrown around at City Hall, a La Jolla synagogue will be allowed to create a symbolic boundary using city streets.

The San Diego City Council voted unanimously yesterday to support Congregation Adat Yeshurun, despite the concerns of opponents who said a religious symbol has no business in the public right of way and that it will encourage “resegregation” in a neighborhood with a history of discrimination against Jews.

Members of the Orthodox synagogue were overjoyed by the council decision.

Farbrengen With The Rebbe

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The happiest time of the month of Tishrai is Shmini Atzeres/Simchas Torah which’s end is marked with a special Farbrengen on Motzoai Yom Tov, a “Farbrengen With The Rebbe”. Thousands gathered in 770 and sang the Nigunim of the Rabbaim in order.

More pictures of the Farbrengen in the Extended Article!