Top Stories of 5784

At the leading edge of breaking news for Crown Heights and the Chabad community, takes a look back at the past year and reflects on the top stories.

NOTE: An obvious first choice for this list are the horrific events that took place on Simchas Torah of 5784. We chose to omit it from this list as it isn’t simply a story that was published, and will then be forgotten. The events of October 7th should never be relegated to a list of articles from a specific year. The pain and suffering that started on that day are ongoing, and its impact should never be forgotten.

1. The 770 Tunnel Story

Broken on on December 22nd, 2023 the story of the excavation under the women’s section of 770 went viral, then national, then international. The story, which may go down in history as having spawned myths of a Crown Heights underground, also sparked a fever rush of attempts to reform and correct some of the Hefkeirus that has plagued the community.

Associated Stories:

Chaos In 770 After Attempt Made To Close The Tunnel Under 770

First Photos Leaked Of The Tunnel Under 770

Video of 770 Tunnel Leaked

Rabbi Braun Audio: “A Group Of People Who were Not Appointed By Anyone Have Taken Control Of The Holy Shul of 770”

Grand Jury Indicts 17 People Over Illegal Tunneling and Expansion Attempt of 770

2. The CHK and AgriStar Split

While this may seem to many like a relatively trivial story, the split between the CHK and AgriStar is actually the story of a rapidly growing Lubavitch, and some of the challenges that such growth brings. In one way of thinking, the outcome was actually beneficial, paving the way towards a future that includes more options acceptable to Lubavitch.

Associated Stories:

A New Hechsher and Unreasonable Demands, The Story Of The CHK Dropping Shor Habor

The CHK and Rabbi Weismandel Spar in Leaked Email Exchange Over Perceived Kashrus Issues At the AgriStar Plant

Mediation Between AgriStar and The CHK Breaks Down Over The Issue of Other Hashgachos

Meat Shortages and CHK Policy Leaves Crown Heights Food Establishments In A Conundrum

CHK Run At Solomon’s Means No Meat Shortage In Crown Heights For Pesach

3. The EBT Thefts of Crown Heights

While this story was hardly limited to Crown Heights, the first major outbreak of the thefts that was covered by the Jewish media took place in Crown Heights, and it was covered first on The release of the story triggered action from state politicians who used the momentum to help pass regulations better protecting EBT beneficiaries.

Associated Stories:

Exclusive: EBT Thefts In The Jewish Community, The Investigation

Crown Heights Targeted In EBT Skimming Attack, State Assemblyman Steps Up

PSA: Crown Heights EBT Holders, Change Your PIN Immediately

New Tool to Protect Low-Income New Yorkers From Losing EBT Benefits to Scams or Skimming

4. The History of Crown Heights Series

This surprising series, which takes a deep dive into the history of Crown Heights starting before the area was ever conceived. The articles struck a strong cord with the local community and ignited a passion seen through the thousands of visitors who avidly followed the series.

Associated Stories:

History of Crown Heights Series on

5. The Passing of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky OBM

On Tuesday, the 27th of Iyar, 5784, Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Kotlarsky, a visionary of Lubavitch and chossid par-excellence of the Rebbe passed away. His passing wasn’t just mourned by the community, he was immediately missed by all. His role in shaping Lubavitch to the organization we know today continues to become clearer.

Associated Stories:

Gallery: Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky OBM Through The Lens of JEM

Gallery: Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky OBM In The Hasidic Archives

Gallery #1: The Levaya of Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Kotlarsky OBM (Gallery #2)

“My Name is Moshe Kotlarsky, and I Am Here on A Mission From the Lubavitcher Rebbe”

Editor’s Pick – Underrated

A New Dental Center To Launch In Crown Heights

The article announcing the launch of a new Dental Center in Crown Heights was, in the Editor’s view, one of the most underrated Crown Heights stories of 5784. Until you have been forced to travel to another Jewish community for dental care for yourself or your children, you may have a difficult time appreciating its importance. You will thank me later.

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