UPDATED: Fire Engulfs Eastern Parkway Home, Multiple Injured

Update from Crown Heights Shomrim:

We just had a devastating fire in Crown Heights r”l. There are many bochurim that have no clothes or shoes. If you have any extra pair of shoes from sizes 8.5 to 12.5, please message 347.489.1543, and we will get it to them ASAP!

If anyone has a good used coat that can donate to the cause feel free to reach out!

Update: Tehillim for the injured will be posted as information becomes available.

Names for Tehillim: Shmuel ben Devorah Leah, Shmuel ben Mirav, Hillel ben Hila, Boruch Yehuda ben Yehudis

Update: FDNY is reporting that seven people were injured in the blaze, one of them critically. Injuries: 1 Red Tag, 3 Yellow Tags, 3 Green Tags including 1 Fire Fighter.

Update: Drone Footage of 2nd Alarm Fire on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights courtesy of Crown Heights Shomrim.

Update 10:50am: The FDNY has reported that the main body of flames has been put out at this time. No people are trapped.

Update: Hatzalah has now dispatched additional ambulances from Flatbush and Boro Park to the Fire. The FDNY’s Major incident Medical Vehicle is also en route.

Update: Crown Heights Hatzalah is responding with three ambulances with a report of a person trapped in the flames.

An active fire is ongoing at 658 Eastern Parkway between New York Ave and Brooklyn Ave with Hatzalah and the Fire Department responding.

Heavy smoke can be seen covering Eastern Parkway and the FDNY called the fire a 2nd Alarm.

This story is developing and will be updated as information becomes available.


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