Ottawa Alumni Reunite in Crown Heights

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Over 30 Alumni and Staff of the Yeshiva Ottawa came together for a night of Farbrengen and Inspiration in honor of Yud Shvat. It was not just a Farbrengen, it was also a night to congratulate 50 weeks of consecutive Torah learning by the Bochurim.

Each week for the last 15 months they have taken time off their busy schedule and came together through snow, wind, rain, and scorching heat to learn Torah together and to be elevated each in their own way.

They were honored to have Farbreng with them their former Mashpia Rabbi Yossel Raichik, Shliach in Florida who spoke very nicely how a Chossid can not live the same every day, he or she must ADD and achieve as much as possible and to give the Rebbe much Nachas.

Special thanks to Meir Lieblech, Benny Shmidt and Yossi Morgenstein for making the event a reality.


  • Mrs. Krevsky, still in Ottawa

    Rabbi Krevsky spends a lot of time in Monsey these days. Next time you have a farby, let him know, he will do his best to make it to farbreng with our old friends!!


    This may seem funny, Yeshiva Ateres Menachem is a Yeshiva that no longer exists except in it’s merger with JETS Yeshiva in Calilfornia. Rabbi Berger and Rabbi Smith please take note:As a parent of one of the boys, I am absolutely FLOORED by the fabrengens and the camraderie and friendship that have continued so long past the physical existence of this yeshiva. To the organizers of these get togethers: HATS OFF TO YOU! YASHER KOACH AND THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gyg

    Benny – you are the best! And your dedication is incredible!!! May you go M’chayil el chayil…..