will be offering FREE ANOUNCEMENTS Till the end of the year!

We will be putting up 20 announcements per day for FREE!!!

To post an announcement or for more information see the Extended Article!

Please note that these announcements normally cost only $25/ Each!

We will be posting your announcements on a first come first serve basis and only after it is reviewed. Announcing its Announcements! will be offering FREE ANOUNCEMENTS Till the end of the year!

We will be putting up 20 announcements per day for FREE!!!

To post an announcement or for more information see the Extended Article!

Please note that these announcements normally cost only $25/ Each!

We will be posting your announcements on a first come first serve basis and only after it is reviewed.

You must send us a title and a description. Text only. If you want us to add an image there will be a fee of $25.00

We reserve the right or edit or deny any announcement for any reason.

This offer is for a limited time only and can be canceled at any time without notice.

Please email your announcement to

If you want to get a banner AD on please email us