Picture of the Day: Chabad House in Uman

Among the tens of thousands of Jews who made the pilgrimage to Uman, Ukraine to spend Rosh Hashanah near the burial place of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov was a group of Lubavitcher Chassidim. A ‘Chabad House’ with a Nusach Ari minyan was set up for their convenience.

Also seen in Uman:


  • Milhouse

    I assume the Lubavitchers were there not to go to Reb Nachman but to bring the Ma’ayonos of Chabad to the thousands who come there but are not really Reb Nachmon’s chassidim. It would not be at all classy to try to poach chassidim from Reb Nachman at his own ohel! But the unaffiliated, and especially those who aren’t yet shomer mitzvos, are fair game.

  • dddddddd

    weird….. what is lubavitch coming to????? if your not going to be home for rosh hashana then go to the Rebbe’s shchuna like you are supposed to!

  • Shliach-s father Breslov

    To 1:

    There’s a Chabad Shliach whose father is Breslov. Do you mean to say that the father has no Shaychus to the Rebbe? Of course he does; one, maybe more, of his children are shluchim of the Rebbe!
    I just don’t get it? Since when does going to one Tzadik give the impression that you think negatively the other Tzadikim? Would you say the same if someone went to the Kever of the Baal Shem Tov?

  • Just Back From Uman

    You would all be pleasantly surprised by Rosh Hoshana in Uman. The achdus is remarkable with chassidim of all varieties coming together along with many thousands of others on the path to teshuva. There’s even a Satmar minyan. Kiruv or not there is no reason for a Lubavitcher to avoid Uman, just as there is no reason for a Breslover to avoid the Ohel.

  • Mendel

    Chassidim coming to the Rebbe’s shchuna? Rebbe’s shchuna is in Queens. In Ch, there is only bittul zman and hanging around, nothing else.

  • Milhouse

    #6, “ Since when does going to one Tzadik give the impression that you think negatively the other Tzadikim?”

    It shows lack of hiskashrus to the Rebbe. Lubavitcher chassidim don’t go to other rabbeim. We don’t “shop around”, or do the “tish circuit”.

    The Baal Shem Tov is our rebbe too.

  • Baal Shem Tov every Chasid-s Rebbe.

    To Milhouse:

    Isn’t the Baal Shem Tov every Chasid’s Rebbe, even non-Chabad?
    Is going to the Baal Shem tov’s great-grandson any much different than going to the Baal Shem Tov himself?
    Did Rav Nachman do anything that the Baal Shem Tov or our Rebbe would frown upon? Are ALL the other Rebbeim on a lower level than the Baal Shem Tov?

  • Where did this originate?

    So, where did this come from, that we don’t go to kevarim of other Tzadikim? Suppose the Kever of a non-Chabad Rebbe(I don’t mean anyone who opposed ours) happens to be close by you, you still don’t go? Would the Rebbe be happy about such a snub?

  • a realy jew

    is in it suppose to be about hashem and what ever help you get closer to him or that does not mater any more? do you even here youself hashem is king or you for got to daven on rosh hashanah!!

  • Milhouse

    #11 I didn’t say Lubavitchers don’t go to kivrei tzadikim. We certainly do, and Reb Nachmon is a tzadik whose kever is worth visiting. But going to Uman on Rosh Hashono is not a “kivrei tzadikim” trip, it’s going as a chossid to a rebbe. And Lubavitchers do not go to other rebbes. Some chassidim go “tish hopping”; they may be a chossid of one rebbe but they will go to other rebbes too. Lubavitch was always makpid against such behaviour. Hiskashrus means you have one rebbe and you don’t go to any other.