Picture of the Day: A Tree Falls in Brooklyn

Last night’s storm blew over a young tree on Eastern Parkway’s southern walkway, right across from 770.


  • Rotten Spot

    Even though it was a young tree, it had a big rotten spot in the lower trunk. It was waiting to happen.

  • Preocupied Resident

    I walk down that block every morning with my children bh very healthy (btw one of’em is looking for a shidduch, any1?), anyways so sometimes we sit on that very same bench, yes that one the green one on the right.
    I think we should make a protest like the lag baomer parade with lipa and music and uncle moishi. Everybody shopuld gather arounf on eastern parkway with stages, light, music, smoke, strobe lights and free tshirsts for everyone with a sig banning trees in crown heights.
    yes sir. NO MORE TREES. its really nasty how dogs get the place dirty around the trees. i think i have made my point.
    any questions or to rsvp to the parade please email me at chaaaniiiichaaaaaaaaaannniiiiii@puravida.com.cr

  • To Number 3

    You seem to have an issue with dogs. So why not protest against the dogs, not the trees. Once again you are blaming the victims.