Picture of the Day: How Much Further Can It Go?


  • Bochur

    I can’t believe it. I instigated that pic,feel bad about the chilull
    Lubavitch. Why are you posting it.

  • Simple Chossid

    Why why why…why the need to share this….let’s start sharing positive things it will create positive feelings among klal yisroel instead of feeding the readers with hate and negativity.

    There are Meshugaim in this world doing all kind of crazy things with all matters of kedusha no need to get excited each time. ignore and go do another good deed and help bring yidden closer to each other and closer to Hashem.

    these post are getting me sick….

  • achhdut

    tattoing is an issur d’oraysa. what a terrible way of using this manner of expression in reference to the rebbe

  • Photoshop?

    If this were permitted I would say….great response to those people who are trying to “stamp out” this message!

  • Very Sad - Chillul Hashem

    If indeed this is real, it is extremely sad.

    I’ve feared something of this sort for years.

    I have no problem whatsoever with Yechi, and even with Yechi Yarmulkas, but when the lettering size on the Yechi Yarmulkas started occupying over 20% of the yarmulka, and when Yechi was embroidered or painted on hats, talleisim, etc., I feared that this is where it would lead to.

    The problem is a lack of authority, and a lack of guidance. When someone comes up with a new idea, if it says certain words, some people automatically accept it. The Rebbe always advocated Oiros deToihu in Keilim deTikun!!!

  • No comments!

    Just dont make a fuss! Ignore the whole thing! That way we’ll defeat the whole purpose of this move of theirs!
    Just leave it. . . no comments! END!

  • aa

    THIS GUY IS OBVIOUSLY NOT FRUM—-there are tons of secular/traditional Jews who say yechi and are meshichist but aren’t neccessarly shomer mitzvos.


  • i got news for you

    hey CH,

    i have a really important headline for you.

    Neighbor with Hat On Head Eats Non-Kosher!

    i can even supply a photo.

    CH, why on earth do you feel the need to smear Chabad whenever you can!?

    there are messed up people in every community,
    you don’t do any good by publicizing the acts of a single messed-up waco.

    you are unfairly smearing the Rebbe and all of Chabad with this type of “News”.

  • Shmuly B.

    You know good and well that this guy is not even Frum. By posting this you are just providing fodder to those that hate us.

  • Hendel is an evil man

    He is instigating the craziness. He should be in cherem.

  • yossi

    this tatto is not real its just a paint i can make one for you 2(chssav ari zal)

  • Thank you for posting


    If you see the hundreds of tattoo around, this one is the most respectable.

  • k seriously

    crown heights info!!!
    you take these one in a million pictures and stereotype all tzfatim!!
    Not everyone is this extreme!!! and no mishichist would agree with the extremism!!!
    You should change ur site to anti.info!!!!!!!!!

  • Joel mayzlish (monoro)

    I love crown heights info number one to aid machlokes

    2) I know that guy and he is not from a frum famlly at all and he just having fun it’s Abigail rachmones he never got and yidishe chinuch he is just a tinok shnishbo and it’s a amezing and best way to ch info to be mekarev him that way having post that pic evrione should be able to be mekalel (in the series days)

    3) thank you thank you ch info. Thats the right way to bring moshiach

  • Bh




    have you no scruples?

    spiritually, you are playing with fire.

  • Why post such a low class story???

    Crown heights.info- Please use discretion in your postings.

    This article lowers the level of your website. Are you trying to be a low class tabloid, that runs articles on extreme craziness?!

    Raise yourself up a little higher, you don’t need to report on people’s stupidity!!!

  • Positive

    I ask and beg PLEASE DO NOT post such things on the internet! Let us focus on giving the REbbe Nachas Ruach.

  • to 10

    what do you mean ignore!

    it should not be publicized in the first place.

    the ppl who publicized this sickness, who are supposed to be “normal” should not make such lunacy public.

    lose lips sink ships.

    this is worse than Lashon Horah, much worse, because its against all chabadkers.

  • Wake up call.

    All the comments here are missing the point.

    It is important for us to understand just how far this fanatic extremism has gone.

    It has gone so far, to the extent where the first thing the fanatics are teaching newcomers is that the heavens and earth was created for Yechi, and the whole Torah and Yiddishkeit is Yechi.

    This is why a newcomer to Chabad via these fanatics will drive his car on Shabbos, eat on Yom Kippur, marry a Shiksa and do all the most severe issurim, but will stand steadfast to “Yechi”, because, after all, it is what Yiddishkeit is all about.

    The post here on this site is a wake up call for those who have not yet realized the damage this is causing Lubavitch, and the shame it brings on us.


    ATT: http://www.crownheights.info

    if you don’t remove this picture post from your site immediately,

    then i will share this link http://www.crownheights.inf

    with all of your advertisers and i will show them how supporting you is supporting pure hate. they will be free to choose if they want to support you in the future.

    you have been warned.

    if they are haters like you, then you have nothing to worry about.


    This guy is frum!!! this tatoo is on the right hand and the left hand is for tefilin!!!!
    just laugh about it and go on in your life!!!

  • A different point of you

    How would Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berditchov look at this fellow?


    This is too funny!

    CH info editor…
    You should make a new category called “how far can it go”

    Just last week you posted another.

    Do you have a whole collection of these? and slowly releasing them to the public?

  • I agree

    Photoshop… all the way!! The whole thing is FAKE. END OF IT. I can do the exact same thing on Microsoft paint!!
    And to crownheights.info- seriously! STOP! Just as we need to think before we speak, why don’t you think before you post?! It’s much easier, and can stop a lot of Lashon Hara and bad feelings! Get a life, and post happy things, not stupid stuff such as this!
    And to #3, if you were the one who instigated this, I KNOW it’s not really your fault, and you feel bad, and this was not your intention, but maybe next time you can THINK before you do something like this now that you know what it can cause… thank you.

  • Sad

    to 32:
    Except that it’s a violation of Biblical law, if that makes any difference to you :(

  • Srulik from Troy

    At least they do not put it on the inside of the LEFT forearm – where the tattoo artists of Auschwitz left their handywork!


    between me and you you can do this with photoshop, but it still shows the idea

  • Dr. Levi A. Reiter

    The tattoo may well be a fake, but even if it is, publishing the photo is unfortunate. If nothing else it is “maaris eyin”– it appears to be something that is prohibited al pi Torah, and therefore is itself prohibited.

    I would strongly advise that you remove the picture before some naive, ignorant folk start tattooing themselves as well. In addition, it reflects poorly on the Rebbe and on the Chabad community.

  • CH resident

    This can not be real, so I assume it is fake. Where this to be real he needs a room in Kings County G building.

  • Need more background info.

    The picture needs a story to accompany it. Who is this person? What prompted him to get this tattoo. It is relatively common for Jews with a secular background to get Jewish themed tattoos as a way of feeling connected.The Jewish baseball player, Gabe Kapler, has multiple Jewish themed tattoos on his body. These are beautiful Jews who are expressing there love for Judaism in a misguided way.

  • sara

    You guys are all nuts!! he’s not religious and it’s HENNA!!!!!!!!

  • antimesira

    To #20 who wrote:
    …“he is just a tinok shnishbo…”

    That may be so. He also would not be the only “tinok shnishbo”, thousands of our young kids, our Bochrim and Yungerlit have been ruined by the Meshichist cult, a generation ruined.

    The problem is on those who brainwash these tinokim shnishbo, someone had to guide him in this direction. That someone is not a tinok shnishba, that someone is supposedly a person who has been frum and supposedly knows how to learn, that someone is a meshichist mushroom.

    Stop making excuses, stop justifying.

    Had he tattooed ‘Torah Tziva lonu Moshe etc….’ you might have an argument. But he tattooed ‘Yechi’.

    Besides…this is to all the self-righteous commentators who are all of a sudden concerned about a Chillul Hashem and pleading to CH.INFO to take down this post.

    Where was your outrage when six Jews were being prosecuted, by the way by Meshichistim Mossrim. Where was this “outrage” when innocent Jewish blood was being spilled just a few blocks away from Crown Heights (Downtown Brooklyn – 320 jay Street)?
    How many comments, letters or phone calls did you make to Meshichist leaders to stop the Mesira?

    Your all a bunch of fakers and phonies. Your only “outraged” when your target is an easy one.

  • Nothing to get excited about

    It’s just on one arm. Now if it would be on both arms and both legs then maybe it would be worth commenting on…

    It can and will go a lot further. Each sicko wants to top everyone else, and there are a lot of sickos out there.

    Apparently most Lubavitchers are in the sicko category, otherwise more would be done to stamp out the craziness…


    i think all the antis should have a tattoo stating ANTI so we can identify them.

  • I can-t stand the judgeMENTALS

    so many judgemental people out there. I want to scream on all of you but your a waste of my breath.

  • Amazing

    WOW! The mishichist managed to engage a wako like this? That is amazing! This wako would never have gone for a more conventional Chabad group. Thank you Mishichistm for reaching this holy Jew

  • wow

    ohmygosh guys, seriously!
    not ONE of you knows if it is real, fake, frum, non-frum. DON’T MAKE WRONG JUDGMENTS!
    maybe it is marker.
    maybe it was Photoshop
    maybe it is a non-from guy
    maybe it IS a frum guy. but guess what? even if it is its non of our business!

    all I’m saying is: peoples: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

    live and let live

    moshiach now! at least when he comes everyone will MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!

  • Optimist

    If someone is born under a bloody mazel, it’s best for him to become a shochet. If someone has a taive to steal it’s best for it to be a “Chasidishe Ganeva.” So if someone “has” to get a tattoo isn’t it best for it to be a Yechi tattoo? What would you prefer a naked lady?

  • Yehuda@whiteteethin20.com

    Was don in House of Ink in Venice the Owner was on flight with a young shliach and drew this yarmulke on a Magazine , that is the story then he took it to shop

    Bottom line Yechi!!!…………..

    if i were chas vesholom to get Tatted i would want it to be Yechi , Yechi i think can be in bathroom and has not Hashems name,

  • i know him

    i know this person i meet him on mivtzoim friday in the flatbush area he told me he decided to get this tattoo after he came out of jail

  • chasidi

    is this the chabad version of the sensationalism in the secular world? wouldn’t it be more purposeful to show other things?



  • going further

    for the yechi rastas outhere. here is an idea, you can get a buz cut with the words yechi on you head!

  • Ephraim Grushnit

    Funny how some of you are not angry about the transgression of of a issur from the Torah, but about CHI for reporting it. Don´t shoot the messenger!
    It´s the guy in the pic who should be scolded, not CHI

  • mendel

    picture worth a thousands words. this is my problem with the whole yechi business. its killing our community….who bankrolls these crazies? sb drizin in ch is one…

  • shlomo as always with bad English

    all time same story. all time same stupid communist ad comment. why you publish this?. it mean, that you can obviously do all bad things, but not publish????. i look trow the windows, and it still NYC there. it not moskva….
    so stop this Bolshevism, or return to moskva!

  • NoYechi770InJerusalem

    Don’t worry Motty Finati & his buddy Kupchick gave him a heter

  • take it off

    It is a aisor of the torah uktovet kaka lo titnu bbsarchem he has to take it off asap

  • disappointed

    I challenge all you antis idiots etc. who only want to say bad things about those who say yechi.You all claim holier then thou let’s research your sides negatives first #1 for all of you who Daaven in the Rebbe’s Room who gave you Reshus how do you have the Chutzpah to enter Gan Eden Ha elyon The rebbe’s private office Even Krinsky Shalom Ber Gnsberg & Leible Groner never had Reshus to enter at anytime they wanted ever!!! #2 let’s llok at your heros !.Yudel Krinsky Still obseesed with using Mamon ?Hekdish & continuing in Secular court against the Gaboyim & Mispallim of 770 The Rebbe’s Shul not Krinsky’s . 2.Avremel Shemtov & family same Taanah except him & his co horts don’t take no for a answetr they lost in a din torah buty don’t care Brother Berah from Detroit the city of hatred doesn’t even bother with a din torah also goes direct to court! Now the Challenge Did you know that every shabbos & Yom tov Four Bachurim all of them Tzfatim or say yechi walk over 4 hours each week to make a Minyan in Parkchester the Bronx! A Yungerman & his wife also give up evety shabbos & yomtov to make the Minyan all you whiners I challenge any one of you to do it to help them I do at least once a month. I have a relative in the Bronx & walk 1 hour each way to help the Minyan speak & then I walk home& then another 45 min to another shul for MIncha Seudas Shlishi & give over a Maamar & other divrei torah stories of the Rebbeim etc..I got another bachur who is Mekurav to Lubavitch that lives 2 blocks from a shul to walk there also app. 1 hr’s walk to help the Minyan what do you do besides open your mouths & jump for Joy when sites like this & your sewers open up with stupid comments etc?? who are the real chassidim of the Rebbe? certainly not ypou who daven without Reshus in The Rebbe’s private office????!!! not you idiots with your open hatred of anyone not like you?


    number nine you said it all with the first word of your comment.. you said IF this is true. and that is a very very big IF. so CH found another way to air their resentment…. what will they think of next (I mean CH.)

  • S Cohen

    Chabad has done more fire Jews in the diaspora than any other organization! And if u think this is bad, I saw a guy with a tattoo of the shema on his back!! Obviously, some ppl are sick!!!

  • ori

    DR. REITER, thankyou SO much by showing us that there is sanity and good sense still. We needed to hear that. That is the best.
    In the time we all are reading and thinking about this, we could really be doing HKBH’s rotzon. I better get off and do it myself…..

  • City of Brotherly Love?

    I think it’s funny how incredibly angry people get at a tattoo – but aren’t worried about when they speak negatively about someone, when they cheat on their taxes, when they scam the government, when they do *anything* else wrong.

    It’s funny the emphasis we put on external things – like having a tattoo, not covering hair, a guy who shaves his beard – rather than the things that actually matter.

    If I was the guy who had this tattoo and was reading this post, I would only be inspired to separate myself further from this hateful group – ironically named for Lubavitch, the city of “brotherly love.”

  • to 47

    “G building” has been razed and its replacement was upgraded a few letters to deal with the Version 14.1 meshuggener of today.

    I think the letter of the replacement building is “R.”

  • Shalom R

    Hella funny! I laughed!! Where can I get that? PPL let him be and move on! This guys is a legend! :) **cant stop laughing!**

  • Levi T

    To all those upset at CHI, devastated that posting this picture and the like will cause a chillul lubavitch, chillul Rebbe etc. etc… Know this: the majority of intelligent Jews does not associate messianic insanity with Lubavitch, Rebbe. It is people such as yourself who still do. Posting this picture actually makes a chillul ‘you’, not lubavitch and certainly not the Rebbe.

  • Go-ds right hand man

    Ty for the cheenuch ! Words of Lashon hakadosh tattooed can be seen on people mostly from Brooklyn, people with tzitit and no hat or rkippah are out there also !
    Free choice , choose wisely !

  • girl in school

    I WANT ONE , im kidding , peolpe do nstupid hthings but beore you get a tattoo just rember that it will remain with you forever you will be burioer then .think of how it willl effect your family. sidepoint sorry no1 wants to marry some1 written on.