Newly Revealed Photos: The Last Maariv
On the day before 27 Adar, 1992, the Rebbe stood on his feet for many hours distributing thousands of dollars for Tzedaka, as was his usual Sunday custom. Afterwards, the Rebbe davened Marriv, and the gathered chassidim were intrigued as to why the Rebbe was taking so long to finish Krias Shma.
After Davening, the Rebbe returned to his room; on the way he blessed the Chosson and Kalah Rabbi Shlomo and Sarah Kaplushnik, in honor of their wedding that night.
Shturem got hold of three never-before-seen photos from that moment: the Rebbe blessing the couple on the eve of 27 Adar after Maariv.
The Rebbe Zatzal we miss you so much
Amazing photos
Is Sholom Ber Kapelushnik of Buenos Aires, who just got married to Miriam Minsky on 26 Adar, the son of the Kapushniks mentioned in this article (and who got married on the same day in Adar 20 years ago)?
The full-face picture of the Rebbe is incredible. Such an uncharacteristic look of intensity.
Who do I contact to purchase a copy of these pictures????
question answered
Sholom Ber who just got married is a nephew to the couple mentioned in the article.
rebbe shlita
we need to see you!!!!