Picture of the Day: Street Blocked Off for Kids’ Safety

One of our readers observed an interesting practice by a local boys’ school while driving through Borough Park today. The school’s staff blocked off the street with metal barricades while the boys were playing outside.

Is this a practical solution to keep the children safe from reckless and speedy drivers that other schools should try as well? or a blatant disregard for the law that should not be imitated by others?

What do you think?


  • Milhouse

    Many schools do this, including public schools. What makes you think it’s illegal?

  • Milhouse

    Many schools do this, including public schools. They do it legally, with the city’s permission. How do you know this school is not doing that?

  • Old timer

    This street is being closed for the past 30 years at least. The school does not have a playground so the street is the only place where kids could play, probably they have a permit, because as I said its so for many years.

  • Oholei Torah

    I often see the service road in front of Oholei Torah blocked off at dismissal time too.

  • Manhattan

    Many schools in Manhattan do this – they do not have playgrounds. I highly doubt it’s illegal.

    • Milhouse

      No. See the section about school play streets. School play streets are obviously not out of season, since their whole point is for the school year.

      Also see this: “Once your school is approved for a Play Street permit, it is valid for future years. You don’t have to re-apply each year.” So if the Borough Park schools were approved 10 or 20 years ago, they’re entitled to keep doing it until and unless they’re specifically told not to. They don’t have to keep checking whether they’re “in season” or “out of season”. Whatever their original permit said is still valid.