The driver along with a partial view of the group in the truck.

Driving past 770 at 1:00am I was treated to a bizarre and shocking display of complete disregard of safety and people being reduced to the lowest levels of what standards we regard as ‘normal living’.

Nearly 50 young Israeli girls crammed into the back of a box truck along with luggage were being transported from 770 to a house on President and New York where they will be staying for the month of Tishrai.

Comments Anyone?

Picture of the Night?!

The driver along with a partial view of the group in the truck.

Driving past 770 at 1:00am I was treated to a bizarre and shocking display of complete disregard of safety and people being reduced to the lowest levels of what standards we regard as ‘normal living’.

Nearly 50 young Israeli girls crammed into the back of a box truck along with luggage were being transported from 770 to a house on President and New York where they will be staying for the month of Tishrai.

Comments Anyone?

The inside of the truck.


  • Mom

    There’s not too much to say except what kind of parents let their kids, esp. GIRLS, come thousands of miles with no proper place to stay & no supervision.

    Who’s going to take care of them if they need anything? Take a guess.

    Pity the poor neighbors on President/NY.

    50 of them???

  • Thoughtful Chosid

    No wonder coffee mugs reading "I survived Tishrei in Crown Heights" are sold. Everybody wants to come to Crown Heights and everybody wants to house them. But past years have had housing in unlawful vacant stores, homes. Fire marhals have closed down places and bochurim have been left literally out in the street.

    We have some real problems here and some people who mean well but end up flaunting the law. I also have to wonder what kind of parents let their children travel so irresponsiby.

    Rubashkin got a city government grant for a hospitality center, but there’s no place to build it because real estate owners want too mucch money.

  • Ad Mosi

    What can we do to stop such insanity. Last year 200 boys were cramed into a building not fit to live in and were evicted by the department of health. Last year i also saw young kids beging on the street for food, "i’m hungry, can you buy me breakfast" the child under bar mitzvah was begging an older bochur in Hebrew. How far do we need to go… a group of boys & girls sitting in the pizza shop rowdily talking to each other who were kicked out, a boy and girl sitting on a bench on Eastern Parkway conversing, when a group of Israeli girls walked by the girl on the bench called out "Don’t look, its not nice". These are just events that i myself have witnessed, how much more is actually going on.
    The current system is a disaster and severely in need of revamp. Maybe make it one year boys and the next girls. This would both help the interaction problems and cut the number down to a mannagable level so that these kids can be treated like respectable human beings and learn what it means to be a true Chossid of the Rebbe, without having to focus on surviving the horid conditions into which they are unexpectedly thrown.

  • girl

    Looks cozy… Hopefully the luggage will be gone from the Women’s section of 770 now. Oh, and I’m sure this was totally illegal– and attracting the police (when such activities have occured in the past) is a total chillul hashem).

  • Brocha Aviva

    It seems as if all sense of decency and dignity have been thrown out the door since all of these guests have arrived for Tishrei. I walked into 770 to daven, and some Israeli girls were washing their hair in the sink. Not to mention that there is no place to walk in 770 or Eastern Parkway for that matter because of all the luggagecrammed on the sidewalks. Why do they compromise normality just to come to NY for Tishrei?


    Who is that irresponsible goon standing in the middle of the pic? Would you trust him with your daughter? Why would Israeli parents send their kids to NY for tishrie anyway? Dont they know what goes on here? Somebody help!

  • sardines

    just like they are a bunch of chickens and homless,what do the have in ny for yomim tovim besides trouble

  • Michush

    It’s interesting that this is being pointed out. Do any of you host Israeli girls or bochrim for tishrei?

  • luxury transportation

    The girls mean well, but those who pack them as sardines well they must just be natives of the congo…

  • concerned

    Don’t make a big deal out of, it was for a few blocks only. Most likely scenario: the luggage was being transported on the truck, and the lazy or disoriented girls asked for a ride, so the driver said ok, pile on!




  • annoyed

    what are they coming for?? What is wrong with the parents – who send them with nowhere to stay , for a month???

  • israelit

    come on , its no big deel

    us israelis are not spoiled like americans

    we are heppy to be with the Rabbee

  • bochur

    big deal it just a short drive in ch i have seen an entire camp doing the highway in the back of an open top truck on a pile of matresses. (sorry i’m afraid i was sworn to silence on which camp uses this mode of transportation)
    i dont find anything wrong, its kinda funny actually..

  • Boruch ben Tzvi HaKohaine Hoffinger


    What’s so bad for a few blocks?
    Car svce. costs, no?
    (I have 3 daughters)

  • Concerned Mother

    who is the Bocher or Yungarman that is in the pictore,?
    it looks like he was the driver od the Truck.

  • help the guests

    was there anyone else willing to give them a ride? no one was there to help our guest. although the ride in the truck was dangerous, to the girls who got the ride it was better then walking

  • CN

    True it may not be safe, but based on your other articles about people being robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight it may be safer than walking at that hour.

  • Fed Up

    I personaly feel that the parents of these girls should take more responsibility…dont send your daughter overseas if you do not know that they will be safe/treated right in a different country…

  • Toshav

    and wats wrong with that?
    maybe you should be helping hacnosas orchim instead of critisizing them?
    wishing you a good year

  • Resident

    Where is the Tznius? A Bochur driving girls? All in the name of coming to the Rebbe for Tishrei?!

    G-d help us.

  • RBA

    I say:
    Put ALL the Israelis in the truck, padlock the back, and leave it in storage until the end of Tishrei.
    Anyone agree??

  • Listen Up!

    THE ABSOLUTE BEST PART ABOUT THIS IS (drum roll please)…

    …They pay for this service!

    The Hachnosas Orchim charge these kids for a place to stay and eat! The Hachnosas Orchim is operated by the Rebbe Mendy Hendel, each year he dose this to the Israeli visitors, housing them in sub human conditions, lest not even get started with the food situations.

    About getting mugged, when walking in a pack of 50 I really don’t thing anyone would try such a stunt…

    Little kids should not be sent here.

  • BrookAve

    Hey Webby: Which cozy basement will you be busting in a few days? The only thing that concerns me is if our holy ice cream store runs out of mocha fudge chip. I love that stuff!

  • Unbelievable

    How can parents send their children overseas for a month without ensuring that their basic needs are going to be taken care of? It is quite irresponsible to ship your child over to NY and just expect them to figure it out, or that someone will pick them up off the street and house them for a month. Make arrangements for your child, or keep them at home for Tishrei.

  • go home

    its very sick to think that parents would send GIRLS to another country without making arrangements for them to live and eat.

    mendel hendel should be arrested for endangering young children, harboring illegal residents, making money of this sham.

    i do not know why these kids are coming here for.
    stay home and spend the month with your family.

    no one should give hendel a penny.

    kids, go home

  • Much ado about nothing

    The girls could have put their luggage on the truck and walked if they wanted to. It’s their own stupidity and I don’t see why every little thing that happens in Crown Heights has to be publicized and dissected by the whole community. Instead of sitting on your lazy tuchuses and complaining about Israeli’s why don’t you just realize that we are all Bnei Yisroel and be a little nicer and more welcoming to our guests. How would you like it if your kids went to Israel and everyone acted like they were the plague? How can you complain that their parents are so terrible when you send your kids to yeshiva all around the globe and similar (and usually worse) things like being piled into a truck all the time, not to mention that most of the kids in crown heights are on drugs. A little Ahavas Yisroel in Tishrei people???

  • rochaberry

    TO RBA

    Your not fuuny ! yes i agree that these girls should come to crown heights with a real place to stay ! but your joke is not funny ! they are in israel all year long and for 1 month they just want to experience some of we we have ((whateover that is lately ? ))?!! do you think they think of us that way when all the americans go to israel for especially yerushalyim for pesach or yom tovs ! my seminary once sent us to israel for shavuos do you know where we slept ???? on the floor in a school ! for 2 weeks !and for another wee k cramped in kfar chabad in tiny rooms !!! come on did we care heck no ! all we wanted to do is to enjoy our time in israel !! So do these girls they enjoy it here you dont hear them complain ??? they are all happy to be hear!! i want to see you be sent away from your nice home for 1 month and we will see how fast you come creing back home like a tatel !!!!!!! lets just be nice !!!!!

  • ChanaE

    Personally, I wouldn’t let my child go to Crown Heights unless he/she organized a place to sleep and eat, but alot of Israelis have a very laid back attitude…….they just roll with the punches (so to speak).

  • CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • sem girl

    loshon hara, it’s rosh ahshana tommorow guys, watch out, you donnt know alll the details, maybe ask HIM what happened,its’s not gonna help if you criticize him, maybe he didn’t know, maybe their bus broke, you NEVER know, try to be dam lekav zchus and go and ask him whats going on. ksivo v’chasima toiva|!
    moshaich now!

  • a concerned resident

    To all those that commented, I think that the idea of israelis coming to america to spend yom Tov in 770 is a beautiful idea, yet they all fail to realize that accomodations are needed in order to make this idea come to fruition. If we would simply all as residents of crown heights speak to the girl/guys and explain to them that they are not from the congo, and they are humans, and guess what…. so are we, crown heights isnt one of the most beautiful places to begin with , and having luggage garbage, and people loitering the streets, just isnt fair to anyone… so instead of just critisizing or mocking … lets try to TERMINATE the problem ! L’shana Tovah!

  • Yankel

    I think lubavitch in israel needs a hard and shocking wakeup call. The mashpiim have to either stop living in fantasy or quit:

    Anyone who remembers the old days will understand that the real Hiskashrus (in its real meaning) never reached the shores of israel.. it just didnt register.

    Now, AFTER gimmel tammuz, they cause disaster after disaster because they do not get what hiskashrus, Rebbe, Chasidus is really about. Instead, they come up with all these ideas, which give the kids a high, but have terrible results.

    Keyaduah lyodei Chen: "its termites eating wood."

  • responsibility

    To all those writing its just a few blocks so whats the big deal…
    If chas v’sholom one truck would have met another in an unpredicted fashion, the parents would have put the ending on that statement
    … so why didn’t they walk

    To all those who say … what kind of parents could…
    I don’t think that the parents in Israel have any real understanding what goes onover here with the kids during Tishrei.
    Mendy Hendel is the problem and he and his family should be forced to live in the same places and conditions that he is putting these kids. Things would problably change real fast.

  • DTW

    Maybe the Israelis and the Americans could simply swap kids and then every kid would have a place to stay.

  • fact...

    fact is, the israelis that come for tishrei lack manners, they dont obey traffic rules, they dress like a shlump which is a disgrace. they go to manhattan officaly on mivtzoim, what it really is; they look like homeless bums with dirty shoes shirts ticked out, jackets that havent been to the cleaners in ages, waving yellow flags. they look more like representatives from the G building. im not to happy my kids seeing this there is more negative than positive.

    however on the other hand we have to realize that these kids come from primitive households,Communities. coming to NY might serve as a conduit for them to learn proper manners spiritualy and physically.

  • RBA

    To rochaberry:

    Wow – your English is TERRIBLE. The spelling, punctuation, grammer – as Borat would say it’s ‘wow-wa-wee-wah’.

    Anyway I was in Israel myself for a number of years, and all I found was that they think the Americans are snobs, rolling in money, and worse – they never ever try to understand what you are saying if you don’t speak Hebrew. They come here expecting everyone to understand what they are saying in Ivrit, yet they themselves don’t make any effort to learn our languauge. And trust me, they talk behind our backs about us the same way we are talking now about them.

    I have three guests in my house over Tishrei so I am more than happy to have people from out of town – it all depends on the country they are from……………….

  • Anti...

    Why are they here?

    1. it’s a business.
    2. The yeshivas and schools get to shut down for a month.
    3. They are brainwash that there is something here & you must go to the "Rebbe" (like I wrote before, I’m waiting for the book "Blame it on the Rebbe” to come out).

    A few facts:

    1. they almost all come here with no idea of were they will sleep or eat, let’s not forget shower (like was mentioned above with the washing of hair in sink…)
    2. They come to collect money.
    They say it’s for "Mivtzoyim", I guess they are telling the truth, it’s called "Mivtza Ipod & Digital Camera".
    By the way it is no Mitzva to give them any money, it is a waist of Jewish money, and there are plenty of Mosdos in CH that can use that dollar. (if they say it’s for food, go buy them a sandwich, DON’T GIVE MONEY.)
    3. They rome the street with nothing to do, unless they are selling something on that street (Bore park, Manhattan, Kingston Ave etc…). Is that what they came for?
    They hang around in places that they should not, like Manhattan. I live here for 25 years and I still don’t know what there is to do in Manhattan. So what are they doing there? (Don’t tell me Mivtzoyim, That is a lie.)
    4. Almost a lot of the time they get involved in politics that don’t belong to them.

    Let’s not forget the presser the parents get to send there kids.
    The Yeshivas have no money (b/c people can’t pay tuition) yet there are so many people coming. A ticket these days cost about $1000, not to forget spending money.
    Were is this money coming from?
    They will all tell you that they worked in a camp or Matza bakery for three weeks.
    Now, As a US Bocher (17-18-19) I would go work (bain Hazmanim) in a store in Williamsburg, I worked for two weeks, 14-16 hours a day, eight dollars an hour (= $1,568). I had to pay the city bus, I had to eat etc… I came home before Yom Tov (succos or pasach) with about $1,200), That is here in the U.S.A.
    How is it that an Israeli Bocher can make enough money (in Israel, in 3 weeks) to buy a ticket to come here? {It seems we should all go work in these Matzo Bakeries/Camps, What does a counselor in a camp get here in the US? $600 for two months?}
    Must we pay for there tickets?
    Last year and years before, some Israelis were here colleting money for there tickets back till Chesvon time, Is that normal? {Last year a Bocher was standing in the Street (after Tishre) stopping cars and asking for money for a ticket home}

    In short, unless they are coming to family or with Family (which means they are being supervised) and have a place to stay, don’t come!
    It will do more Damage/Harm then good.

    This subject was brought up on COL, its VERY INTRESTING, and YOU SOULD CHECK IT OUT.

    If you have a head on your shoulders you will see that 98% (even Israelis) don’t like this idea)

  • lets be nice....

    lets host a few girls or boys in our home for tishrei.

    we can teach them to say excuse me and thank you. to shower daily and change. to remove yellow pins (it makes them like an idiot) to clean/polish shoes. tuck in . shirts, obey traffic rules. a shul is not a hostel or storage area. put garbage in a garbage can not on the floor. perhpas we can host some kids in this fashion.

  • make up mind

    Much ado about nothing wrote:

    "not to mention that most of the kids in crown heights are on drugs. A little Ahavas Yisroel in Tishrei people???"

    Wow, two opposite statements in one sentence?

  • Girl

    So many nice comments!! Thank you for the hospitality. Especially the one who drove by and did not offer rides, the one with homes and did give a place to stay and the ones with food who did not feed. This is exactly what the rebbe wanted Know? Thank you for showing us what good people have say. Just imagine what the not nice people have to say. You treat us and say the same stuff about us that you say about the black people and we are suppose to be the same.

  • Itzik_s

    My feeling exactly. The girls themselves probably thought up the idea or at least agreed to it and may well have been enjoying it as they would an amusement park ride. How far did they go anyway? Certainly not even a mile; maybe 500 yards/meters?

    Legally it should not have been done, but there was no harm intended.

    Some of the other Tishrei problems, though, are real and need to be addressed.

  • Bus Driver

    As a bus Driver, I think this guy should get locket up.
    IDon’t care what he was thinking, its agents the law and must of all it is dangers.
    Many times on the bus (especially Tishry time) the bus get over full, I do not leave until the bus Empty out.
    People tell me things like (I’ll quote from above)

    "big deal it just a short drive in ch i have seen an entire camp doing the highway in the back of an open top truck on a pile of mattresses. (Sorry i’m afraid i was sworn to silence on which camp uses this mode of transportation)
    i dont find anything wrong, its kinda funny actually."

    "Don’t make a big deal out of; it was for a few blocks only. Most likely scenario: the luggage was being transported on the truck, and the lazy or disoriented girls asked for a ride, so the driver said ok, pile on!"

    Its agents the law, b/c it’s dangers!
    When someone will get hurt, what will you say then?
    It was irresponsible no matter what the intension was.

  • SM

    Maybe Union Car service said they didnt have any cars left.

    Maybe they were helping the driver because the truck broke down.

    Maybe its a secret underground railroad.
    maybe my grandmother was a trolley car.

  • C.H.

    to RBA

    are you NUTS. You are. How can you talk like that, do padlock them in a truck for a month. I know its a joke, but its a Sick one.
    May be you should give up your bed for some time. Dont talk like that.
    Personally, i would love to have guest for meals, but not to host them for sleeping.

  • BrookAve

    Whoever has 50 pairs of tights to sell, find out where our holy guests are staying. You can make a nice piece of change!

  • Naftoli from Melbourne

    I don’t understand why this is a big deal all of a sudden. This has been going on for many, many years. When I lived in Crown Heights in the "Mems" I remember overseas visitors knocking on doors looking for a place to sleep. I remember walking into a basement of a moisod on President St during Tishrei and seeing probably 40-50 matresses on the floor – needless to say the smell was not pleasant.

    To someone living thousands of miles away it seems that the Commmunity Council should be doing something about this. As should the irresponsible parents who send teenagers to CH without a safe place to stay.

  • normal sem girl night activity

    when i first looked at my wife’s pictures from sem etc i asked her if these "activities" including the typical "see how many we can cram into a ____ (choose any random subject)’ were considered normal.

    I have since had a lot of involvement at a sem, and i can assure you, there’s little they won’t do to get some kind of thrill. I can imagine the whole lot of them giggling their heads off and snapping pictures at this adventure.
    Normal? No!
    Girlie thrill? yes!

  • jbg

    welcome to lubavitch
    why are the kids in crown heights
    without the mashpim/madrichim
    something is messed up here!
    why are they sending the children to ny
    to get killed?live like animals for 1 month?
    rebbe ratavon us!, save us rebbe
    lashona tova

  • stop whining

    Maybe its a sacrifice for them not to shower for a month? maybe they dont like to stink and sweat just like we "normal americans"? and maybe it’s a sacrificefor them not to eat normaly for a month? (i know that i dont like not eating normaly for a month), maybe they are living in sub-human conditions?
    But with all of this do you see any of them complaining? the answer is a big fat NO, they are all smiling and happy and smiling! WHY? Does this make sense? Year after Year they come hear and torture themselves for a month straight, nevertheless they do it again and again. why?
    is what we go through for a month on tishrei as hard as what they go through? i dont think it comes close, we have to "tolorate" these "smelly" people, who are so "loud and noisy" and they dare ask "us" for tzedakah! what "chutzpah"!
    Maybe they dont like asking for tzedakah? who does like to beg?
    this is another sacrifice that they make, again i ask, why?
    I am not going to write the obvious answer, but i think that some of you less cynical people out ther can probebly come up with something if you try hard enough.
    and by the way, i do think it was irresponsible to go on the back of a truck like that, but again this outpouring of hatred was just waiting for an excuse to come out.

  • fair and balanced

    the fact that we are after the 3rd of tammuz (in our 13th year)and Ch has become what it is how much more can we take. Tishrei is also for the 12 months a year residents of CH. Look at what 770 becomes during the week a Shuch (market Place) with hanging around, meals served on the porch ,kids damaging the dreidel in front of the tzivos hashem. Yes we have to have compasion and respect for our guests but they have to behave as guest’s should. Again no leadership here. (old Story)

  • AY

    First of all I must say to most of you that wrote to put it mildly could you not find a better way of saying things. They all came to the REBBE MH"M its just very wrong for the way M. Hendel is doing things and I think he should be answerable to some authority. If the kitchen is to hot GET OUT if however he has taken on such a responsibilty and also with all the advertising he does for the orchim to come, he HAS to answer to some authority. Those boys and girls coming here to the Rebbe’s Shechunah should be taken care of properly and it is our the toishvei hashchunah to take care of them this is OUR shlichus
    here OUR ZECHUS and M. Hendel has taken the ACHRAYUS and is not doing it properly so he should be taken to task. On a personel note I do what I can and then some but stop laughing at them their parents (in most cases) were promised that they would be taken care of. We want G-D to be god to us in the new year that is almost here so lets be good to other people.

  • what a community

    Are you concerned for their welfare or are you just spewing loshon hora?
    Less than a week a ago this community was hit with a terrible tragedy, Rosh Hashana is less than two days away and all we can do is say loshon hora and criticize other Yidden…

  • fed up

    this goes to hoffinger all the way up the page.

    if they were going to president, why cant they walk there?

    the point is not that it is only a few blocks, because if so then do what everyone in crown heights does and walk!!

    the point is that there is a total disregard for basic human dignity which all jews are supposed to have

  • BrookAve

    Here’s the Seder for our 50 holy girlie guests:

    9:00 am wake up and have a bit of breakfast, brush teeth and hair and shower…HA !!!

    10:30 go to 770 to daven Shacharis, dont forget to wear your pins!

    11:15 stroll Kingston, ask for tzedaka, buy tights

    11:45 go eat shwarma

    1:00 pm take subway to greenwich village

    5:00 pm see movie uptown

    8:00 eat pizza, shop at Macy*s

    11:30 pm back on Kingston to eat ice cream

    12:45 am get truck transportation to park slope for a game of pool and bar hopping, thanks Mendel Hendel !

    3:00 am back on Kingston, hot lead on a party in a cozy basement….keep the noise down 50 girls, you dont need to get busted by Webby. You may get sent home to your loving parents!

  • Eliezer

    The negative comments, filled with hatred, are just SICKENING!!!!

    (You guys are complaining?! i share my home with MOST of them. and i do so happily!)

  • ...........

    I can understand how important it is for the Israeli’s to come to the Rebbe for Tishrei, all our teachers try to convince us how instead of saying crown heights is invested with israelis and being annoyed at their pushing and taking over crown heights we should appreciate how they save money all year to come to the Rebbe. Well guess what- I am not convinced- they should stay home. they put their lives and the lives of others in danger. a person cannot survive without shelter and food. and they come to crown heights , not even knowing if they’ll have a place to stay or eat- and the conditions they cram into are insane! Stay in ERETZ YISROEL! GO DAVEN AT THE KOTEL. unless prior to ur trip u arrange like A REPSONSIBLE HUMAN BEING a place for urself to stay. and teachers dont give us the bs that we have to take care of them etc…. we have our own guests to tend to.THEIR BEHAVIOR IS UNACCEPTABLE!

  • Franky

    To Anti:

    After reading your comment, just as after reading most of your other comments, i’m suddenly hit with the feeling like im going to PUKE!

  • Someone who cares

    Why won’t you support "Hachnosas Orchim" instead of complaining on something you’re not taking part of?

  • Resident

    I might sound extremely anti-semetic even though I am a jewish lubavitcher.I am really sorry but if these people don’t have a place to stay they shouldn’t come. Either arrange before you come or DONT COME.It is mamash not right to the residents of Crown Heights who have to put up with not being able to daven in shul because it smells so bad you cannot breath and people coming up to you in the streets as you are taking your kids off the bus asking for a place to sleep.It is not like camp where ten people sleep in a room WE LIVE HERE this is not some come and go place.I have no problem if they come with a place to sleep BEFORE HAND but to come and sleep in 770 is also just not right.Also the fact that these people are unaware that CH is not the safest place and they cannot just be riding in a back of a truck at one in the morning besides the fact that whoever was driving that bus risked his life in jail and the terms of the community and the police department.If the orchim are the ones who are showing the police who we are we might have a huge problem after Tishrei.Also ,they are coming because they think (not that they are wrong)that Tishrei is a holy time and 770 is a holy place and they HAVE to be here with the rebbe then why do they sleep in 770 and treat it in a garbage dump way?To sleep in a shul is not kedushedik either so they have to make up their minds.

  • frizzy

    I agree that this is a bit retarted but that doenst give anyone the right to critisize the israelis. If you would just understand a little bit of thier mesiras nefesh they have to come to CH you would stop complaining and learn from them. many of these girls dont have that much money to pay for a ticket so they start saving up FROM LITERALLY A YEAR BEFORE – they babysit and literally scrub floors just to come to 770 for tishrei.

  • big talker

    i cant believe any of u . these girls work a whole year just sooo they could be in the rebbes shul for tishrei, and ur upset bc someone helped them whith their luggage? ur upset that that their all sleeping in acramped room? if u have such problem with that maybe offer to have some of them stay in your house. if they didnt come to ch for tishrei, htan tishrei would not be such a special time. kol hakovod girls.

  • bm

    I don’t know the average age of the author’s of the comments to this article.

    Regardless of why these boys and girsl are here, they are here with nowhere to stay.

    If any of you arrogant, selfish, unhospitable people have a good idea on how to curb the influx of Israeli teenagers next year, go ahead and state your case.

    Otherwise, these guests are our brothers and sisters. Manners or no manners. With suitcases in 770 or without them.

    It’s abhor able to read what Crown Height’s residents and Lubavitch Chassidim as a whole can be capable of thinking and writing.

    The Israeli’s are here……and leaving them out on the street or ridiculing them is a waste of time and energy. Open your arms, your hearts, and your minds. Start sharing. Start really caring.

  • Putting On The Shpritz

    To RBA etc

    Thanx for the laugh…I’m sure your guests are clean, considerate & polite. Glad to know you open your home as much as the rest of us!

    To the rest of you I say…well, at least they wash their hair (in 770’s sink!) Can Crown Cosmetics donate deodorant? How about Flamm tossing in some clean underwear?

    I just hope all our (make that YOUR) guests are clean & sweet-smelling when they "see" the Rebbe in 770. Course, I personally don’t care cos I wouldn’t go into 770 with all those crackpots.

    BTW…My "hotel" is bursting with English-speaking Bochurim (cos I have teenage sons) who are clean, & I know them/their parents. We were booked before the summer!

    How do you say "scrounger" in Hebrew?

  • Wish i wasn-t a crown heightser!!!!!!

    Nice talk everyone! the only reason the guests live this way is because no one is willing to put them up! they’d be THRILLED to live in a normal house with only a couple of other visitors, but no one OFFERS!!!!!!!!!
    get to know these israelis before you bash. they have a lot that we selfish crown heighters can learn from.
    after reading all these above comments, i can only cringe in embarrasement at the title "crown heightser". the closemindedness that most people have displayed in their opinions listed above is unbelievable!!!!

  • not a foreigner

    To all you wackos out there…

    Haven’t you noticed yet??????????

    The Rebbe is NOT HERE in 770 B’GUF!!! No, this is NOT heresy (look it up!) Where were YOU Gimmel Tammuz 12 years ago?

    So why are these people coming here?

    Blame the Israeli Yeshivas who close down for Tishrei & disfunctional parents who want their kids out of their hair & someone else’s problem!

  • chill out!!

    guys, just chill out. they are isrealies and come in once a year leave them alone and let them enjoy.

  • crown street resident

    why should you stop someone who wants to come to crown heights for tisherai you should be happy they are coming

  • DR

    Time is an issue for many people. But maybe there should be someone who can create some sort of exchange or forum online where people are willing to offer room and board to these Isrealis who sign up. I am sure there are some generous and kind people out here in crown heights willing to host a guest or two. Listen, that’s one less isreali showering in the sink of 770!

  • anonymous

    i have never seen such disgusting comments in my life. do any of you know the boys and girls who are here? and even if you do we are all Jews and that’s all that matters. i don’t live in crown heights but what is it your business if these girls were in the back of a truck. what did they ever do to harm you? and if you think G-d will bless you when you talk about your brothers and sisters like that i think you’re wrong.

  • So wrong

    Oviuosly anyone who is writing bad has never been to isreal and seen how the girls save up every last penny to come here for Tishrei. they work so hard and give up so much just so they can experience a Tishrei with the Rebbe, and just to brush it all aside because they don;t dress well or don;t take showers is so childish. Its nice to have people who really do appreiciate the holiness and speciialty of crown heights and 770. Maybe we could all learn and lesson and take advantage of what we have.

  • YW Editor.

    To all Lubavitchers:

    Don’t take this as any offense. I am not Chassidish or Lubavitch. I am a regular Frum Yid who has been coming to Crown Heights on Simchas Bais Hasoevah for the last 20 years.

    I strongly suggest that you people WAKE-UP!!

    Do you realize how filthy 770 is? It smells like a train station. There are homeless people sleeping on the floors. The place is a mess. It is a total Chillul Hashem.

    You can be sure that these girls are not coming for any Kedusha what-so-ever.

    The parents who let their children travel here are out of their minds.

    I have many Lubavitcher friends that I deal with on a regular basis in buisness who are totally fed up.

    Why don’t you just put an end to the madness?

    Also once you at it, estabish a Vaad Hatznius at the Simchas Bais Hashoeiva’s. It’s disgusting. Like another "Woodstock"!

    Sorry for venting……Kisiva Vachasima Tova.

    YW Editor.

  • SH




  • Tomim

    What on earth is wrong with you people? Why are there so many of you "commentators" talking about being a real chossid? Being a chossid means having ahavas yisroel. Maybe if some of you chossidim realized that, and you actually housed some of these people, we wouldn’t have issues like this. The Rebbe said that hachnosas orchim in tishrei has to be at it’s peak!! I know that many people dont agree with all their shitas etc., but I think that the real problem is the people living right here, in Crown Heights.

  • Don-t fool yourself

    For all those who are so quick to judge and are saying that the people complaining about the guest are hatful (not caring etc…) to you I say this…

    In my house were I grow up we always had guest, weather it was cousins or others.
    We always had Israeli Bochorim eat over on Yom-Tov (in fact the whole year).

    In fact, that is why I hold of what I wrote above, sitting at our table I can see straight on what is going on. (They don’t know why they are here etc…)

    When people say we should have hospitality, you should have in mind that we are not speaking about 100-200 or even 800 guests, we are speaking about 3000 at least.
    (Let’s not forget the couples that come). How in the would are we to house these people, or better yet why should we?*

    Last week at our Shobbos table, this discussion came up, I (My father) said our opinion and my wife (an Israeli) said hers. (I said the above; she said “what do you care? Why does it bather you? And so what if they do that…) Discussion over…
    A week passes (and with out me saying another word about this) her opinion changes.
    It may be that she went out in the course of the week, saw it the way it was… Now she’s coming to me with stories.

    As I write at 10:40pm there is a group of girls outside with there suitcases (there about 15-16) it seems they have no idea were there going, I guess if it’s alright with you….

    *As a concerned member of my brethren I say what I say (and I’m sure all the rest of the people voicing negatively about them being here).
    Nobody complains Chof-Beth Shivat or Gimmul Tammuz, Why is not, because the people coming then are more organized.

    They come to have a good time and we must take care of them.
    If that’s what you want to do, great. Do it!
    You support all the guest, you patrol all night. You make sure nobody acts crazy (making a Chillol Hashem) you patrol Manhattan.
    You take full Reasonability…

    To end…
    Kids* should not be with out supervision
    *12-13-14-15-16-17 and even 18 years of age.

  • Itzik_s

    I agree with the above but something needs to be done to teach some of the visitors some manners.

    On the one hand, having seen how many of the Israeli guests turned out for the blood drive last Sunday (I ended up staying to volunteer as a translator) there are clearly many chassidishe visitors coming here for the right reasons.

    On the other hand, last year I was approached by some young female guests with a preposterous and embarrassing request that they came up with as a way to avoid waiting on line 5 extra minutes at a chain store outside the shchuna. Luckily I speak Ivrit and was able to tell them off without creating an even worse chilul Hashem.

    Maybe a website or booklet with guidelines and rules (and with a bulletin board that will allow guests and hosts to get together) will do the trick, or perhaps principals and rabbonim/mashpiim abroad need to know what is going on, so that those who are really here to spend Tishrei in the Rebbe’s shchuna can do so, whereas those who are here to shop or to get away from their parents for a month can stay home.

  • MIB in CH

    to the guy who wrote rebbe mhm – give it up bozo…. once you add the mhm intials you lose total point right there and any brain leverage. when are you guys gonna get it. the MHM stands for head in the sand type, nauseating yellow flag mentality,…….i’ll stop here its elul.

    for crying out loud – get a life.

    to all the others with snotty comments – remember when you were a kid. yea, think back abit. chill, and behave now. why don’t you offer to help. yes they are our brothers and sisters and the rebbe would’ve wanted us to share.

    i admit it’s tough in ch these days but heck it is tough and rough everywhere.

    ksiva ve…………

  • me

    What a beautiful piece of Sinas Chinom Erev Rosh Hashanah.
    Maybe we should add it to the piyutim in the Machzor.

    You express yourselves so eloquently.

    "CRAZY PARENTS" (who want their children to daven in 770 during Tishrei- WHAT A CRIME!!)

    "SUB HUMAN CONDITIONS" (twenty years ago it
    was WORSE!!) who remembers seeing pople shlepping their mattresses on Kingston Ave. The food they served then makes a soup kitchen look like a 5 star restaurant.

    Remember the color of the mikveh water (not to mention the contents of the HUGE UNION CHOLENT BOWL).

    the Rebbe said that coming for Tishrei (despite the dire conditoinc) is like coming to the KIngs palace,, and one should not stay in his "loch". Ad Kan Leshono Hakodesh.
    Where he has a comfortable bed, delicious homemade meals, spacious shuls, daily showers.

    I wish I had such Mesirus Nefesh you have to spend Tishrei in Kan Tzivah!!

  • .........

    To whoever writes and thinks that the negative comments are filled with hatred; they are not. I have spoken to a few people who wrote such comments and they are filled with disappointment. They are disappointed at how coming to the Rebbe for Tishrei comes before being a mentch. They are disappointed at Hachnosas Archim for not properly taking care of the Rebbe’s guests. If i was in charge of Hachnosas Archim i would do my job and not a day b4 rosh hashana call families and ask if 10 pple can stay for part of tishrei. i would be working on this tishrei starting last tishrei. You can’t yell or be upset at people; who are working hard to support their family and they many guests they’ll be having this tishrei for venting their disappointment in the way the Archim behave. Imagine the goyim that were driving by and saw all these girls on the truck – what a chilul hashem and lubavitch! Our comments are not chas v’shalom filled with hatred. these are our brethren and we love them- we are disappointed at such behavior.

  • From Col (english)

    1. Do not send the children
    9/19/2006 4:00:19 PM
    Parents please do not send under bar mitzvah to NY for Tishrei. There is NO supervision for them they don’t have places where to sleep or even eat a proper meal. A young child should be in the yeshiva learning or helping at home.

    40. No, No, No,
    9/19/2006 8:23:06 PM
    No kid should be going to Crown Heights without a parent or a guardian. No one in the right mind would send a kid alone to a deferent country without proper supervision. it is also illegal in the US to neglect a child like that
    all we need is a kid who will find himself at the mercy of the American law in case they find out and decide to hold on to him till they can verify where the parents are.

    42. in most cases wrong.
    9/19/2006 8:42:05 PM
    A kid needs structure and seder.
    In beis chayenu by tishrei his is difficult to get it.

    49. Resident
    9/19/2006 9:31:28 PM
    I do not understand why you are asking only about the "children" they come here for Tishrei and not about the young bochurim who come and wander around crown heights \Brooklyn \Manhattan etc
    Ask yourself
    Is this what the Rebbe wants?

    54. The boys are not the only ones here
    9/19/2006 10:12:11 PM
    What about all the girls that come to NY for no good reason what so ever they just stand by the plaza and talk to their brothers or to their etc… etc…

    9/19/2006 11:46:31 PM
    I was just passing 770 and there are hundreds of boys and girls just hanging around 770 with nothing to do. To spend all that money to come to 770 and just hang outside 770 is no tachlis.
    In fact no yeshivah should allow there talmidim to come to 770 for 5 weeks.

    67. Where are the Parents
    9/20/2006 1:04:54 AM
    it is beyond a doubt that such behavior is completely against the Rebbes will, its not just dangerous and irresponsible it is a horrible way for a young child to spend these important days – as orphans without direction- the question is where are the parents with a sense of responsibility – I guess they make them differently out in the Holy Land.

    74. Please don’t come
    9/20/2006 2:34:09 AM
    U should all know the situation here in crown heights is not good. if the parents and hanahalah from the yeshivos would know what goes on here all year and especially during tishrei the tzinious .the hanging out boys and girls drugs they would never send there kids here without parents ..There is more to write especially about simchas beis hasheviah here .I hope u understand.

    76. The Boys and Girls
    9/20/2006 3:23:49 AM
    Walking out of 770 and going on Kingston Avenue is a terrible experience. All the bochurim and the girls many just standing talking to each other. The girls from israel do not behave in a tznius manner.
    It looks like a zoo in front of 770. Please we don’t need all these little kids coming for a whole month doing nothing. let them come during other times in the year when it isn’t so busy and the children can be supervised in a proper manner.

    9/20/2006 3:46:29 AM
    Better for the children to stay at home with their parents

    78. what a waste of money
    9/20/2006 3:51:15 AM
    Any responsible parent would never consider sending a child with strangers ( and if we can be realistic who knows who some of them are especially when they themselves lived just a short while ago in anenvironment that allowed for every type of behavior.
    Then there is the issue of cost money is shnorred for these pleasure trips. These funds could be used for Tzedaka instead i.e. Yeshivas Shluchim food packages Hachnosas Kalla. With all due respect to the organizers they cannot supervise 24/7 in such an open environment including Succos Simchas Bais Hashoeva,Chol Hamoed and weekdays.As mentioned in many responses it depends on the individual child I ask "Is it worth to ruin even one child for life"? for the sake of those who benefit? Especially if that child is yours!!!
    Kesiva Vachasima Tova

  • br high school girl

    i love the tishrei guests, they really make us feel yom tov more. Thanks for flying in to Kan Tziva! What can you expect from them, they don’t know any better, imagine if we flew in to Israel and all the Israelis made fun of us. It’s about time we appreciate them and the chayus they add to Crown Heights.
    Feel free to debate the matter, I’m strong on my opinion

  • COL 2

    78. what a waste of money
    9/20/2006 3:51:15 AM
    Any responsible parent would never consider sending a child with strangers ( and if we can be realistic who knows who some of them are especially when they themselves lived just a short while ago in anenvironment that allowed for every type of behavior.
    Then there is the issue of cost money is shnorred for these pleasure trips. These funds could be used for Tzedaka instead i.e. Yeshivas Shluchim food packages Hachnosas Kalla. With all due respect to the organizers they cannot supervise 24/7 in such an open environment including Succos Simchas Bais Hashoeva,Chol Hamoed and weekdays.As mentioned in many responses it depends on the individual child I ask "Is it worth to ruin even one child for life"? for the sake of those who benefit? Especially if that child is yours!!!
    Kesiva Vachasima Tova

    109. Boys and girls
    9/20/2006 5:31:55 PM
    After reading over 99 responds i understand finally alot more about todays Crown Heights and maybe about Lubavitch as its stands today
    first, some people are in deneil and they think that their boy is a great boy and therefore should go and he will be just fine.
    second the Boys and girls problem as you describe it exist everywhere as one of you brought up the shlichot to Russia
    I think that at a certain age a girl should be able to open her eyes and see whats out there
    I myself used to eat shabos meals at homes that across the table were girls and i ended up marrying one of them
    And lastly
    Have some consideration for the people of Crown Heights who open their doors and their pockets to house and feed so many
    Please help out make some contributions by helping with something
    And for g-ds sake stop attacking each other on every issue with the meshichist or non meshichist thing

    Have a sweet and happy new year

    111. Not my kids
    9/20/2006 5:46:51 PM
    I love and trust my kids to make the right choices and keep up with what we thought them at home (and not the school only) but there is no way in the world that i will send my kids at an age of 12 – 14 – or even 16 alone without a yeshiva, school or any other supervision
    Why be so cruel to your kids and leave them to make so many choices in such short period of time (4 – 5 weeks) and expect them to always do the right thing without making one mistake
    I will always want someone watching over them to make sure all is good
    I don’t think that each parent can make the decision based on how they know or think they know their children

    By the time a parent find out about what really took place in NY it may be way too late.

    121. Show me the money
    9/20/2006 8:56:23 PM
    The schools and Yeshivas have no money because parents cant afford to pay tuition yet come Tishra time and Crown Heights is full of Israelis (shopping etc)

    They will all tell you that they worked 3 weeks in a camp or worked in a Motzo bakery, That how they got there money.
    Are there enough Camps and Motzo Bakeries to employ every Lubavitcher Bocher?
    If they pay that well that they can afford a ticket (about $1,000 at least, not to forget some spending money), we (Americans) should move to Israel to work (we may make enough in two months to pay a years tuitionº).
    Not to forget, that they collect money for there ipods and cameras.

    125. Rebbes Orchim
    9/20/2006 11:02:19 PM
    I don’t think the thousands of kids that come here and just hang out on the streets would be considered the Rebbes orchim.
    These are kids who are pressured to spent a lot of money to be here for 5 weeks. Its time we put a stop to this hefkeyrus.
    There has to be a seder how the kids come here and for a shorter time.

    134. zchus
    9/21/2006 5:28:11 AM
    Years ago, for a bochur to come to NY tishrei time or any time for a farbrengen etc. had to be earned, by studying
    tanya – gemarah bal peh etc
    it was a zechus to come , and the bochrim appreciated it more.
    What bothers me too is the way
    770became a bazar,
    Just like the police confiscate the flowers from the flower sellers every erev shabbos from the street corners, they should clean up the shuk in front of 770…

    148. Crown heights resident
    9/22/2006 4:22:50 AM
    as a person who lived here for many years i must tell you that there are positive things as 770 full of people learning etc. I don’t know about the girls it gives me the impression that they nothing but roam the streets. on the other hand i think its absurd that a kid whether its a boy or girl to go to crown heights and has no where to stay i myself got 3 calls just today I was asked by 5 bochrim for money when i davened in 770 if you have no where to stay then don’t come here and PARENTS WHERE IS THE RESPONSAPLITY I just dont get it. another thing to have in mind is the tznius problam here in crown heights your kid might just get exposed to some things he never saw before so if he is not a storn chassidish kid then dont send him here he is not coming to the rebbe.



  • DR

    Time is an issue for many people. But maybe there should be someone who can create some sort of exchange or forum online where people are willing to offer room and board to these Isrealis who sign up. I am sure there are some generous and kind people out here in crown heights willing to host a guest or two. Listen, that’s one less isreali showering in the sink of 770!

  • Crown Heights Resident

    I was physically pained to read three quarters of these comments. How can you talk about the Israeli boys and girls this way? These girls are having actual MESIRAS NEFESH to come to New York for Tishrei. No, they aren’t coming to wander around New York! If you ask the girls the majority of them will tell you, why did I come to New York-to see the Rebbe! We should be learning from them and taking a lesson from them, NOT ridiculing them!!! Most years during Tisrei, either on Rosh Hashana or Shabbos or Sukkos I have girls come to my house to eat meals so I’m talking firsthand. Yes, sometimes people feel it is unpleasant to come into 770 when it is so full and yes the smell isn’t the most pleasant, BUT SINCE WHEN DOES 770 ONLY BELONG TO AMERICANS????? We should only be giving respect and helping out all these Isrealis that are showing us how to remain mekushar to the Rebbe.

  • Use your Noggin

    This is dangerous passenger carriage. First of all, I don’t mind that they’re in the back of a truck. If you pack a truck with people, however, rig the thing like a BUS- put handrails in the ceiling, offer seating space, put a wall up back so people don’t fall out the back! Oh yeah: It doesn’t matter whether the passengers are GIRLS, BOYS, MEN, WOMEN, or little green aliens from Mars. TREAT ALL PASSENGERS WITH RESPECT, AND MAKE SURE THEY ARE SAFE. If they want to see the Rebbe for a Shanah Tovah, fine, but don’t just cram them into a truck without thinking. That’s what the Nazis did, cramming people into trucks and 40-and-8 boxcars without thinking.

  • lost on President St

    This might be stupid of me. .


    What if 1 (1!) of those 90-120 lb. bags was filled with C-4 Plastic explosive? BOOM!!!

    K’sivah V’Chasimah Tovah ya’ll !

  • Pinchos Woolstone

    maybe a web page can be setup in English and Ivrit so that these young people can find a home to stay with before they fly out to CH.
    The families here in CH who are interested in being host can place their details on the page.
    Question what is hapening with the half finished building oposite Kehos on Kingston?.

  • izzy c

    all i can say is that you guys are terriblt exagerating big deal its just four blocks anyone would do it,regarding the jokes theres are people who left ther comfort to be by the rebbe for tishrei a little respect,


    I think that this site is nothing else but creating Machloket and an amazing source for the great mitzvah of LOSHON HARA! if people are bored they should take the time to go to work and do something with their life. and lets not forget one fact, half of this community is ex-israelis, many successfull business on Kingston that serve the community are Israelis and many parents of the smart people that right all this notes above are Israelis. and one more point, this world is round to anyone that forgot that!
    The most important is that I see how much hate and nasty comments are written on this site that it makes me sick. I have not seen such a thing in any other Chabad web site. shame on you all!

  • CM

    LOL that was funny.


    They’re kids and they’re having a good time. Has anybody here ever backpacked around Europe or the US?

    I promise accomodations are not better – and its a great experience nonetheless.

  • Abba

    What Meiseros Nefesh do these Shnorrers have?

    Meiseros Nefesh is when Shluchim go to the Congo. When religious Jews sit in jail for years for teaching Torah. When kids are bullied by non-frum neighbors for being Kosher & Shomer Shabbos. When "Sabbath Observers" lost jobs every Friday because they wouldn’t work on Shabbos.

    Tell me…where’s the Meiseros Nefesh in coming here for a free month-long vacation?


    It’s not Ahavas Yisroel for my family to be harrassed by crazies for food, a place to sleep etc.

    I support (FULLY) 2 families. I open my home to people I know…all year long. I give PLENTY of Tzedakah, as much as I can. It may not be much to some, but to me…
    my wife & I both work. We pay FULL TUITION .

    What about MY Meiseiros Nefesh to keep my family together.

    TRUE STORY…Last night, my daughter was "accosted" by 3 Israeli guys (is that appropriate) DEMANDING a ride from Crown/Albany to 770.

    She told them, in Ivrit, to WALK. Guess what? They were insulted. They believed, genuinely, that everyone in CH is here to service them.

    Please…go home. give us our neighborhood back.


    WOW! Didn’t know SO MUCH DISLIKE for the Rebbe’s
    chassidim existed amongst our own!! The Israeli’s, who with MESIRAS NEFESH save and live here not so comfortably – come to be WITH THE REBBE. For some, the Rebbe IS NOT IN 770, but for OTHERS HE I S. Some of the PERSONAL INULTS directed at the Israelis is S H O C K I N G – where do Chabad chassidim have such CHUTZPAH to criticize them PESONALLY! When YOU LIVE in the Rebbe’s schuna – HOW EASY it is to scorn those who want to spend time here for Tishrei. WHAT INTOLERANCE – some people COME to BE BY THE REBBE – so what if in YOUR ESTIMATION the Rebbe
    is not there. Such intolerance and ARROGANCE – where are the chassidic values of AHAVAS YISROEL gone and "CHASSIDIM are EIN MISHPOCHA". WHERE, WHERE…!! To say Israelies don’t DESERVE TO COME –
    because THIS SCHUNA and this COMMUNITY COUNCIL (or whoever is responsible to find housing) is FAST ASLEEP. Theses orchim provide UTMOST PLEASURE TO
    THE REBBE. Where were the phonecalls this year nagging my household to take in people? Don’t know.
    This year I didn’t seem to get any.


    SIGNED BY: Sad to hear the selfish disconnectedness and FORGETFULNES as to WHAT PLEASES THE REBBE MOST (ahvas yisroel and also, housing and receiving orchim) of most writers here. – Can ALL this ATTITUDE have come about because you think the Rebbe is not here, running the show? Or can it be that we just have to THINK LONG AND HARD (and WATCH M A N Y VIDEOS of the Rebbe to SEE and REMEMBER Ahavas Yisroel in action – HOW IT "LOOKS" b’poel MAMASH.

    A chasiva vchasima tova!

  • The root of the problem

    For the few that actually know what happened in lubavitch The kinus in Nun hey was right after alll they should have stopped kvutza in nun hey then all these problems wouldnt exist. Shana Tova

  • on Montgomery Street

    Last night, I went to 770 to offer sleeping space to girls. Firstly, many do have a place to stay, they just prefer to be with their friends than at the home of their hosts. But more importantly, there is a very busy schedule of Shiurim for the girls. There is a plan, and most do follow it.

    So while, it may seem like chaos to us organized Americans, there is a plan, and the children do gain tremendously from their trip to New York, even if they don’t see the Rebbe.

    So let them come. It is good for them, and good for our children to see that there are so many people who are willing to sacrifice so much to be in the Shchunah of the Rebbe with so many other Chasidim, davening and celebrating Tishrei together.

    And yes, my guests have manners, and no, they don’t smell. And they don’t demand anything from me. They are quite pleasant. They are grateful for my hospitality.

    But most importantly, my children see that Jews do care for each other, even if the guests got themselves into this predicament in the first place.

  • Kperson

    Its not safe. No matter how much fun it was…an accident could have happened. you don’t stick 50 girls in a truck, and say…lighten up!….when something could have happened…(when I saw the pic, a picture of ww2 jews just flew in my head..) not fun.

  • New York City Rules!

    To those who dislike seeing girls wandering around NYC: Why the heck not? Let them tour the town – it’s one of the great cities of the world, after all, and I see no problem with girls or boys wandering around in groups, properly supervised. When that happened when I was a teenager, we called those "field trips".

  • Gut Yar

    my heart kvells when I see so many people in the streets are people Yidden we are the majority Tishrei time, I almost feel like I am in geula on erev shabbos the streets hustling and bustling with yidden.

    But I would like to know the name of the truck driver, my cleaning lady got stuck in mexico trying to bring her kids home maybe he can make arrangments,

    We should all have a gut gebensht yar a Ksiva Vchasima Tova and Moshiach Now

  • To rochaberry

    You’re 100% right! How many americvans go to israel for yom tov or just a trip and end up crashing in people’s homes just so that they could "live" the feeling of the place for a while!!??
    When I was in sem in israel, some girls used to go around jerusalem and just knock on peoples doors and ask if they can stay a night or two..or three…
    You get the piont.
    Give them a break – one month, leave them alone.

  • Excuses

    Enough of all this "mesiras nefesh" BS.
    99% of them come to have a good time and vacation in NYC at our expense.

  • Student

    I think instead of making fun of Israeli’s people should invite them over to their house. Instead of being disgusted at girls washing their hair in 770, you should invite them over to your house to shower. There’s girls probably don’t have any other place to wash up! When I was in Israel, Israeli families had tremendous hachnosas orchim, when it came to inviting American students to their house for shabbosim and yomim tovim. The least we could do is pay this hachnosas orchim back by inviting an Israeli or two over for a meal or to sleep over. May our hachnasas orchim merit the coming of Moshiach very soon!

  • Elchonon Hellinger

    OK here is my 2 cents on the subject,

    Everyone stop saying
    "those israeli’s" or "those americans" because if you are a parent that had a child in israel, the chances are that your child crashed at my apartment in jerusalem within the past 4 years… my apartment is no hangout but for those that honestly need a place to stay.. all are welcome (boys only)

    As a american living in eretz yisrael for 4 years I see where both sides are at fault, firstly american yeshiva / seminary kids pull this kind of garbage off ALL THE TIME here..go to chevron shabbos chayei sara to name just one… I have to arrange meals and sleeping for 20-50 guys every year and I dont even live in chevron!

    Lets not even get near "behaviour"!!!!!!!!
    Have you ever been to "town" on a thursday night or motzey shabbos.. YES "town" is my shechuna!! and your holy american yeshiva bochur / seminary girl is busy flirting with israeli guys (and at times arabs which they are not aware of) they get drunk (no not farbrengen drunk!) and the list goes on… and I am the one that has to intervene with the cops (trust me my arrest record is LONG) and drag your child to my apartment.

    Look, rosh hashana just ended. We need ahavas yisrael and stopped criticizing the other’s now!! YES the "israeli’s" wreck CH just as much as your kid wrecks MY shechuna and MY chevron.. but is that a reason / answer / excuse to not feed or help them?????????
    It would only take a few thousand dollars to cook up ALOT of food and feed these guys! There is no yeshiva.. why not house them in ohley torah / lubavitch yeshiva.. cook for them etc.. and charge them a bare minimum to eat.

    I lived in gush katif for 6 monthes and instead of kvetching about the situation (which was NOTHING you can even imagine.. 10,000 people ALL over)

    Instead I raised money for the people there and bought food and we built tents etc…

    OK the situation is diffrent and israeli’s have a diffrent view of the law and everything in general..


    So big deal they dirty your house and 500 people shower in your shower.. so?!?!?!?! have you ever heard the famous story with the rich guy and the rebbe and the "mud"

    Maybe instead of pointing your fingers at the israeli’s manner’s point it at YOURSELF!!!

    I grew up in miami after the age of 5 and when in CH visiting I was constantly asked where I was from on every visit.. So once I asked why they thought I was a out of towner "because no one from around here says please / thank you."

    Maybe point your fingers at yourself for lacking proper hachnasas orchim!! did not avraham interupt his talking to hashem / the holy shechina 3 days after his bris and run to greet his "arab" guests ??????

    Maybe you want to emulate baruch marzel in the hachnasas orchim department ?

    Maybe you want to take after the amona families (20) who fed / entetrained 5,000 youths in the winter… from their tiny trailers no less!! with who’s money did they buy food ??? oh no no they did not charge!! in fact when I went down to ofra and bought milk for the family I was by and drank coffee there and CLEARLY said that the milk is for others HE INSISTED ON PAYING ME BACK!

    Maybe look to emulate jeff sidel, rabbi webber and others who stay at the kotel all friday night aranging for places to eat for guys / girls.. ever heard of rabbi machlis in ma’ale dafna ? he has 100 people for both shabbos meals EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!

    Instead of attacking how the bochurim look / smell maybe help them out!!!

    Maybe CH mosdos need the money.. and maybe your kid can stop shopping at express / the gap / banana republic etc… maybe DONT buy a new car every year.

  • Elchonon Hellinger

    And no I am not telling you not to send your kids to eretz yisrael.. neither does the situation in CH affect me personaly. I b’h have dozens of places to stay when I am in town..

    But this is a 2 way street! Go to the bakery, buy 1000 bagles or whatever, make tuna salad in HUGE vats.. and get volunteers (yes your children can be recruited to work instead of shopping in manhaten) and make sandwiches and charge em each 50 cents…
    thats a 500$ investment to feed lunch / dinner to 500 people and i’m sure that once you start others will help either physically or financialy..

    This issue was brought to light by americans in CH and its you americans who are screaming.. its not like these parents are screaming at you for not housing their kids (which you should be doing and they should be doing!)

    Before arguing over "should they be going to CH for tishrey" you have 11 monthes to argue that and work on that subject.. but the fact is that they are there and need to be taken care of v’zehu…

    The posuk says "azov tazov es amisecha afilu meah pe’amim.." DAVKA EVEN WHEN ITS YOUR ENEMY..

    Go out and show some ahava.. show them you are worthy residents of the rebbe’s shechuna, ACT like you are residents of the rebbe’s shechuna..

    NO they are not trashing up YOUR shechuna.. they are trashing up THE REBBE’S shechuna.. and you are at fault.

    I dont care if his yarmulka says yechi, na nachman or kahane chai…

    If 300,000 people can be fed in meron on lag b’omer. 40,000 in chevron on shabbos chayei sara. I’m sure you can feed / house a few thousand bochurim…

    NOW, on the next topic of "should they be there" if anyone dares have the chutzpa to alert the cops in any such manner as to anything wrong, unless it is the case of pikuach nefesh or likewise situations.. you are a moser and here in israel we have a saying for what happens to a moser "first rabin… now look at sharon"

    The ba’al shemtov and later the chabad rebei’im expounded, that when one see’s a negative issue and DAVKA that bothers him then its because HE HIMSELF needs to fix that issue..

    Before criticizing the other.. please do a cheshbon nefesh and see why that bothers you so much.

  • Leah

    #1- The parents are irresponsible and should not be sending their kids here alone without supervision. PERIOD.
    This is New York City. It is not safe place for kids to just hang out. They need to be supervised.

    #2- What kind of parent send their children away without knowing where they will be staying, eating, etc.???

    #3 These Israeli kids act like total animals. I ate my Yom Tov meal (friday night) with 3 Israeli girls. I was shocked at the manners. (They were zilch!!) They kept on complaining how tired they were, but insisted on staying long after the meal was over. One girl put her head doen on the table and fell asleep.




  • I DONT GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hay everyone!!!!

    it was just rosh hashana and i cant believe what im reading!!!!!!

    is it true!!!!!????????????
    how about some hachnasas archim for a change…
    that would do…

    you know these isralies that come to crown heights, do you even know what happend behind the seens???????

    you would never be able to imagine!!!!!!!!
    you think their these rich people that just buys a ticket like that!!!?????

    sorry, here let me explain everything that happened in order for them to make thier way here.

    ok starting from cheshvan, they go to diffrent poeples
    houses and they scrub the floors just to get money to come to crown heights to spend tishrei with the rebbe!!!!

    why do you all just think about yourselves???

    why cant you think about other ppl to, you know their also jews!!!!

    wtvr all i’m trying to say is lets have hachnasas archim together even in hard times!!!!!

  • zee

    ok e/o u gotta chill out ,we have swo many problems already in ch why add another and also i was in shul on yomtov and even though they floor was filthy and yes the sinks were filled w/ hair,u have to remember we have the same rebbe and thats who they are comin 4 . Admit it ,tishrei wouldint be the same w/o them!its ok to act crazy and have alittel stir from normalcy once in a while!and anyway since whan was chabad normal!we are all crazy americans and isrealies so lets be crazy biachdus the way the rebbe would want it! (and i could point out plenty of americans that need to put on deoderent -its not just the isrealies maken the place stink)

  • Who else?

    What’s up with the Congo? Why can’t people put in a little originality with their comments? Second of all, please don’t write all in caps, it makes it very annoying to read. A good writer emphasizes with their ideas, not their shift key.

  • quality of web-site

    Webby, don’t compromise the quality of this web site with its free-for-all-postings. It’s nice to post a picture and it’s only a matter of time for all of the shobbos-afternoon-bu-setions to start rolling in, and this one really got the discussion rolling. Even though it may be a style of anybody-can-post-what-they-want, and yes this works, it would still be appropriate to censor at least SOME of what’s coming in, I mean, just take a look at the pattern of comments: first, you get a "how can this be allowed", then we get a "who could allow such a thing", and all of the stupid un-original follow-the-leader jargon come tumbling in, and then you have a "who needs these stupid israelis anyway".
    Webby, careful with your postings!

  • great job, driver

    i praise the driver of the truck and whoever arranged it. we should take after him and do something about making arrangements to get the luggage of our guests taken to a home, instead of surfing the web and voicing our opinions of what’s legal and whats not. it sickens me to the stomach reading what some of us have to say. get a life! for pet’s sake! what is most shocking is that these non-sense comments are coming from our very community, and worse – a whole follow-the-leader of the dumbest opinions start rolling in, i mean, is the next comment going to be something like "who needs the israelis anyway"? have we gotten so stupid that we are forgeting that these boys and girls our very brothers and sisters? even a shvartze could comprehend the fact that a neighborhood could have a rich coulter and unique history, that is attracts a tourist season, and were talking about, Lihavdil, Tishrei! to all those who actually do something about Hachnassas Orchim, and haul luggage for our guests, provide our last sink for bathing facilities, our living room for bedding, your zchus is tremendous and on behalf of all or our guests, thank you!

  • chossid

    yes oh yes stop the hatred would the rebbe be proud of all these comment for more than 300 years starting with the baal shem tov chassidim have been doing crazy thing to be by the rebbe for tishrei this kids have a hard time growing up in eretz yisroel as chabadnikim when they come to the rebbe is recharges their batteries they go back and can deal with all the crazy things happening in israel i learn in the yeshivah in tzfat and two of my roomates had their tickets paid for because they learn’t by heart moshiach now

  • Anti...

    To: Elchonon Hellinger….

    I think then you are agreeing that they should not come here.

    You make a good point, you describe how the Americans act in Israel and I (In CH am describing how the "Israelis act here), Yes it’s true, you can’t and should not send your (young 15-16-17-18 even 20) year olds sons and daughters Far away (were you have no control).

    I know one thing for sure, you are not an education (you may be nice but not an education).

    All you said is that the same happens in Israel, which does not make the situation any better here.

    You are not better off, b/c your friend is worse off.

  • Shana Tova

    It would be wonderful if everyone hosted one or two visitors for Tishrei, but. . .

    I know someone who hosted a girl for Tishrei. She didn’t ask her for any money, etc. . .

    Well, the girl NEVER LEFT, basically became a squatter, and had to be REMOVED. . .

    That sure makes me want to let people move into my house!



  • Anti....

    Zee wrote:
    "It’s ok to act crazy and have a little stir from normalcy once in a while! ——- And anyway since when was Chabad normal!"???

    Chabad= Chochma
    Dash = Intellect (Means)
    1. the power or faculty of the mind by which one knows or understands, as distinguished from that by which one feels and that by which one wills; the understanding; the faculty of thinking and acquiring knowledge.
    2. Capacity for thinking and acquiring knowledge, esp. of a high or complex order; mental capacity.
    3. A particular mind or intelligence, esp. of a high order.
    4. A person possessing a great capacity for thought and knowledge.
    5. Minds collectively, as of a number of persons or the persons themselves.

    in•tel•lect (ntl-kt)

    The ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding.
    The ability to think abstractly or profoundly. See Synonyms at mind.
    A person of great intellectual ability.

    Main Entry: in•tel•lect
    Pronunciation: ‘int-&l-"ekt
    Function: noun
    1: the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will : the capacity for knowledge
    2: the capacity for rational or intelligent thought —in•tel•lec•tu•al /"int-&l-‘ek-ch(&-w)&l, -‘eksh-w&l/ adjective —in•tel•lec•tu•al•ly adverb


    n 1: knowledge and intellectual ability; "he reads to improve his mind"; "he has a keen intellect" [syn: mind]
    2: the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination; "we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil" [syn: reason, understanding]
    3: a person who uses the mind creatively [syn: intellectual]

    If you are a Chabad Chosid and you learn Chasidise (Tanya and the like) you will find that it is Chabad= Chochma ,Bina & Dash = Intellect, that make use different then all other Chassidim.
    A Chabad Chossid (By learning) is supposed use him Mochin (mind) and not get so excited about every thing (like the other Chassidim = ChaKase) Even our excitement has to pass throw intellect/mind/Our Chabad first.

    We find that every time the Rebbe would (from our point of view, with our tiny, half blind-if not fully- eyes) let loose (Ke’veyochol) it was always with “Mochim/Intellect”.

    It’s already brought up, so I will continue on another point…

    From the above, there is no reason why a Bocher or anybody that considers himself a Chabad Chossid to get “Shiker” Drunk, there is no excuse for bad behavior.

    i.e. A chossid says L’chaim (he does not “have a drink”), when does he say a L’chaim?
    When a fellow Jew (be who it may be) says a good word (either a Devar Torah or a Chassidic story etc…) and that touches him, it inspires him (intellectually), then he says a L’Chaim (so it should really sink in).
    What happens if some stam drinks?
    Do really have to answer that, we all know.

    If you think about it, If a Chossid did not proper (learn) before yom-tov, it should really be very hard for him to Davven or even dance on Simchas Torah.

    Personally, I don’t say L’Chaim unless said on something (like I explained above).
    Before Purim or Simchas Torah, If I did not do the proper learning (proper perorations)
    I will not allow my self to say too many L’Chaim.
    If you drink like a Biyama/animal, you will no doubt act like one when you get “Drunk”.
    If you (don’t “drink” but) say L’chaim like a Nefesh Elokise, then you will with no doubt be able to maintain your Intellect/Mochin/Chabad and only good things can come out of it.

    In short: Chabad is very normal.
    Are you sure your in the right place?!!?


    ATTENTION ANTI, GOOD NEWS, your long wait for the book "blame it on the Rebbe" can be considered over. The Anti’s as you so clearly labeled yourself do a better job than any book could ever possibly do. As far as these "brainwashed" people go, there are thousands upon thousands of open, obvious miracles that are taking place on a daily basis throughout the world with the direct interception of the Rebbe, that really makes it extremely hard for the honest and rational person to conclude anything but that the REBBE IS VERY MUCH WITH US!!!
    When you will have your own experience you will come to realize the truth.
    I will agree that the Israeli girls and boys could be more polite and more considerate, but the truth is to be a chosid you must have some bitul and tons of mesiras nefesh to be willing to forgo the luxuries of a decent home (without katyusha rockets flying…) and a nice comfprtable seat in shul etc. What do we do with all the stories we were all raised with (anti’s and non anti’s) of chasidim who traveled by foot (because when going to the Rebbe that is how one should go) for weeks on end to spend yom tov with the Rebbe of that time, with absolutely no inkling or care as to where they would stay and eat while there, and absolutely no recognition or a seat of honor at the farbrengens for their efforts in travelling there. On the contrary, just as today, they felt lucky if they were given breathing space at the farbrengen. There only concern was to be able to absorb the Rebbe’s holy words. They went with total mesiras nefesh and devotion to the Rebbe, the rest just didn’t matter.
    As for Rubashkin goes, perhaps he should get together with Mendy Hendel and work out some combined deal for the property and building on Kingston between Lincoln Pl. and Eastern Parkway.
    The main thing we should all be demanding is Moshiach Now!

  • Geze


    sorry to let you know but
    99% of Crown Heights Bochrim do NOT marry Isreali grils,

  • Itzik_s

    The real answer is to somehow differentiate between nice bochurim and girls who come here for the right reasons, and potential problem cases/partyers/menuvelach who are just using CH as a base for dvarim bteilm or worse. I don’t know how many fit into which group, and of course there are even a few of the latter who may well be inspired somehow to change their ways, but the problem cases do us no favors and make the decent guests look bad.

    A website might help – someone who wanted to come could post asking for a place to stay and then the person offering could check references as well as write back and forth or speak to the potential guest(s) by phone to make sure all will be well.

    It might also work if rabbonim and mashpiim in EY made lists of "authorized" guests whom they know and can vouch for, and those lists would then be transfered to Hachnossos Orchim here. Anyone not on that list and without other references would then be on his/her own and perhaps dissuaded from coming.

  • i was there!

    boy is ther what to comment on!!!!!!!!
    retarted, insane and all that!!!!!
    i can definately say its abig deal to survive tishrie in crown height especially 770!!!
    wishing you all good luck cuz you nedd it!

  • Elchonon Hellinger

    I am still waiting.. I check back for updates every day.. has anyone gone out and bought bread and made sandwhiches ????

    From personal expirience I know that you can make 1,000 tuna sandwiches in a hour and need only 10 guys… NU???

    I’m sure you can find 10 serious bochurim to help!!

    Ad masai show some ahava amiti!!

    Set up a paypal acount and i’ll send you 50$ but stop with the hate!!

    You know that the gemara says that before you sit down to eat you need to feed every poor person B’SHA’ARECHA!!! and before you can eat you need to feed your BEHAYMOS!!!!!

    Even if you want to call the bochurim beheymos you are still mechuyav to feed them!! and from "meytav sadeihu v’meitav carmeihu!!!" from the best of your field and the best of yuour vineyards..

    But bedieved a tuna sandwich will suffice!!


    Since it is YOUR shechuna they are now your aniyim and you will be judged on yom kipur!!


    Remember this when you say al cheit..

    Because you have no way of knowing who the genuine ani is so you are required to feed them all.

  • Menucha

    I am not living in CH and I am not there for Tishrei but the comments on this site are awful! We are trying to bring Moshiach! No push him farther away!
    So maybe what they did wasn’t the smartest and safest idea.. but their a bunch of teenage girls!! At 1 in the morning.. WHO IS THINKING NORMALY? Is this the way you bring in the new year? ITS EREV ROSH HASHANA!!?? Yom kippur is coming up.. seems like quite a few of you need to apologize to those Israelis.

    A few of you were writing how they have NO manners and are behaving wrong.. but before you judge them, why dont you reread all your comments and see who is realy the ones acting rude?
    The commenting privilage of this site is not so you can say all the disgusting things you wish anonymously.

    I hope you all realize what you are saying is wrong and apologize.
    We should see the coming of Moshiach today!

  • disappointed

    i don’t get you guys!!! yes i don’t agree with them coming here and just hoping for a miracle – that everything will work out in the end – but firstly who are you guys to judge and tell the how to connect to the rebbe or not – this is thier way of connecting and it’s none of your business and besides they are here already so why can’t you make them feel welcome atleast for their short stay – i mean common it’s only four weeks – i’m sure you guys can manage – i think this is a crying shame – the lack of ahavas yisroel in todays society!!! do you think this is making the rebbe proud? do you think this is bringing moshiach closer? all your complaining and badmouthing them is not even helping so just keep your opinions to yourselves and be nice!!!!

  • someone

    TO GEZE;
    That is a totaly sick comment. Webby why do you have to put up articles that you know will atract such sinas chinam.ESPECIALLY DURING THE ASERES IMEI TESHUVA. May be you should post an article on ahavas yisroel…..

  • Anti...Bluff #1

    would anybody like to comment on why the Safer Torah was left on thr Bimah for 20 minutes, while sing and yelling went on?
    Is there no more Torah? is there any respect for anything or is it all just a big yellow flag, were have we come and were are we going?

    I guess this goes with what I (anti…) wrote above

    "4. Almost a lot of the time they get involved in politics that don’t belong to them."

    Were are all those that preach about Avas Yisroel and why we hate so much Blah blah blah
    Or are those word meant to be used only when fit for ones own purpose?
    Were is the disgrace from all of you above who called all the people that show Disgrace with the guest (or just asking why are they here) lacking in avas Yisroel etc…
    Why are you not talking about what happened in 770 in the "Rebbes Shul" in The "Rebbes Shichuna".
    Please, go a head explain.
    Let me guess, now you going to write how I’m the one full of hate!

    [It seems that many don’t take the liberty to read what people wrote before them, I don’t think a person should write if he does not read the other comments.
    I also think that if you have an oinion on whats being diccused, then give it. But there is no need to preach.
    If we want to read about that we can go to or any site of the like.
    For example, if the diccusion here was weather people or better yet children (kids) should be coming for Tisra,
    talk about that, either you bileave yes and you give your reason or you bileave no and you give your reason.
    We don’t need to here your preaching, espesilly when it’s only used for your convenents.
    I, see many saying why they think it’s not a good idea for OUR children to hang out here for a month unsupervised. I also see those giving reasons for there opinion and I must say I see more concern by them then anybody else.
    On the other hand the other side, does not explain why it’s a good thing, but rather just goes on preaching.

  • Anti...Bluff (cont) 2

    For example (I) Anti… Wrote above
    “Why are they here?

    1. it’s a business.
    2. The yeshivas and schools get to shut down for a month.
    3. They are brainwash that there is something here & you must go to the "Rebbe" (like I wrote before, I’m waiting for the book "Blame it on the Rebbe” to come out).

    A few facts:

    1. they almost all come here with no idea of were they will sleep or eat, let’s not forget shower (like was mentioned above with the washing of hair in sink…)
    2. They come to collect money.
    They say it’s for "Mivtzoyim", I guess they are telling the truth, it’s called "Mivtza Ipod & Digital Camera".
    By the way it is no Mitzva to give them any money, it is a waist of Jewish money, and there are plenty of Mosdos in CH that can use that dollar. (if they say it’s for food, go buy them a sandwich, DON’T GIVE MONEY.)
    3. They rome the street with nothing to do, unless they are selling something on that street (Bore park, Manhattan, Kingston Ave etc…). Is that what they came for?
    They hang around in places that they should not, like Manhattan. I live here for 25 years and I still don’t know what there is to do in Manhattan. So what are they doing there? (Don’t tell me Mivtzoyim, That is a lie.)
    4. Almost a lot of the time they get involved in politics that don’t belong to them.

    Let’s not forget the presser the parents get to send there kids.
    The Yeshivas have no money (b/c people can’t pay tuition) yet there are so many people coming. A ticket these days cost about $1000, not to forget spending money.
    Were is this money coming from?
    They will all tell you that they worked in a camp or Matza bakery for three weeks.
    Now, As a US Bocher (17-18-19) I would go work (bain Hazmanim) in a store in Williamsburg, I worked for two weeks, 14-16 hours a day, eight dollars an hour (= $1,568). I had to pay the city bus, I had to eat etc… I came home before Yom Tov (succos or pasach) with about $1,200), That is here in the U.S.A.
    How is it that an Israeli Bocher can make enough money (in Israel, in 3 weeks) to buy a ticket to come here? {It seems we should all go work in these Matzo Bakeries/Camps, What does a counselor in a camp get here in the US? $600 for two months?}
    Must we pay for there tickets?
    Last year and years before, some Israelis were here colleting money for there tickets back till Chesvon time, Is that normal? {Last year a Bocher was standing in the Street (after Tishre) stopping cars and asking for money for a ticket home}

    In short, unless they are coming to family or with Family (which means they are being supervised) and have a place to stay, don’t come!
    It will do more Damage/Harm then good.”

    Nobody answer on any thing all we get is….

    “What on earth is wrong with you people? Why are there so many of you "commentators" talking about being a real chossid? Being a chossid means having ahavas yisroel. Maybe if some of you chossidim realized that, and you actually housed some of these people, we wouldn’t have issues like this. The Rebbe said….”


    “I have never seen such disgusting comments in my life. Do any of you know the boys and girls who are here? And even if you do we are all Jews and that’s all that matters. i don’t live in crown heights but what is it your business if these girls were in the back of a truck.”

    You get my point.

    When and if I have time later I will repeat some stories I’ve heard from Israelis them self’s about what is really going on hear.

  • gratefull!!!

    i don’t know about all you people out there but i go to 770 almost every week and i get really inspired being in the rebbe’s shul and watching the chassidim daven. but there is something special about tishrei, when all the guests come in.all of a sudden it gets really hectic as if we are getting ready for something really special – it kind of feels like the last minutes before shabbos when everthing is crazy and everyone ois busy running and going. its such an amazing feeling. well thats what everday of tishrei feels like to me – everyone is busy- some people with their guests others with yomtov preparations. there is such an excited feeling added, even just to the routine everyday stuff!!!
    i would really like to thank our brothers and sisters from out of town for making tishrei with the rebbe so special!! thank you, a gut gebentched yar anda kasiva vachasima tove, lishana tova umisuka!!!
    may G-d look down at us – His children-and shep nachas from all the good that is being done down here to bring moshiach today!!!

  • zee

    TO ANTI: ok,anti i just want u 2 know that i ment crazy in a good way!! you might want to make ur comments alittel shorter!

  • Yechi R.

    For all of you who ask how people can send their children to New York for Tishrei, you obviously have no clue of how highly Israelis think of 770, how close they feel to the Rebbe. This trip means more than the world to almost every single Israeli. They are willing to sleep on floors and eat garbage. Talk about Mesiros Nefesh, they definitely have a place in Olam Habah. On the other hand the lack of Hachnosas Orchinim in CH is unbelievable. Wouldnt you think that if you were to send your child to a place full of other Lubavitcher’s (not just jews) they would be invited and welcomed into the community. Given a place to stay and warm food to eat. If you are a Baal Habayis in CH and have a spare bed without a guest, shame on you!! It’s amazing to see the LACK of Hachnosas Orchim here. Wake up, the Rebbe is screaming for moshiach and we cant even have the slightest bit of kindness. Dont you see why Moshiach is not here?!?!? Shouldnt an Israeli be able to come to NY knowing that he or she will be offered a place to sleep and eat. They most probably daaven with more Kavana then the regular american, those prayers could include you if you open your arms. Lubatchers are so good to others but when it comes to ourselves we lack even the basics. And for those of you who curse out the Israelis and say that they should be locked up, you obviously lack the basic understanding of Rosh Hashana, Yidishkeit, Hashem and Lubavitch. Beware that those curses are returned to yourself. Let make the Rebbe and Hashem proud and not let another picture like this be taken. May we also merit the ultimate redemption through our hachlatos in this new year.

  • They Are the Rebbe-s Guests

    Imagine how sad it would be if the Rebbe’s shul wasnt packed for the Yomim Nora’im.
    These people are the Rebbe’s guests. Obviously not all of them come here for the right reasons, but for the ones that do, we have to treat them with dignity.

  • Milhouse

    Bravo, Elchonon Hellinger, for some sanity. What goes on in CH is no different than Uman, or Chevron, or what went on at Gush Katif, etc. And it’s no different than CH 20 years ago, when many of <i>us</i> were the bochrim sleeping 20 to a basement. And lehavdil the same can be seen at rock concerts, etc, &#1489;&#1489;&#1495;&#1497;’ &#1488;&#1504;&#1493; &#1512;&#1510;&#1497;&#1501; &#1493;&#1492;&#1501; &#1512;&#1510;&#1497;&#1501;.

    Old Lubavitch had strict takonos regulating when people could come, and how often. But the Rebbe chose not to make such takonos in CH, and &#1502;&#1497; &#1497;&#1489;&#1493;&#1488; &#1488;&#1495;&#1512; &#1492;&#1502;&#1500;&#1498;? It’s the privilege and responsibility of CHers to accept the burden and the mitzvah, just as those who live in Yerushalayim or Chevron or other such places.

    As for why people come now, when the Rebbe isn’t physically there, the BHMK isn’t physically there either, but we still go to the kosel. And it’s not just because the shechina is still there; it’s clearly recorded in Yirmiyahu that after the first churban, people continued to make pilgrimage to the Har Habayis, even though Chazal tell us that the shechina was gone and the place had no kedusha whatsoever. It was simply the empty lot where the shechina used to be. So why shouldn’t people continue to travel to 770, to spend yomtov in the last place where the Rebbe celebrated the yomim tovim as a neshama beguf? After all, "the luchos are in Mezhibuzh", and until 12 years ago the luchos were in 770; going there makes as much sense as going to the kosel.

    BTW, since Mr Hellinger mentioned Rabbi Machlis as an example of hachnosas orchim, let me add my voice; this is a tziyur of a yid, not a chossid, but halevai that we should all be at least a little like him. I’ve experienced his hachnosas orchim first hand, and it is something that must be seen to be believed.

  • Milhouse

    By the way, my previous comment was about adults &mdash; even young adults &mdash; but not children.

    I agree 100% that it’s insane to send <i>young children</i> by themselves, to 770 or anywhere else. If you wouldn’t let your kid go camping for a week by himself, how can you send him for a month to a place that can be far more dangerous than any forest, beruchniyus as well as begashmius, without any supervision?

    Even to an organised summer camp, would you send your child without first finding out <i>who are the madrichim</i>?



    I don’t know if this will be the last post or far from it…
    But let me try to clarify something:

    Both sides in this forum are right,

    Yes, it is true that Israeli Bochrim and girls have the right and should want come to Crown Heights for the Yomim Noraim and Sukkos to be next to Bais Rabeinu Shebibovel. It is definitely true that we, as the members of the Rebbe’s Shchuna, should do our utmost to make the guests feel comfortable if we are capable of doing so.

    However, there is a problem:

    New York City is NOT Israel. Also, we are not living in the 18th century when there were no communications to make travel arrangements, nor do we go for weeks without showers like in the old days. So to be a guest in Crown Heights, there are certain criteria, and here are some very basic one’s:

    1) Do not make a ticket to come to the United States before arranging and confirming a place to sleep, eat and shower for the time that you are going to stay here. It is common sense, that before you travel somewhere, and especially overseas, you must first make sure that you have a place to stay. I have many Israeli cousins that stay at my home for Tishrei who know that they are welcome to come at any time they want – yet they call 2 months in advance to make sure and confirm that they can stay by us! That is the way it should be! Don’t come to JFK with your suitcase looking for a ride into Crown Heights without money, food or a place to stay!

    2) It is absured that children under the age of 13 should come to Crown Heights for Tishrei alone, and especially without money! A parent who sends their child of that age without a guardian should be imprisoned for reckless endangerment of a minor!

    3) As mentioned earlier, NYC is not Israel. Even though in Israel you can do wild stunts like pack 600 people into the back of a truck, you cannot do this in the US, nor can you sleep in 770 or on benches on Eastern Pkwy. And no, you cannot wash out your hair in the sink in 770!
    However, unfortunately the reality is that none of this is ever going to change until Moshiach comes, so with that thought in mind… may everyone – Americans, Israeli’s, Peurto Ricans etc.. have a Gmar Chasima Tova. Wishing you all a happy, healthy, prosperous, successful and terrific new year.

  • Isaac

    about the supposed Hachnosas Orchim building on Kingston Ave.While Mendy Hendel & M.C. toured the world and raised a large amount of money for a Hasnosas Orchim buildind ,I dont know where the money went and why the buildind is not being built. The fact is , this building will not solve the problem because this building is supposed to be for paying guests(hotel)only.That is the reason S.B.D. is not giving money for this project he does not want to fund a hotel.

  • Milhouse

    Oh oh, apparently neither HTML nor Hebrew come out. The first Hebrew line in my comment above should be "anu ratzim vehem ratzim". The second one should be "umi yavo achar hamelech?".

  • ELYG

    In response to resident: I’ve read in Beis Moshiach that the Mashpiim in Eretz Yisroel say that the ideal situation is to be in 770 24 hours a day, including sleeping. I was in Eretz Yisroel learning this past year, and I’ve seen a Mashpia sleep in 770

  • LG

    I’ve found the comments to be ten times more interesting then the article itself. So many opinions and ways to approach things.

  • Crown Heights is Special

    Everything in Israel is extreme and radical. Also just like we Americans have such a special affection for the Western Wall, while some Jerusalemites don’t understand it, so too they have an affection for 770. The grass is greener on the other side AND they are well versed in all the sichos concerning 770 and the equivalent of holiness to the Bais Hamikdosh AND New York is a beautiful, big, fantastic amazing city, the capital of the world in many ways. Better they wear pins then do drugs

  • disgusted....

    wow! i have never been on berfore, but tonight i decided to check it out…. i know this article was written a while ago but i’d still like to address it. i think anyone of you who can criticize the israeli kids the way you did need to daven extra hard this yom kippur. poeple from israel are spening hard earned money to be able to come to CH where they dont even have proper accomodations or food just to be in the Rebbes communitiy for a month. yeah i know some of them come to "get away form home" and do other stuff but most of them dont. most of them are good kids who come for "tishrei wiht the rebbe" and get treated and talked about like dirt. if you think its such a big deal that they drove in a truck to get home-criticzing the driver wihtout knowing what the reasons were and saying how untznius it was- maybe you should go out and help. lend your car….? hmmm anyone who posts over here ever bother helping these kids? or do you just know how to criticize?!?!? wheres the ahavat yisroel we should be seeing over tishrei? oooo and then the comment about them looking shababy with dirty shoes??? that person has NERVE. you dont want yor kids to see things like that? why dont you go out and buy them some new showes? do you have any idea how much money israelis make? do you have any idea what its like to live in israel? maybe before you criticizers open your mouths you should stop and think…..just an idea…
    p.s. they are jews just like yourselves

  • Blue

    In case you guys haven’t realized, you’re all writing the same excat thing but in different words. Can someone think of something original to write?

  • they will bring moshiach

    the fact that these girls save thier money for months do go to the rebbe is such nachas and mesirss nefesh. its beutiful. these girls that are butel to the rebbe will be the ones to bring moshiach. shame on those who are yaping away on the elegal buisness. its such loshon hora that is false and unnesesary this is tishrai!!!! its beutiful!!!

  • FJL

    How about improving "spelling" in CH by distributing "English Dictionaries" to anybody writing in. It is all very well being full of righteous indignation, but PLEASE improve the spelling!!

  • mushky blesofsky

    1.hachnasas orchim tries its best to host evryone as best as they can , wich obviously isnt too good because they dont have alot help and the little money they get goes to the basics. maybe evryone reading this should try to see what they can help out with, be it hosting for the month a week or even a meal.
    2.these israeli girls are just like your friends/ daughters /sisters!they are girls and sometimes think a drop irrationaly! (well i cant say too much about that because im only 14)they wanted transportation and they were obviously tired/ hungry. this just adds to my point of hachnasa orchim.
    3.when you see this instead of posting a comment here about how you fell wich will ONLY cause negative feelings, go to hachnasa orchim and KINDLY give them your opinion.
    thank you for reading this and i hope you take it all to mind with out harboring any bad feelings! tizku lemitzvot!

  • cg

    I give full blame to whoever brings these girls here with hopes and promises of getting proper accomdations and food. Many have no hot water and knock on stranger’s homes to ask to take a shower. Their parents???????? What are they all thinking in Israel? these boys and girls are in the streets all hours of the night. Anyone concerned about thier safety? When we want to send our children away for the summer it has to cost us a small fortune to ensure that they are taken care of and under proper supervison. Here all the parents pay is for the ticket these kids come here penniless and shnor every day to be able to buy a bagel. what are we teaching them to beg is an ok thing? It’s painful for me to see what has happened to my holy 770. it has become a shuk and a dirty one too.It saddens me beyond words. Hundreds of these kids have no clue as to what the Rebbe was and I say was because He is not in 770 in full view whatever you have all been brainwashed With us and watching over us yes but making an aisle for hime to walk in to shul. Have we all become insane????

  • Clean Shaved

    Elchonon Hellinger: You are a real tzadik. Truly trying to do the best for other Jews and not pointing a finger to blame. I moved to Crown Heights a few years ago and was coming home from work when a complete stranger asked if he could sleep on my floor! I said yes but it was a drop in the bucket next to what needs to be done. I think that in the Israeli schools they tell the kids to go without worrying about where to stay and that the CH Jews will open up their homes to them and there will be plenty of room for all. As we can see from the situations and from the nasty comments on this page, this is not the case. I agree with all the people who commented and said that Ahavas Yisroel is the most important part of being a Chossid. Open your homes, Jews!

  • Clean Shaved

    Oh and PS, about the people who wrote don’t worry about if its legal or not: ITS DANGEROUS! If the truck would have come to a sudden stop, the girls head would have hit each other like overripe cocunuts at 35 miles an hour!!! And if G-d forbid a drunk driver would have smashed into the side of the truck at 65….. G-d help us….

  • Eliyahu R.

    This is not only illegal, but it’s incredibly unsafe. Can you imagine the chullul Hashem that would come from the publicity if they had an accident with all those girls crammed in the back of a truck? And, frankly, it also calls to mind images of our people being crammed into boxcars in another time and place.

    If they need to transport the girls by vehicle, that’s why there are buses and vans.