Op-Ed Follow Up: Miracle of the Higgs Boson
As a follow-up to my (controversial?) op-ed last week, and my comment there (#15), a truly amazing thing happened to me this past Shabbos that sent shivers through me. (It must be that either I am very far from Kedusha and Hashem wants me back, and/or readers of this article will have hischazkus from this.)
Last Shabbos (Balak), I had a simcha in Boro Park, and the place where I stayed was a long walk from the shul where it was taking place. Being that it was very hot, I stopped by another shul on the way to cool off a bit. I stood in a corner next to the seforim. One of the seforim right next to me was Sefer Divrei Chaim from the holy Zanzer Rov zt“l.
(There are a few shailos and tshuvos between the Tzemach Tzedek and the Divrei Chaim. The Divrei Chaim once said that before he writes Halacha/Nigleh to the Tzemach Tzedek, he has to meticulously verify that all issues from kabala that are hidden in those halachas are properly addressed.)
I opened the Divrei Chaim (printed in 1858!) and whoa!!! Lo and behold! On Parsha Balak, he discusses the ”Chokrim’s“ point of view of the existence of ”God’s Particle,“ and explains a little bit what this ”koach hayolee“ is. Basically Higg’s is before that level, as is known that even in nothingness (“Ayin”) there are multiple levels. (As explained in sichos from the Rebbe on Tanya 2, chapter 1.)
Without repeating the posting from last week we definitely see an open miracle with last week’s events, The Alter Rebbe’s maamar, The Rebbe’s Hayom Yom of that day, and now the Divrei Chaim.
Come to think of it, The Alter Rebbe said that maamar to the Tzemach Tzedek, who was a close friend of the Divrei Chaim! They obviously shared quite a bit of valuable information.
What message are the aforementioned tzadikkim sending us?
Hint: Before Kiddush one Shabbos, 170 years ago, the Divrei Chaim suddenly said ”Moshiach vet kumen kain America!” (Moshiach will come to America).
Another anonymous Idiot
Chabad = Chochmo, Bina, Daas.
Daas = Derher – understand and connect.
Chagas if for Hergeishim.
Chabad mont pnimius – not hergeishim.
We don’t make up Pshetlach because we are bored.
Read the comments to your last article, understand them and get with the program!
Crownheights.info: Why are you posting this and wasting peoples time?
what was that hint statement source please thank you
Like Last Time
‘Gedrait a Kop’
Understand that?
(Hint: it doesn’t mean genius).
just me
Pretty cool. But what does it mean?
Please tell me this is satire
huh? what’s this article about?
Hewlett Packard
dude, you don’t know anything about science.
Can we stop publishing this person’s well meaning, but ultamitely ignorant drivel? It’s pure apologetics. Does he realize that the reason the Higgs boson is called ‘the G-d Particle’ is not because of a connection to quintessence (‘koach hayeuli’) but rather because when author and Nobel laureate Leon Lederman wanted to call his book “The G-d D@#n” particle, the publishers felt (against his will it should be noted) that changing the name would help the book sell better . . .
Winning comment!
To Mottel
It’s the other way around. Higg’s Boson is that first elusive particle from which everything else emanated. That is why Lederman called it G_d particle. The scientists in Sweden couldn’t handle that [name] so they attached the story of …damn to it. Check Wikipedia.
I think the writer (of the oped) is simply pointing out a truly interesting ‘divine providence’ situation, letting us draw our own conclusions.
More nonsense. This is just as ridiculous as the first article. First of all, “koach hiyuli” is not some “god particle”, and it’s got nothing to do with modern science; it’s nothing more than the Greek philosophers’ concept of Hyle. Any similarity between it and the Higgs boson is only in the writer’s imagination. The Greeks did not have ruach hakodesh, and they did not know anything about science; they were just speculating about the nature of reality, without any experimental knowledge at all.
And I repeat what I wrote on the previous article, this has nothing at all to do with the FACT that gravity is what holds us down to the Earth, in fact what DEFINES “up” and “down” in the first place.
to #9: What are you talking about? To quote Wikipedia (Your suggestion):
“Lederman said . .. he chose ”the God particle“ because ”the publisher wouldn’t let us call it the Goddamn Particle, though that might be a more appropriate title, given its villainous nature and the expense it is causing.“”
Furthermore – where do you find Sweden in said entry?
Think before you blabber. Please.
thank you author
it is truly amazing
thanks for sharing
I couldn’t help the urge to research this a little.
One thing is for sure. The scientists are fighting about the meaning of all this as well. But they agree that this particle is the particle that gave birth to everything else. There is a web site on this issue, http://godparticle.net/ that seems to confirm what this oped is saying. Except that our author put a chassidish spin on the subject and found sources in Torah for this. Nu? Therefore?
How dare he!
If anything it is the an analog of “Tzimtzum”, as the coalescing of energy into mass due to the “Higg’s field” is similar to the concept of “Pirud” – i.e. according to theory it is responsible for what energy became mass and what remained energy.
Shadow One
At least the author has the sense not to attach his or her name to this embarrassing gibberish.
The RagachoversAssistant
I was inspired!
I took the time to learn the basic idea
It seems that no one in this page, nor the page of the previous article knows what the Higg’s Boson particle is. Here is a simplified explanation based on what I spent some time looking into. The theory of Boson says that sub-atomic particles (quarks etc.) are “swimming” in, what I’ll call “snow,” also known as Boson. Meaning, that between the sub-atomic particles is a “sea” of Boson particles. Each particle is called a Higg’s Boson particle, named after the man who theorized that it exists. The theory also suggests that some sub-atomic particles “swim” through the boson “as easily as, say, a skier zooming through the snow, and thus has less mass (the correlation between the two still requires clarification). A sub-atomic particle, that encounters ”resistance“ and ”swims“ through the Boson less quickly has more mass. So, the first step in discovering that this theory may be true is the fact that they most probably (the scientists say ”most probably”) discovered particles that exist between the sub-atomic particles. Now, whether or not this means that the rest of the theory will be discovered to be correct has yet to be demonstrated. Now, given all of this, there is no relationship between this particle and gravity. As it turns out, Newton’s idea of gravity is only used for convenience, because it is similar, but not totally, to the present belief which is part of the Theory of Relativity. It gets a bit complicated to talk in terms of Einstein’s theory, so they use what is considered to be the incorrect theory of Gravity. None of the above explains what they hope to discover, and have not yet, and that is, what things appeared like, a fraction of a moment after the Big Bang. That is still hoped for by the scientists for the future. What this has to do with koach hayuli? Who knows? At this point, I have not found anyone stating that particles somehow emerged from Boson.
to 13
godparticle.net does not, it seems to me say what number 13 is saying, neither are other sources, to my research.
other webisites, read before quoting
both godparticle.net and godparticle.com are NOT reliable sources. Just read them and you’ll see. Especially .net, has been written by some nut who fancies himself intelligent.
Money+politics = Scientific Discovery
My conclusion is that the Rebbe is telling us that this entire ‘discovery’ is not true. That is why he quoted the A”R that what they say ‘is not true [emes]’.
Just like the global warming fiasco where they modified and produced data to produce politically motivated results to their benefit, these clowns need to account for building a NINE BILLION DOLLAR machine. Plus all other expenses of their research. A while ago I saw in a computer mag that they didn’t anticipate the humongous amount of data the machine produces, more than a terabyte every second(!) and are forced to discard most of it!
Also, they had many failures for the first year of the mission. Very embarrassing. So they were pressured into this discovery. What a joke. Even if there is such a thing as Higg’s boson, they did not yet discover it, imho.
Give credit where credit is due
To 19:
I see. Perhaps we should just discard Science (and all of it’s products). You may have some problem finding your way around town without the trusty GPS (which depends on insights from Quantum Mechanics)…oh I forgot…you have a Chitas on your dashboard in case you get lost.
There is the problem of not communicating by Email (or for that matter using any computer) because you won’t be able to take advantage of this gadget called a transistor (another quantum mechanics product)…but that’s OK. All your remote communication needs will be solved by opening up an Iggros.
The Rebbes of course have thought of everything. Our whole science enterprise is like nothing compared to them. In their great wisdom they “foresaw” it all but left the scientists to do all the methodical and laborious work of making our lives better.
But to whom the does the actual credit belong? We all know the answer to that one. It’s all there in Hayom Yom.
I have a bridge on Mars for sale . . .
Torah is called Toras Emes, so lets tell some truths. There is no such classification as “G-d particle.” Rather, this term is a NICKNAME (for reasons cited by others). The writer of these Op Eds apparently takes this nickname to mean that it is referring to the Divine essence as it creates a specific piece of matter (which can create any form of matter) known as koach hayuli. This guess is not routed in any reality. For the Higg’s Boson particle is NOT suggested by any scientist to be the G-d’ly essence of matter. The fact that the writer chose to overlook all the comments of the previous article and wrote this article, which simply states that the writer happened upon a Divrei Chaim which discusses koach hayuli, indicates that this incoherent flight of fancy was written without research.
Money+politics = Scientific Discovery
To 20:
Did I say I was Amish?
Do I have anything against technology? (I am an engineer. I promise. I know a little about what goes on in the industry.)
If not for politics and corruption, hi tech would have been light years ahead of where we are now. You did not address the issues I raised. Dishonest factors [at times] shape what science and hi tech produces. I named the massive Global Warming FRAUD produced by scientists and politics. It is therefore ok to suspect that in light of the many failures they had with the $9 billion collider, that they are under pressure to stretch what it has accomplished.
Please don’t worship technology. I bump into ton’s of technology limits daily.
Limits that in many cases should not have been.
Tech did not protect major (gov and banks) systems from being hacked.
Tech did not solve our reliance on oil. We have stinky engines for 100 years!!
Why, after more than 60 years, thousands of scientists and doctors and trillions into research, and still no cure for cancer? Aids? What about other diseases? Why in this day and age do serious sicknesses exists? Are you aware of what goes on in the field of medicine? (Unfortunately I know a little about this and it’s nauseating. Pharmacuticals is a billion dollar industry.)
Do not get me wrong. Tech is great, etc. But massive corruption exists.
And if used by our enemies (also from within) against us, Hashem Yishmor! Imagine if Stalin or Hitler had this technology! They would have monitored every ioata of our lives like Obama is doing!
Also, I notice but don’t blame you for the animosity you harbor towards chassidim. But the truth is that in every generation the greatest scientists turned to the great Rabbis to solve scientific problems.
And it is to these Rebbe’s and their tfilos we need to turn to in times of crisis as indicated above.
Give Credit where credit is due.