by Yosef Katzman

Members of the new Vaad. Illustration Photo.

To the esteemed members of the Crown Heights Jewish Community

It is customary not to make the Bracha of Shehechiyanu during the period of the counting of the Omer. However, a major monumental event has taken place this week.

I thank Hashem for his kindness that he has bestowed upon our community that has enabled us and has given us a chance to rid ourselves from all unwanted and unnecessary behavior associated with strife and lack of Ahavas Yisroel.

Op-Ed: Give Peace A Chance!

by Yosef Katzman

Members of the new Vaad. Illustration Photo.

To the esteemed members of the Crown Heights Jewish Community

It is customary not to make the Bracha of Shehechiyanu during the period of the counting of the Omer. However, a major monumental event has taken place this week.

I thank Hashem for his kindness that he has bestowed upon our community that has enabled us and has given us a chance to rid ourselves from all unwanted and unnecessary behavior associated with strife and lack of Ahavas Yisroel.

This week a Psak came out from the honorable Bais Din headed by Rav Avrohom Boruch Rosenberg who was joined by Rav Moshe Havlin, Rav Binyomin Kuperman, Rav Boruch Boaz Jurkowitz and Rav Yosef Hecht.

The Psak which came in order to resolve a decade of tension in our community regarding the Badatz of the Schchuna as well as the Vaad Hakohol/CHJCC and the organization of the Netzigim, presents an opportunity to wipe the slate clean in order to start anew and fresh, all of the above mentioned Mosdos in the spirit of Achdus and unity.

As the saying goes, the ball is now in our court. It is up to us to dispose of all our differences and turn to unity by establishing renewed organizations that will nurture unity and productivity.

I have suggested to all the people who are so called “my people” and which have been associated with the Machlokes in the past, to refrain from participating in the upcoming election as candidates, in order to give the opportunity to the community to start fresh, against a clean slate, with fresh faces and new young people.

In this spirit I also turn to the so-called “former opponents”, to do the same. We must show the community that we have no desire to be reminded of the negativity of the past, and as the Rambam states that a Baal Teshuva should bend over backwards, more than the ordinary Yid, in order to protect himself from succumbing to possible temptations of returning to the old ways.

Let’s do all in our efforts to nurture peace and Achdus, especially in these days of Sefirah when Ahavas Yisroel and Achdus Yisroel is the order of the day.

I appeal to the entire community, get involved. Every Shul should participate in the Netzigim organization and the Netzigim process. Every Rav, President or Gabai of every Shul in Crown Heights, please encourage the able and fit members of your Shul to volunteer and run as candidates for Vaad Hakohol/ CHJCC board of directors in the upcoming election. Implore all the members of your Shul to participate and vote on Election Day. Beseech the young energetic capable members of our community to take the reins of leadership in Crown Heights. After all, The Rebbe built Lubavitch mainly with the young Kolel graduates.

This way we will avoid falling back into the trap which nurtures Machlokes, by enabling a few individuals from taking control of any of these most important Mosdos, for the purpose of furthering agendas and personal interests, over the broad interests of the community at large.

The Psak din of this din torah is a victory for the entire community; it has given us the opportunity to leave all machlokes behind us, and to march forward in a spirit of Achdus and community mindedness.

Grab the opportunity and run with it. The future of our children is on the table. The future of our grandchildren is on the chopping block. The future of Lubavitch is dependent on what we do now, by demonstrating our ability and willingness to step up to the plate, and to be counted and heard in a spirit of unity.

Imagine the Nachas that such a demonstration will bring to our holy Rebbe. Think of the thousands of times that The Rebbe beseeched us to get involved and make the world a better place through Achdus. Remember how many times the Rebbe promised us that through unity we will bring Moshiach.

Finally in simple words, in unity there is strength. If we want a good environment to live in. If you want to have a strong Schchuna which is the model for the world. If you want a neighborhood which can garner all the necessary support from Government and others to whom we need to support our community. Please let your voice be heard and be counted.


  • WhyEm

    I couldn’t agree more. If the same people run, we will have the same bad feelings, political agendas and machlokes.

    We need ONLY new names. I think many of the peole who otherwise want to “stay out of it” also agree. The same names, the same fights.

    Let’s all agree to only support NEW people!!






    Thank You rabbi Yosef katzman
    you did the greatest service to our community.
    and realy now its up to us the quiet people to do something.
    there will be always this who are Warriors .
    and as we all thinking about a brighter future in crown heights they sit in the dark basements and plan the next takeover of crown heights but we the people are in charge now .
    do we realy want our children to grow in the same Battlefield as we are experiancing for the last 25 years ?

  • wow

    what a house maybe they can just stay home
    and let the other people run the show

  • Toishav Hashchunah

    Mr katzman, for the sake of clarity, please define and quantify your statements. Are you suggesting that all those who ran in the Rabbonim election and Vaad election refrain from running? Though I might tend to agree with you, i hesitate to endorse your platform since on perusing the psak the Dayanim gave the green light for anybody eligible to run.

    On the other hand it might not be a bad idea to request that the dayanim modify their psak to discourage ALL those that were previously involved in the whole affair.

    Your statement regarding the Netzigim is vague as well. Do the former Netzigim get a chance to continue as Netzigim or are you calling for fresh netzigim?

    What about the gabbaim? Do we want a clean slate?

    In the meantime, I hope and pray that all tzedadim adhere to the psak din to its fullest extent and there shall be no breach whatsoever.

    V’sholom al yisroel.

  • Daniel Botnick

    Yokels making idiotic suggestions should have read the psak first. This is back to the future.

  • concern

    katzman is right. we need only new ppl to run b/c that will bring real sholom

  • SimonTov Umazaltov Yehay Lonue Ul......

    Let whomever wants to run come forward. If we elect people whom we have seen in action, be ready for them to do the same things.

    I would like to thank our elected officials for long hard work without compensation.

    May the Rabonim unite with the new Rov. That would be great to see.

  • To Toshav Hashchunah

    This has nothing to do with the Psak, it is only a reasonable suggestion, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t endorse the reasoning.

    And the logic that applies to the Vaad Hakohol applies to any other area in which there was Machloikes, for the same reasons.

    Anybody can run, but if we want to have real Sholom, don’t you think there is a better chance if we start off fresh?

  • concerned resident

    Great idea a whole new Vaad Hakhal Gaboyim for 770. As far as The Rabbonim there are only a few anyways Mangel didn’t want any part of i The BAis Din. Bogomilsky can’t run He dOESN’T LIVE In tHE nEIGHBORHOOD like wise Raitport.Schwie must get rid of his trouble makers & relearn Parts of Shulchan Aruch etc. to give correct Psaks. I would suggest that The New Mazkir Bais din should come from The Kolel someone who is from out of town.

  • Toshav hashchunah

    To concerned resident,

    Your post just proves that you are a sore loser and you have no intention of fulfulling the psak. All you want is to be machazik b’machlokes. congratulations, first negative post on the issue goes to you. Mazel Tov!!!

  • Read The Psak DIN

    The first paragraph of the great Psak Din read as follows:
    As a prelude to a verdict we must stress, that although each side tried to persuade the Bais Din that the opposing Side is entirely guilty in the Creation of the current Machloikes in the Crown Heights Bais Din., and his side is right and innocent and did no injustice contributed to the machloikes at all.
    After hearing the arguments. We came to the conclusion. There were mistakes by BOTH Sides of the factions/parties.
    In such a state impossible to conclude how much
    EACH party has contributed more to fuel the Machloikes.

    now can anyone tell me that any of the people who
    contributed more to fuel the Machloikes.

    YOU want representing YOU ?
    representing CROWN HEIGHTS ?
    whoever picks his hend to vote for baalei machloikes
    should be sent to rabbi Avrohom lieder and admited to building G.
    about time to grow up and start a new page in crown heights.
    only once you get a chance like this and this is now in the year 5770.

  • mangel

    “Mangel didn’t want any part of it” Really now? you got to be kidding me…ok fine no more machlokes

  • Toshov haschuna

    Put up NEW candidates and let the people decide by voting.Its a free election anyone could run and its up to the kohol to decide if we want them or not regardless of the fact if its a new member or an old one.

  • Toishav-s cheshbon


    Dear Toishav:

    ”quantify your statements”???

    You really want for Rabbi Katzman to do a physical count of exactly how many statements he made?

    For what purpose????

    If you really insist, I guess we can have an accountant get back to you on that.

    [Maybe you meant to use some other word here?]

    PS — would be an excellent site for you to bookmark.

  • Peace , Please!

    Tha author of this article is someone who has been associated with one side of issues in this community for a long time. He is clearly somenoe from the “Past” as he describes it. If he is essentially offering himself up as a “korban” and standing down from future partiacipation in the name of peace, more power to him.

    People should also know that this past Friday night in shul, this same individual came over to the table where I sit to tell the person who makes announcements that after mariv he wanted to publicly ask mechila from Rabbi Schwei, who was in attendance. Let’s take these efforts at face value, and put our skepticism on hold long enough to try to make a new beginning. The Rebbe’s institutions are at stake. We must not throw out the baby with the bath water.

  • Sholom

    I agree. That’s why Segal should not run this time as he is full of machlokes and cannot work with Harov Schvei.

  • Toshav Hashchunah

    To Toshav cheshbon

    quantify [ˈkwɒntɪˌfaɪ]
    vb -fies, -fying, -fied (tr)
    1. to discover or express the quantity of
    2. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic to specify the quantity of (a term) by using a quantifier, such as all

    quan·ti·fy (kwnt-f)
    tr.v. quan·ti·fied, quan·ti·fy·ing, quan·ti·fies
    1. To determine or express the quantity of.
    2. Logic To limit the variables of (a proposition) by prefixing an operator such as all or some

    The op ed writer was all over the board, contradictory ambiguous and nebulas.
    Quantify his suggestions in numerical order so we get a sach hakol.

    1) Rabbonim



    etc etc

    Tou hit the nail on the head Toishav hashchunah wants a cheshbon, what is he looking for.

  • Toshav hashchunah

    To Toshav Cheshbon is for elementary school children

    I thoght adults were writing here

    quantify – use as a quantifier
    logic – the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference
    specify, fix, limit, set, determine, define – decide upon or fix definitely; “fix the variables”; “specify the parameters”

  • Thank you

    Thank you to people who made the Beis Din possible, specifically the current vaad. I am sure it ws not an easy task.

  • Thank you

    Thank you to people who made the Beis Din possible, specifically the current vaad. I am sure it ws not an easy task.

  • Mushka

    Women in CH should stand up for their dignity and insist on being able to vote for Vaad Hakahal. Are we living in Afghanistan under rule of Taliban Mullahs? Why should women not have the right to vote?!

  • From CH mom To Mushka

    You sound like you come from another planet with a new-foundland chinuch. What are you screaming about?! the elections are for the residents of crown heights that are married and have a home, and essentially every vote is the vote of a family, husband-wife together. Our kids cannot vote yet. If you’re married, you are given the opportunity to voice the opinion with your husband, and decide.

    Why should the dignity of the women be degraded by asking them to stand on polling lines and make a whole mingling foundation in the Rebbe’s shchunah for something totally excessive for the woman, asking them to vote for Vaad Hakohol, when the man is the one shlepping to vote and youre complaining? of taliban reasons? hope everything is ok!

    Am I asking too much – does anyone agree with me? Or do we have to start lowering our standards ‘cuz of the worlds perception of “feminist rights” instead of focusing on the real and special “feminist rights” that we were awarded through torah and chassidus??

  • snag

    “It is customary not to make the Bracha of Shehechiyanu during the period of the counting of the Omer.”

    Mihag Sthus

  • Not a happy camper!

    Ridiculous! Let these people who nobody elected help nobody in another community? No one should be allowed to vote unless they filled out their censures. You get it! Get rid of the , I can’t even say it. Let the women rule.

  • Heightser

    Because the dignity of a woman is kalkvoodah bas melech pnimah, that’s why.

  • Yosef Avrohom

    Mr. Katzman an excellant suggestion. As you were very heavily involved in the past machlokes why don’t you follow your own suggestion and not involve yourself any more?

    Resign from vaad hahashrus and spend your time davening, learning, mivtzoim, your televsion program etc.

  • Mushka to CH mom

    I would rather stand in line to vote than stand in line at the grocery store. Let my husband stand in line in the laudromat waiting for a washer dryer while i wait to vote!

    I will be mochel the honor of chosing which cheese to buy, but I want to chose which candidate to vote for.

    You see CH mom, I work to supplement our income. I am “out there” – so don’t give me the kol kvuda shpeil, just give a sincere response.

  • To CH Mom

    So the solution is to make a separate voting station for the women.
    I believe that non married men under 30 are allowed to vote, so why can’t a non married woman over 30 vote as well, and what about widow’s, do they not have a vote?
    The fact is that years ago woman were not allowed to be taught Torah, but now times have changed, I think it is time to allow woman to vote.

    A young man from the Schunah.

  • To Heightser

    “Because the dignity of a woman is kalkvoodah bas melech pnimah, that’s why.”

    What hypocracy!

    Women are out there – shlepping groceries, shlepping kids to school and working – yes, een working! Don’t use the mantra of kol kvuda to silence women and push them into the closet -when it suits you.

    That is plain chutzpah!

  • Toishav-s nebulous nebula!!!!!


    Dear Toishav:

    I beg to differ with you about your vocabulary (and punctuation — often lacking; see quote below) choices.

    ”The op ed writer was . . . . contradictory ambiguous and nebulas“

    Good try, but I think you meant ”nebulous“! Unless, of course, you were really wanting to say the op ed writer was ”nebulas“ (plural noun!):

    neb·u·la   /ˈnɛbyələ/ Show Spelled[neb-yuh-luh]
    –noun,plural-lae  /-ˌli, -ˌlaɪ/ Show Spelled[-lee, -lahy] Show IPA, -las.
    a.Also called diffuse nebula. a cloud of interstellar gas and dust. Compare dark nebula, emission nebula, reflection nebula.
    b.(formerly) any celestial object that appears nebulous, hazy, or fuzzy, and extended in a telescope view.
    a.a faint opacity in the cornea.
    b.cloudiness in the urine.
    3.any liquid medication prepared for use as a spray.

    Again, despite your protestations that ” is for elementary school children,“ I suggest you swallow your misplaced pride and bookmark (and then utilize!) it.

    Why are SO many who use this site so willing to put their feet into their mouths? I realize that sometimes, one doesn’t know what it is that they don’t know. But that’s what dictionaries, thesauruses, and grammar books are for. If you’re not sure, look it up, or don’t use the word!

    I think you know what Rabbi Katzman is trying to say here; quit showing off your ignorance.

    Good luck on your future posts.

    (from ”Toishav’s cheshbon”)

  • CH mom

    I think “heightser” was referring to women running not women voting.

    Again – the vote is a vote of a family in CH not of every individual. If you really feel you must vote, ask your husband to go instead of him, no one will stop you. I’m just pointing out the fact of the wrongful and demanding (did I say anti-taliban?) cryout to ask all the women to vote as well when it’s unnecessary as, again, it’s a family’s vote.


    May there be more sholom in our neigborhood from now on. We’re given a chance, no need to stop that!

  • To Yosef Avrohom

    You are so well informed, you even know things that are just not factual.

    Katzman has not been involved in any Vaad Hakashrus for over 5 years.

    Besides, the entire Vaad Hakashrus ceased to function as a separate entity from the Vaad Hakohol for the same amount of time. The Vaad hakashrus has been under the control of the Vaad Hakohol since February 2005.

    So much for your wisdom.

  • Toshav Haschunah

    to Snag:

    Minhag Shtus? You are an am haaretz, Rabbeinu Yeruchem paskens that you don’t make the bracha shehecheyanu in yemai hasefirah because they are yemei din. Don’t they teach you halacha in the yeshivah or kollel where you sit?

  • Toshav hashchuna

    to toishav (cheshbon)nebulous

    .Also called diffuse nebula. a cloud of interstellar gas and dust. Compare dark nebula, emission nebula, reflection nebula

    Thank you for bringing to attention the hidden meaning of my post about katzman’s letter, you summed it up perfectly, “a cloud, gas emission, hazy or fuzzy,a faint opacity in the cornea, cloudiness in the urine”. The kavanah pnimis,cloud up the true intention, make the true goal hazy etc.

    No, I don’t use spell check so there will be inadvertent pleitas hakulmus.

    v’es vahev b’sufah

  • Cheshbon, nebula, etc.


    Make up your mind; either you’re here to praise Rabbi Katzman and just get some more info (as in your first post), or you’re here to engage in lowlife criticisms, comparing his op-ed to physical ailments, etc.

    PS — I never said to use spell check. I said to use a dictionary, thesaurus, and grammar BOOKS. Maybe you need some help with your reading as well…

  • hello

    It is true that the “new vaad” still has not withdrawn the mesira from secular court?
    So if they are taking credit for this psak what are they waiting for.
    How can they take credit and at the same time not follow the psak which calls for withdrawing all court cases???
    And they want your vote!!!!!

  • Heightser

    to toishav cheshbon

    why are you resorting to soviet tactics??? concentrate on the issues on hand don’t try to deflect legitimate criticism by pointing out vocabulary and punctuation errors ?d the stamp was crookedly place on the envelope. let’s keep the dialogue on the high road. by the way, haven’t you heard about e writing? yu don’t have to adhere to the rules when yu use a computer for internet/email

  • Neighbor

    To Cheshbon, nebula, etc.

    What physical ailments? there you go again, diverting from the real issue by throwing fecal matter around. This was a peaceful intelligent dialogue until the likes of you showed up. I realize that some people have the need to be controversial and always looking for a fight, please take those characteristics to another site, thank you

  • Goodbye

    To Hello,

    I believe the petioning party has to remove their complaint from court before the Vaad can take any action. Check you sources for accuracy before you make accusations.

  • Sechel Hayoshor NS

    May I suggest no suggestions (regarding how and who relating to the forthcoming elections) to the public. Thats why we had the Din Torah. If anyone thinks he has a great suggestion should forward that to the Rabanim and the Rabanim will decide.

  • mesira

    anyone who’s buissness is mesira should be disqualified.
    Poltrak’s business is pure messira, chdidda is a mosor, kedaner publishes VERY non tznius magazines so they all should be BANNED from running.

  • Words have power, Neighbor and Heightser

    Dear “Neighbor” and “Heightser”:

    To quote “Toishav’s” latest post:
    “Thank you for bringing to attention the hidden meaning of my post about Katzman’s letter…a faint opacity in the cornea, cloudiness in the urine.”

    The use of that wording was Toishav’s choice, not mine.

    TOISHAV is the one who resorted to such low references, by his/her choices of wording.

    I was merely pointing out that Toishev should know whereof he/she speaks, before choosing what fancy words to include. We are taught in Chassidus that words have power. I think, at least in Toishav’s case, plainer, less nebulous (not ”nebulas“!) language would have been in order.

    Also, from Toishav, less nasty language would have been in order.

    ANYWAY, Rabbi Katzman was not anonymous, and thus was kind enough to provide his name, as the author of the Op-Ed. SO, if Toishav needs clarification about the nuances, quantifications, etc. of Rabbi Katzman’s points, why doesn’t Toishav just contact Rabbi Katzman directly???

    Toishav can question the clarity, etc. of Rabbi Katzman’s writing. But I can’t question the clarity, correctness, etc. of Toishav’s writing? Come on, now! Some people are a little oversensitive that they might be caught making a fool of themselves in their writing!

    This isn’t about ”stamps on envelopes;“ it’s about words, which we all know have power. If I was misusing Ivrit or Yiddish, I’m sure there’d be scores of writers here to correct me. And that would be a favor to me, not something for me to attack.

    Heightser: As for e-writing supposedly not needing correct spelling, grammar, etc. — that’s only for text messages, where the character count is limited.

    A blog is different. So are most other kinds of ”e-writing“. Quit the cop-out pathetic defenses: correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are not just for hand-written letters, and you know it.

    Speaking of the ”high road“, take your own advice and keep your references to ”Soviet,“ and your ”fecal matter” to yourself. Words have power, and it’s high time we Lubavitchers behaved in line with this teaching.

  • Heightser

    To Cheshbon, nebula, etc.

    That is exactly what Toshav did, since you are either thick or acting clueless I’ll spell it out for you. Toshav used the thesaurus of quantify correctly and let’s quote him “quantify – use as a quantifier
    logic – the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference
    specify, fix, limit, set, determine, define – decide upon or fix definitely; “fix the variables”; “specify the parameters” as well as and I quote him ” Logic To limit the variables of (a proposition) by prefixing an operator such as all or some”. I hope it isn’t to deep for your limited scope of depth and attention span but if you would have understood what you read this whole lenghty discussion would have been avoidable.

    Nu, zohl shoen zain vee ich zug,

    Kol Tuv

  • Toshav Hashchunah

    To Words have power, Neighbor and Heightser wrote

    Are you not confusing Toishav a- cheshbon with Toshav Hshchuna???

    The words you quote weren’t mine, they were Toishav a-Cheshbon’s words.

    Ulgoofoi shel inyan: stop playing games about grammar punctuation and vocabulary. I asked a legitimate question and as of yet have not received any reasonable answer whatsoever. How about it.

  • to Goodbye

    “Goodbye wrote:
    To Hello,

    I believe the petioning party has to remove their complaint from court before the Vaad can take any action. Check you sources for accuracy before you make accusations.
    04/21/10 – 15:38 -”

    You are another one who needs to get with the facts. And you “Check you sources for accuracy before you make accusations”.

    The petitioning party, i.e. Rabbi Plotkin, Tzvi Lang and Yanky Sufrin have withdrawn their petition to the court on December 30th 2009. To my count this happened over three and a half months ago.

    However the guys that you support which entered a vicious Mesira against the Rabbonim & the old Vaad Hakohol refused to withdraw, and they still didn’t withdraw as you yourself admit. Except your false reason blaming it on the other side is just that, false.

    Before you show off your ignorance, post something please check the facts

  • Hello

    To Goodbye

    Lets not forget the great favor they did to the neighborhood by sending subpoenas to the stores and the Gmach which virtually destroyed the Gmach forever.

    Thank you peace loving Vaad Hakohol

  • snag

    Toshav Haschunah

    The Maamar Mordechai, Orchos Yosher, Kaf hachayim, Yabia Omer and Mishna Berura all say there is no prohibition.

    It’s a mistake taken from the 3 weeks.

  • In The Know

    nice try but they have to remove their petition WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Not a continuance

  • Goodbye

    sorry Mr Hello, the mosrim are those that went to court to stopthe electiond. You want to play the messirah card? then you have to explain in detail why you wentto court and with a fraudulent petition. When you have done that then you will understand that the Vaqad’s countersuit was not a mesirah. You are the typical Kazak hanigzal. be a man and admit it

  • Toshav Hashchunah

    To Snag
    Toshav Haschunah

    The Maamar Mordechai, Orchos Yosher, Kaf hachayim, Yabia Omer and Mishna Berura all say there is no prohibition.

    It’s a mistake taken from the 3 weeks

    Sorry, I’m in the office, no seforim but if my memory does not fail me, Rabbeinu Yerucham, Orchos Chaim, the Yosef Ometz brings from his Rebbe the Trumes Hadeshen that you shouldn’t. Of course there is no prohibition, we are talking about minhag. What the poskim you brought mean is that there is no issur M’DINAH and those who mistakenly think it’s assur m’dinah are mixing it up with bein hametzarim. In any event, the nohagin sheloi levarech shehecheyanu bimay Ha’omer is brought in Rishonim.

    B’birchas Hatorah

  • I don-t know only what I read

    To: “In The Know wrote:
    nice try but they have to remove their petition WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Not a continuance”

    There you go again, the two complaints in court submitted by Rubashkin, Plotkin, Sufrin and Lang, which were vacated by stipulation on Dec. 30, 2009, clearly state “that the above entitled proceeding be and same is hereby discontinued without prejudice”.

    Nice try.
    To: “Goodbye wrote:
    sorry Mr Hello, the mosrim are those that went to court to stopthe electiond. You want to play the messirah card? then you have to explain in detail why you wentto court and with a fraudulent petition. When you have done that then you will understand that the Vaqad’s countersuit was not a mesirah. You are the typical Kazak hanigzal. be a man and admit it”

    1) without going into your diatribe about who is the Mosser, the fact remains that the Psak ordered the complete withdrawal of all court case. (I guess it’s) your side, are the only ones who didn’t do it.

    2) Going to court to stop an election via TRO, is not considered a Mesira by any stretch of the imagination, or by any Halachic authority. However if you go to court to accuse anyone with laundering money, and calling Rabbonim a gang of criminals reminiscent of Chicago circa 1920 which is to be dealt with under the RICCO stature, and Massering on Gmachim and storekeepers of processing laundered money, is (what do you call that?) plain and simple Mesira. And this is what you are defending.

    I would have hoped that you(r side?) are interested in promoting Sholom, this is what they are screaming from all the rooftops. So my advice to you is to just follow the Psak, at least to the letter, (if you are unable to follow it in spirit as well,) and stop digging up the old stuff, which was supposedly covered at the Din Torah, and was ruled on, by a Psak.